37 min

SE2 E07 Loranne Vella Markapaġna

    • Books

Rachel Baldacchino tiddiskuti ma’ Loranne Vella r-rumanz ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’ (Buġelli, 1984), it-tliet ġenerazzjonijiet imsemmija, il-Malti użat li jmur lura fiż-żmien li ta lil Vella l-għodda biex tindirizza kwistjonijiet li jinteressawha, u r-relazzjoni tal-bniedem mal-annimal.

Loranne Vella, Maltija li tgħix Brussell hija kittieba, traduttriċi u performer. Bejn l-2007 u l-2009 kitbet it-tliet kotba tat-‘Triloġija tal-Fiddien’ ma’ Simon Bartolo. Kull volum rebaħ il-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb. ‘Rokit’ kien l-ewwel rumanz ta’ Vella għall-adulti, ippubblikat minn Merlin Publishers, f’Marzu 2017 li ntlaqa’ tajjeb ħafna kemm mill-kritiċi u anke mill-pubbliku, u rebaħ il-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb fl-2018. Vella qalbet għall-Malti għadd ta’ kotba għat-tfal, fosthom tnejn li rebħu l-premju Terramaxka fl-2015 u l-2016. L-aħħar rumanz tagħha ‘Marta Marta’ ġie ppubblikat minn Ede Books fl-2022.

Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju:

Paul P. Borg, ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’, (Buġelli, 1984)


Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’


Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday.

Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur https://ktieb.org.mt/.


Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Loranne Vella the novel ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’ (Buġelli, 1984), the three generations mentioned, the old Maltese used that gave Vella the language to tackle issues that interest her, and the relationship between humankind and animals.

Loranne Vella lives in Brussels, is a Maltese writer, translator and performer. Between 2007 and 2009 she co-wrote the three volumes of ‘It-Triloġija tal-Fiddien’ with Simon Bartolo. Each won the National Book Prize. ‘Rokit’ (Merlin Publishers, 2017) was her first novel for adults and won the National Book Prize. Vella has also translated several books for children, two of which won the Terramaxka National Children’s Books Prize in 2015 and 2016. She then issued a collection of short stories, ‘mill-bieb ’il ġewwa’ (Ede Books, 2019 that was translated to English under the title ‘what will it take for me to leave’ (Praspar Press, 2021). Vella translated various children’s books, two of which won the Terramaxka National Children’s Books Prize in 2015 and 2016. Her latest work is the novel ‘Marta Marta’ (Ede Books, 2022).

Books discussed in this episode:

Paul P. Borg, ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’, (Buġelli, 1984)


Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’


Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday.

Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​https://ktieb.org.mt/.

Rachel Baldacchino tiddiskuti ma’ Loranne Vella r-rumanz ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’ (Buġelli, 1984), it-tliet ġenerazzjonijiet imsemmija, il-Malti użat li jmur lura fiż-żmien li ta lil Vella l-għodda biex tindirizza kwistjonijiet li jinteressawha, u r-relazzjoni tal-bniedem mal-annimal.

Loranne Vella, Maltija li tgħix Brussell hija kittieba, traduttriċi u performer. Bejn l-2007 u l-2009 kitbet it-tliet kotba tat-‘Triloġija tal-Fiddien’ ma’ Simon Bartolo. Kull volum rebaħ il-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb. ‘Rokit’ kien l-ewwel rumanz ta’ Vella għall-adulti, ippubblikat minn Merlin Publishers, f’Marzu 2017 li ntlaqa’ tajjeb ħafna kemm mill-kritiċi u anke mill-pubbliku, u rebaħ il-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb fl-2018. Vella qalbet għall-Malti għadd ta’ kotba għat-tfal, fosthom tnejn li rebħu l-premju Terramaxka fl-2015 u l-2016. L-aħħar rumanz tagħha ‘Marta Marta’ ġie ppubblikat minn Ede Books fl-2022.

Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju:

Paul P. Borg, ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’, (Buġelli, 1984)


Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’


Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday.

Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur https://ktieb.org.mt/.


Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Loranne Vella the novel ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’ (Buġelli, 1984), the three generations mentioned, the old Maltese used that gave Vella the language to tackle issues that interest her, and the relationship between humankind and animals.

Loranne Vella lives in Brussels, is a Maltese writer, translator and performer. Between 2007 and 2009 she co-wrote the three volumes of ‘It-Triloġija tal-Fiddien’ with Simon Bartolo. Each won the National Book Prize. ‘Rokit’ (Merlin Publishers, 2017) was her first novel for adults and won the National Book Prize. Vella has also translated several books for children, two of which won the Terramaxka National Children’s Books Prize in 2015 and 2016. She then issued a collection of short stories, ‘mill-bieb ’il ġewwa’ (Ede Books, 2019 that was translated to English under the title ‘what will it take for me to leave’ (Praspar Press, 2021). Vella translated various children’s books, two of which won the Terramaxka National Children’s Books Prize in 2015 and 2016. Her latest work is the novel ‘Marta Marta’ (Ede Books, 2022).

Books discussed in this episode:

Paul P. Borg, ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’, (Buġelli, 1984)


Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’


Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday.

Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​https://ktieb.org.mt/.

37 min