56 episodes

The Ownstream podcast aims to reveal to a wide audience the dynamic new paradigms emerging in the areas of lifestyle, business and spirit via highly intimate portraits of people creating and living these exciting new modalities. Topics include: digital nomads, lifestyle entrepreneurs, tiny houses, minimalism, whole foods diets and healing, law of attraction, travel, road schooling, and more. Ownstream seeks to empower individuals with information and tools to broaden their perspectives, choose their own paths, and live more abundantly, richly, and free. Find out more at: http://ownstream.co

The Ownstream Podcast: New Paradigms For Limitless Living Stephen Shelley & Theresa Sgobba: Lifestyle Entrepreneurs

    • Education

The Ownstream podcast aims to reveal to a wide audience the dynamic new paradigms emerging in the areas of lifestyle, business and spirit via highly intimate portraits of people creating and living these exciting new modalities. Topics include: digital nomads, lifestyle entrepreneurs, tiny houses, minimalism, whole foods diets and healing, law of attraction, travel, road schooling, and more. Ownstream seeks to empower individuals with information and tools to broaden their perspectives, choose their own paths, and live more abundantly, richly, and free. Find out more at: http://ownstream.co

    OS68: Ty Bollinger - The Truth About Cancer and The Health Care Matrix

    OS68: Ty Bollinger - The Truth About Cancer and The Health Care Matrix

    In one significant way, Ty Bollinger is like almost all of us. He lost someone he loved very dearly to cancer. His father. In the following decade, Ty lost 6 more of his family members to cancer, including his mother. Like many of us, Ty found it hard to believe that the standard medical response his father, mother and family received was the best or only solution possible. Impassioned, he took action, and began diligently to research alternatives. Learning of the body's true power to heal itself, the natural remedies that successfully support this healing, and the profit motives driving the medical system's myopic and often ineffective approach, Ty became a revolutionary, with a mission to reveal to others these truths about cancer, and to put an end to this pandemic disease. His search took him across the country and around the world, speaking with hundreds of practitioners who have successfully used alternative cancer treatments, and people who have reversed their cancers - all kinds of cancers - using unconventional methods. These approaches, he found, have been unaccepted and actually suppressed by the mainstream healthcare system. Driven to share the truth about cancer and empower others to prevent and heal the disease, for themselves and their loved ones, Ty compiled everything he had learned into a book, and then a series of documentaries. Expanding upon everything he learned about the pharmaceutical industry and cancer, Ty recently created and released a related documentary called The Truth About Vaccines. Ty is a force to be reckoned with, and he packs this interview with at times shocking and thoroughly life-saving information and stats about cancer, the standard medical approach and its alternatives. Maybe the most important and empowering truth about cancer explained in this interview? The body, if well cared for and supported, has the power to heal itself. Our deep thanks to Ty for his tireless passion, work and commitment to the truth. Enjoy. For more on this episode, plus the show notes, please visit https://ownstream.co/tybollinger

    • 1 hr 7 min
    OS67: Teresa Yanaros - Divine Contact and Service with Life Beyond Earth

    OS67: Teresa Yanaros - Divine Contact and Service with Life Beyond Earth

    Teresa Yanaros was born into life destined to unite in service with beings beyond Earth. Child of a military family stationed at RAF Woodbridge, England in the early 1980s, she grew up hearing stories about the Rendlesham Forest incident, one of the most famous UFO sightings in history worldwide. Over the years, Teresa would variously keep an open mind and resist this revelation, taking a fairly traditional path out of childhood into college, where she majored in journalism, then held a series of jobs. What remained constant, though was a quest for the truth. A turning point came when her father pointed her to a book, Journey of Souls, which documented a series of dramatically consistent stories of people's experiences between death and life--and the journey of consciousness that endures, lifetime to lifetime. For Teresa, the truth of these stories, and the vast depth of our consciousness that they revealed, could not be denied. She was awakened. With her mind cast wide open, Teresa began having supernatural experiences of her own. These experiences dramatically changed the course of her life. Teresa sold everything, quit her job, and began to write, speak and live the truth that was coming through her. She became a coach, and created a blog and YouTube channel to share her knowledge with the world. Also, Teresa now speaks regularly at conferences, and collaborates with major national movements, like the Full Disclosure Project, to spread the messages of spiritual awakening, disclosure, and the truth of our existence as consciousness. It is her mission in all her collaborations to empower others to awaken to their true, infinite power, and to join with the co-creative consciousness of the planet to manifest its positive future. Teresa is at once candid, humble and accessible; forceful and empowering; light and wise in her sharings and predictions for our future. Enjoy! For more on this episode, plus the show notes, please visit https://ownstream.co/teresayanaros

    • 1 hr 18 min
    OS66: Peta Kelly - Earth is Hiring, Our New Way to Live, Lead, Earn and Give

