17 min

Redefining Reality: Radical Jesus Can I get an Amen Podcast

    • Christianity

Welcome back everyone! I'm beyond excited to welcome you to a brand new era of our podcast journey. Today, I'm thrilled to share the mic with Hunter Conrad and The Redeemed Podcast as we take a leap into the Redefined Reality: Redefining Reality series.

A few weeks back, Hunter and I felt a calling to move our podcasts in a different direction. We've always felt the need to use our platforms to share God's love through Jesus, and His Word, but this time around, we're diving into a whole new vision.

"Redefining Reality: Radical Jesus" – our joint venture into exploring profound aspects of our faith. In this kickoff episode, we're unpacking the purpose and vision behind this exciting shift. What's got us excited is this constant theme the Lord has been teaching us: seeing our reality through the lens of acknowledging God's ever-present existence in our daily lives. A verse that's been our guiding light is John 17:3, reminding us that eternal life is about knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ. We look to dive into the hope that we may see Jesus rightly.

We're passionate about challenging the misconceptions within American Christianity, especially the idea that eternal life is a distant future in heaven. We believe it's something we can experience now, fostering a genuine relationship with the Father through the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Towards the end, we reflect on the hopes and visions of The Redemption Podcast and Can I Get an Amen Podcast – Together, we're aiming to redefine reality, inviting you to taste and see the radical Jesus, open your eyes and ears to His presence, and break free from the lies and strongholds.

So, join us on this journey as we challenge the norms of Americanized Christianity, encouraging believers to embrace a faith journey marked by authenticity, obedience, and a genuine awe of God. I can't wait to see where this collaboration takes us, and I hope you're as excited as we are for the episodes ahead.

Stay tuned, and let's redefine reality together.

To His Glory.

Verses Included:

John 17:3

John 8 (reference)

Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-6)

Quotes Included:

John Mark Comer's quote on being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what He did.

Can I Get An Amen Podcast

Instagram: @Canigetanamen_podcast



Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-get-an-amen-podcast/id1521289650

Redemption Podcast

Instagram: Redemption.podcast


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7a0NTMkFQE4osILf6nHVl1?si=b9119f22f43c4b4a



Welcome back everyone! I'm beyond excited to welcome you to a brand new era of our podcast journey. Today, I'm thrilled to share the mic with Hunter Conrad and The Redeemed Podcast as we take a leap into the Redefined Reality: Redefining Reality series.

A few weeks back, Hunter and I felt a calling to move our podcasts in a different direction. We've always felt the need to use our platforms to share God's love through Jesus, and His Word, but this time around, we're diving into a whole new vision.

"Redefining Reality: Radical Jesus" – our joint venture into exploring profound aspects of our faith. In this kickoff episode, we're unpacking the purpose and vision behind this exciting shift. What's got us excited is this constant theme the Lord has been teaching us: seeing our reality through the lens of acknowledging God's ever-present existence in our daily lives. A verse that's been our guiding light is John 17:3, reminding us that eternal life is about knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ. We look to dive into the hope that we may see Jesus rightly.

We're passionate about challenging the misconceptions within American Christianity, especially the idea that eternal life is a distant future in heaven. We believe it's something we can experience now, fostering a genuine relationship with the Father through the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Towards the end, we reflect on the hopes and visions of The Redemption Podcast and Can I Get an Amen Podcast – Together, we're aiming to redefine reality, inviting you to taste and see the radical Jesus, open your eyes and ears to His presence, and break free from the lies and strongholds.

So, join us on this journey as we challenge the norms of Americanized Christianity, encouraging believers to embrace a faith journey marked by authenticity, obedience, and a genuine awe of God. I can't wait to see where this collaboration takes us, and I hope you're as excited as we are for the episodes ahead.

Stay tuned, and let's redefine reality together.

To His Glory.

Verses Included:

John 17:3

John 8 (reference)

Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-6)

Quotes Included:

John Mark Comer's quote on being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what He did.

Can I Get An Amen Podcast

Instagram: @Canigetanamen_podcast



Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-get-an-amen-podcast/id1521289650

Redemption Podcast

Instagram: Redemption.podcast


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7a0NTMkFQE4osILf6nHVl1?si=b9119f22f43c4b4a



17 min