The Generosity of Our Partners Produces Thanksgiving White Fields Ministry

    • Christianity

The donations we receive are used to support the ministry of churches that generously respond to needy people. When Impoverished families receive the blessing of modest gifts of kindness, it causes them to celebrate in thanks to our heavenly Father. The delivery of these gifts is made in Jesus’ name.

God has promised that he will provide for people who give to meet the needs of others less fortunate. He rewards our good works as Christians by providing what we need to accomplish more good works.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written, “He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.”  – 2 Corinthians 9:8-9

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.2 Corinthians 9:10

God could easily supply for the needy and the impoverished directly from his storehouse without our participation. Consider how God provided for the Israelites with Manna – and when they complained about the lack of meat, God sent Quail into their camp. When they were thirsty, He caused water to gush forth out of a rock.

God Uses Us to Deliver His Provisions

God introduces us to his beautiful cycle of receiving glory through our participation in the ministry of generosity. God supplies our needs. He provides the seed to sow, and He gives the rain to make that seed grow into plants producing vegetables and fruits so we can reap the harvest. From the produce, we harvest we are given the privilege to use some for our family’s sustenance, and we donate some so that we provide for the needs of those impoverished so that God will receive thanksgiving.

But that is not the end of the cycle. After the needy gives thanks to God, God replenishes our assets to repeat the cycle. In this way, we multiply the worship and thanksgiving to God. We thank him when we reap our harvest; we donate to help those less fortunate, and they thank God for the believers who supply for them. Then we thank God that he blesses our ministry, and we are again provided the seed we need to sow and reap another crop—over and over again, God receives praise for his provisions.

God introduces his principle in agricultural terms, but it is true in whatever occupation you use to earn your living. Remember that it is God who gives you the strength and knowledge to perform your job and earn your paycheck.

Following are just a few examples from our monthly reports provided by our pastors.

Pastor Jerry – Philippines shares about one community he serves:

The fathers are usually fisherman who are away for one to three months to fish. During these times, food in the family is scarce, despite the mother attempting to make a meager amount of money last. Sometimes they primarily eat gathered plants as vegetables. So, we bring cooked food for the children in addition to the spiritual food. The leaders share some, and we budget funds to provide healthy, nutritious food for the children. Financially, we can feed the kids once a week.

The donations we receive are used to support the ministry of churches that generously respond to needy people. When Impoverished families receive the blessing of modest gifts of kindness, it causes them to celebrate in thanks to our heavenly Father. The delivery of these gifts is made in Jesus’ name.

God has promised that he will provide for people who give to meet the needs of others less fortunate. He rewards our good works as Christians by providing what we need to accomplish more good works.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written, “He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.”  – 2 Corinthians 9:8-9

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.2 Corinthians 9:10

God could easily supply for the needy and the impoverished directly from his storehouse without our participation. Consider how God provided for the Israelites with Manna – and when they complained about the lack of meat, God sent Quail into their camp. When they were thirsty, He caused water to gush forth out of a rock.

God Uses Us to Deliver His Provisions

God introduces us to his beautiful cycle of receiving glory through our participation in the ministry of generosity. God supplies our needs. He provides the seed to sow, and He gives the rain to make that seed grow into plants producing vegetables and fruits so we can reap the harvest. From the produce, we harvest we are given the privilege to use some for our family’s sustenance, and we donate some so that we provide for the needs of those impoverished so that God will receive thanksgiving.

But that is not the end of the cycle. After the needy gives thanks to God, God replenishes our assets to repeat the cycle. In this way, we multiply the worship and thanksgiving to God. We thank him when we reap our harvest; we donate to help those less fortunate, and they thank God for the believers who supply for them. Then we thank God that he blesses our ministry, and we are again provided the seed we need to sow and reap another crop—over and over again, God receives praise for his provisions.

God introduces his principle in agricultural terms, but it is true in whatever occupation you use to earn your living. Remember that it is God who gives you the strength and knowledge to perform your job and earn your paycheck.

Following are just a few examples from our monthly reports provided by our pastors.

Pastor Jerry – Philippines shares about one community he serves:

The fathers are usually fisherman who are away for one to three months to fish. During these times, food in the family is scarce, despite the mother attempting to make a meager amount of money last. Sometimes they primarily eat gathered plants as vegetables. So, we bring cooked food for the children in addition to the spiritual food. The leaders share some, and we budget funds to provide healthy, nutritious food for the children. Financially, we can feed the kids once a week.