    OS66: Peta Kelly - Earth is Hiring, Our New Way to Live, Lead, Earn and Give

    What's the new way to live, lead, earn and give? Peta Kelly says it's simple -- and it begins and ends with our alignment. Peta always lived with a desire to serve others. Her interest in serving our collective health led her first to network marketing, where she sold Isagenix health products. Her belief in the product and magnificent hustle led her to become a millionaire through this business by age 26, when she retired her single mom, and began to launch her own businesses. She even launched herself on a worldwide speaking tour. Because as she began to create, powerful messages began to come to her, and to move through her human channel. She began speaking worldwide, and creating epic sh*t of her own. She also felt a call to help people change their "money story", something we discuss in-depth in this interview. Her most recent message, lovingly and powerfully laid out in her first book, released earlier this year, is that "Earth is Hiring." That there is a "New way to live, lead, earn and give for millenials and anyone who gives a sh*t." And it begins with raising our vibration to meet Mother Earth at her highest frequency and creative brilliance. We've got it wrong when we believe we need to save the Earth, Peta says. Mother Earth is a bad*ss creator - all she needs us to do is remember that we are, too, and rise up to meet her. She says the most important thing anyone can do to meet this collective calling now, as the world rushes toward transformation, is to put your alignment first. Stop doing sh*t you hate, and recreate your life to be and serve what you love. Live in your "tap". We have everything we need, all the time to flow effortlessly with nature, and to create infinite abundance, solutions and service for others. One of the (many) awesome things about Peta that comes through in this fun, power-packed, call-to-action of an interview is that she is human as f*ck. She is no guru, but an awakened human being who has aligned with her soul's purpose and opened her own tap to allow the flow of a powerful message that is within and resonant to all of us - human beings and magical creators in one.Be who you are, and the magic within you here and now will be effortless, Peta tells us. It might even raise the vibration and change the world. Enjoy! For more on this episode, plus the show notes, please visit https://ownstream.co/petakelly

    • 1 hr 5 min
    OS65: Gerry Powell - Recovering His Soul & Healing Addiction with Plant Medicine

    OS65: Gerry Powell - Recovering His Soul & Healing Addiction with Plant Medicine

    Gerard Armond Powell ("Gerry") has always been an all-or-nothing kind of guy. To say he had an addictive personality is a gross understatement. Drugs, women, alcohol, money....you name it. Every vice known to man has written a chapter in his colorful life story. And for many years, each of these chapters had a very dark - and often catastrophic – ending. That is, until he found plant medicine. During his first ceremony, he had a chat with...the moon (of course). The moon - perhaps a vehicle for his higher self - laid out an entirely new vision for Gerry's life, and how specifically he was to help others recover from addiction using plant medicine and other powerful healing modalities. Most importantly, as Gerry describes it, that night he was reconnected with his soul. The gap between he and his true Self that he had tried so hard to fill with drugs, women, alcohol and anything else he could get his hands on, had been closed and healed. He emerged reborn. Incredibly, the guidance he received during this first ceremony played out mostly to the letter. He has since founded and runs the Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica helping hundreds of others to close the gap, reconnect with their soul and find peace, healing and recovery on the other side. In this interview, learn all about Gerry's story, including the specifics on what happened during his first experience with plant medicine, his epic encounter with the moon, his transformative healing work at Rythmia and his vision for how plants can change the world. His dramatic transformation and utter authenticity are certain to inspire anyone seeking the truth about life and our relationship with God and the natural world. Enjoy! For more on this episode, plus the show notes, please visit https://ownstream.co/gerrypowell

    • 1 hr 6 min
    OS64: Jason Moore - Location Independence as a Way of Life

    OS64: Jason Moore - Location Independence as a Way of Life

    When asking how our lives might look different if we were to follow our hearts and dreams, so many of us point to travel. For most of us, travel represents freedom in one way or another - the ability to do whatever we want to, go wherever we want to, whenever we want to do it. But many of us never do it - or do it only in the limited, accepted, prescribed way - for a couple weeks of vacation a year, here or there. We feel confined to one place, limited by time, money, and location-dependent obligations. No so for Jason Moore. After college, Jason longed to travel - to take off in the spirit of adventure. Despite $20,000 in student loan debt, Jason took a leap of faith that he could support himself on the road, and took off. What he found on his way was that many of the mind stories that stop us from traveling are actually made up of myths. That is, it’s not actually impossible to make money while traveling - in fact, he was able to pay off his student loans while traveling and working on the road. Jason’s own experience learning how to travel and experience freedom and location independence soon became his passion to serve and help others. Along the way, he partnered up with fellow traveler and friend, Travis Sherry, and created an online community, “Location Indie”, for people living this so-called alternative lifestyle. Jason comes through in this interview as a down-to-earth, warm, and easy-going guy, and also a deeply knowledgeable and experienced expert in the art of travel and freedom. Enjoy! For more on this episode, plus the show notes, please visit https://ownstream.co/jasonmoore

    • 1 hr 25 min
    OS63: Brandy Gillmore - Our Unlimited Power to Heal Chronic Pain

    OS63: Brandy Gillmore - Our Unlimited Power to Heal Chronic Pain

    Brandy Gillmore refused to take "no" for an answer. After a car accident and a fall that injured her spine, the former athlete was left bedridden with devastating, chronic pain throughout her body. She spent days - years - laying in bed, watching TV, with a constant morphine supply that couldn't even ease the pain, getting out of the house only to see doctors, and confined to a wheelchair. Determined to heal this pain, and live a full life, she simply could not - would not - believe what every doctor told her: that there was no solution to heal her condition. In the countless hours of research on health and healing she had done since her accident, she remembered reading many stories of people getting well just taking the placebo - that is, the inactive pill, the non-remedy, to provide a control group for the study of a treatment. What if the solution to her dilemma lay outside of the traditional system of health and healing in our society... and in her own mind? What if... she could heal herself? As we can see meeting and listening to the vibrant, healthy, powerful Brandy of today, the answer was a resounding - YES. Today, Brandy walks with ease, strength, and free from any pain or support, sharing her message of empowerment, and teaching others how to heal themselves too. In this extraordinary conversation, learn all about Brandy's journey from chronic pain and desperation to power, vitality and purpose. Even if you do not suffer from physical pain, Brandy's story confirms for all of us that we have the power to create our own well being, that consciousness is the true power, and that each of us has more of it than we could ever possibly need. Enjoy! For more on this episode, plus the show notes, please visit https://ownstream.co/brandygillmore

    • 1 hr 32 min

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