19 min

Peace, God’s Blessings, Ep75 WHISpers Podcast

    • Christianity

My sisters and brothers, our podcast song is called, ‘Peace, God’s Blessings’. Today’s podcast brings us to the closing of this part of our journey with WHISpers podcast. This podcast is episode 79, and through God’s Word, prayers, and our witnessing from a total of 89 of our spiritual songs, God truly has blessed us with having you, in our family of faith, united in the family of God! Still, all things must come to an end, and only one thing remains, love, love for God, and love for each other. Our ministry is going through a transformation. What this entails we don’t know, only the Lord knows. When we need to know, He will tell us and the Holy Spirit of God will lead us. I’ve had these inner feelings many times in my life, and I recognize the signs. It seems that when ever my inner soul starts to grieve, with no reasons existing, I know what ever mission I am part of, that soon I will no longer be part of, for that part of my journey will come to an end. This is where WHISpers podcast is, for WHISpers podcast is ending in the same way it came into existence, with the Holy Spirit in control. My soul rejoices in what God has done for me. This is very exciting you know, it’s an exciting moment when you’re living for God through the Holy Spirit in you.
I remember the time I worked as waitress, I loved my job so much. Then one day out of no where, I felt my inner soul start to grieve, I didn’t understand it, yet somehow without any reasons, I felt my job was coming to an end, and this feeling stayed with me for a little more than a week, I couldn’t shake that grieving. Then I came into work one day, and the place was closed down. I had no job. I took a step back and realized I was not saddened by this sudden event, I understood and realized that Holy Spirit was in control of me. He had already prepared me, and all I was able to feel was this awesome great joy going through me. My soul rejoiced in what God has done for me.
My sisters and brothers, do you recognize inner spiritual changes in your life? Can you recognize the promptings of the Holy Spirit’s leading, teaching, speaking to your soul? When our soul experiences Spiritual grieving, it is not the same as when our human bodies experience a loss of a loved one. Just as with God’s Spiritual joy, this joy is not the same as human joy, which is felt only through happy times. Right? Spiritual Joy is felt through all times, deep inside your whole being. Spiritual grieving and Spiritual joy, goes beyond any human experiences. My friends, words can not explain supernatural where a human mind would understand. It is like entering into God’s world, your body maybe in this world but your soul is in God’s world, for the Holy Spirit carries out God’s work in you. The Holy Spirit is mysterious, and is my most precious friend. At Baptism, the Holy Spirit first makes his entrance into the human soul, for it is at that Sacred moment, when the Holy Spirit is mysteriously embodied in the human soul. My friends, that is something to ponder.
My sisters and brothers, what ever you do in life, be opened, to the source of all holy inspirations. As we wait on the Holy Spirit to lead us in our ministry, we will continue to pray for you, always. We hope these episodes have strengthen your relationship with our Lord, as it has for us, and may you and I continue to Glorify the Lord in our own lives. God bless you my dear friends. Amen.

My sisters and brothers, our podcast song is called, ‘Peace, God’s Blessings’. Today’s podcast brings us to the closing of this part of our journey with WHISpers podcast. This podcast is episode 79, and through God’s Word, prayers, and our witnessing from a total of 89 of our spiritual songs, God truly has blessed us with having you, in our family of faith, united in the family of God! Still, all things must come to an end, and only one thing remains, love, love for God, and love for each other. Our ministry is going through a transformation. What this entails we don’t know, only the Lord knows. When we need to know, He will tell us and the Holy Spirit of God will lead us. I’ve had these inner feelings many times in my life, and I recognize the signs. It seems that when ever my inner soul starts to grieve, with no reasons existing, I know what ever mission I am part of, that soon I will no longer be part of, for that part of my journey will come to an end. This is where WHISpers podcast is, for WHISpers podcast is ending in the same way it came into existence, with the Holy Spirit in control. My soul rejoices in what God has done for me. This is very exciting you know, it’s an exciting moment when you’re living for God through the Holy Spirit in you.
I remember the time I worked as waitress, I loved my job so much. Then one day out of no where, I felt my inner soul start to grieve, I didn’t understand it, yet somehow without any reasons, I felt my job was coming to an end, and this feeling stayed with me for a little more than a week, I couldn’t shake that grieving. Then I came into work one day, and the place was closed down. I had no job. I took a step back and realized I was not saddened by this sudden event, I understood and realized that Holy Spirit was in control of me. He had already prepared me, and all I was able to feel was this awesome great joy going through me. My soul rejoiced in what God has done for me.
My sisters and brothers, do you recognize inner spiritual changes in your life? Can you recognize the promptings of the Holy Spirit’s leading, teaching, speaking to your soul? When our soul experiences Spiritual grieving, it is not the same as when our human bodies experience a loss of a loved one. Just as with God’s Spiritual joy, this joy is not the same as human joy, which is felt only through happy times. Right? Spiritual Joy is felt through all times, deep inside your whole being. Spiritual grieving and Spiritual joy, goes beyond any human experiences. My friends, words can not explain supernatural where a human mind would understand. It is like entering into God’s world, your body maybe in this world but your soul is in God’s world, for the Holy Spirit carries out God’s work in you. The Holy Spirit is mysterious, and is my most precious friend. At Baptism, the Holy Spirit first makes his entrance into the human soul, for it is at that Sacred moment, when the Holy Spirit is mysteriously embodied in the human soul. My friends, that is something to ponder.
My sisters and brothers, what ever you do in life, be opened, to the source of all holy inspirations. As we wait on the Holy Spirit to lead us in our ministry, we will continue to pray for you, always. We hope these episodes have strengthen your relationship with our Lord, as it has for us, and may you and I continue to Glorify the Lord in our own lives. God bless you my dear friends. Amen.

19 min