Trinity Sunday (5/30/21) – Garrett Yates Sermons from St. Anne's in-the-Fields

    • Christianity

“Imagine a Portrait Gallery approached you and wanted to capture your image
for posterity. How would you like to be portrayed? What picture of yourself
would you like others to see? And do you think that picture ties up at all
with the pictures others have of you? How would you be in this portrait?
Where would you be? What emotion, position, look would just capture you?”

“Imagine a Portrait Gallery approached you and wanted to capture your image
for posterity. How would you like to be portrayed? What picture of yourself
would you like others to see? And do you think that picture ties up at all
with the pictures others have of you? How would you be in this portrait?
Where would you be? What emotion, position, look would just capture you?”