38 min

SE2 E05 Kurt Borg Markapaġna

    • Books

Rachel Baldacchino tidħol fi djalogu ma’ Kurt Borg dwar il-ġabra ta’ novelli ‘Mhux Nies’ ta’ Jean Paul Borg, jiddiskutu l-karattri varji u distinti f’din il-ġabra, it-taqbida kontinwa f’din il-ġabra bejn dak li jagħmel lill-umani nies jew le, u r-relevanza tal-ġabra bħalissa, sitt snin wara l-pubblikazzjoni tagħha.

Kurt Borg huwa lettur fl-Università ta’ Malta. Huwa ggradwa b’dottorat fil-Filosofija u l-Istudji Umanistiċi mill-Università ta’ Staffordshire, b’riċerka dwar l-etika u l-politika tan-narrazzjoni tat-trawma f’kuntesti istituzzjonali. Fost oqsma oħra, jispeċjalizza fit-teorija poststrutturalista, partikolament fix-xogħol ta’ Michel Foucault u Judith Butler, u juża xogħolhom biex jistudja fenomeni bħall-identità, il-poter soċjali u r-reżistenza. Ippublika bosta kapitli u artikli f’kotba u ġurnali akkademiċi. Għandu għal qalbu l-ġeneru tal-esej, u bħalissa qed jaħdem fuq ġabra ta’ esejs dwar temi varji, fosthom il-memorja, il-vulnerabbiltà u l-ġeneru.

Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju:

Jean Paul Borg, ‘Mhux Nies’ (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2016)


Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’


Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday.

Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur https://ktieb.org.mt/.


Rachel Baldacchino dialogues with Kurt Borg on Jean Paul Borg’s short-story collection Mhux Nies, they discuss the various and distinct characters of this collection, the continous battle between what makes us human or otherwise, and the relevance of this collection, six years after its publication.

Kurt Borg is a lecturer at the University of Malta. He obtained a doctorate in Philosophy and Humanistic Studies at the University of Staffordshire, with a research on ethics and the politics of narration of trauma in institutional contexts. Among other areas, he specialises in post-structuralist theory, particularly in Michel Foucalt’s and Judith Butler’s work, and uses their work to study phenomenons such as identity, social power and resistance. He published various chapters and articles in academics books and journals. He is fond of the essay genre, and currently is working on an anthology of essays on various themes, such as memory, vulnerability and gender.

Books discussed in this episode:

Jean Paul Borg, ‘Mhux Nies’ (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2016)


Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’


Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday.

Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​https://ktieb.org.mt/.

Rachel Baldacchino tidħol fi djalogu ma’ Kurt Borg dwar il-ġabra ta’ novelli ‘Mhux Nies’ ta’ Jean Paul Borg, jiddiskutu l-karattri varji u distinti f’din il-ġabra, it-taqbida kontinwa f’din il-ġabra bejn dak li jagħmel lill-umani nies jew le, u r-relevanza tal-ġabra bħalissa, sitt snin wara l-pubblikazzjoni tagħha.

Kurt Borg huwa lettur fl-Università ta’ Malta. Huwa ggradwa b’dottorat fil-Filosofija u l-Istudji Umanistiċi mill-Università ta’ Staffordshire, b’riċerka dwar l-etika u l-politika tan-narrazzjoni tat-trawma f’kuntesti istituzzjonali. Fost oqsma oħra, jispeċjalizza fit-teorija poststrutturalista, partikolament fix-xogħol ta’ Michel Foucault u Judith Butler, u juża xogħolhom biex jistudja fenomeni bħall-identità, il-poter soċjali u r-reżistenza. Ippublika bosta kapitli u artikli f’kotba u ġurnali akkademiċi. Għandu għal qalbu l-ġeneru tal-esej, u bħalissa qed jaħdem fuq ġabra ta’ esejs dwar temi varji, fosthom il-memorja, il-vulnerabbiltà u l-ġeneru.

Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju:

Jean Paul Borg, ‘Mhux Nies’ (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2016)


Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’


Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday.

Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur https://ktieb.org.mt/.


Rachel Baldacchino dialogues with Kurt Borg on Jean Paul Borg’s short-story collection Mhux Nies, they discuss the various and distinct characters of this collection, the continous battle between what makes us human or otherwise, and the relevance of this collection, six years after its publication.

Kurt Borg is a lecturer at the University of Malta. He obtained a doctorate in Philosophy and Humanistic Studies at the University of Staffordshire, with a research on ethics and the politics of narration of trauma in institutional contexts. Among other areas, he specialises in post-structuralist theory, particularly in Michel Foucalt’s and Judith Butler’s work, and uses their work to study phenomenons such as identity, social power and resistance. He published various chapters and articles in academics books and journals. He is fond of the essay genre, and currently is working on an anthology of essays on various themes, such as memory, vulnerability and gender.

Books discussed in this episode:

Jean Paul Borg, ‘Mhux Nies’ (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2016)


Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’


Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday.

Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​https://ktieb.org.mt/.

38 min