9 episodes

The Girl Get Fundable podcast is based on the premise that we can only achieve true business success when we help other business owners grow and glow. This show is for female entrepreneurs looking to hear and share stories about the struggles, strategies and successes of building a business and business credit. Tune in and start the journey towards getting fundable!

Girl Get Fundable Josette Fleury

    • Business

The Girl Get Fundable podcast is based on the premise that we can only achieve true business success when we help other business owners grow and glow. This show is for female entrepreneurs looking to hear and share stories about the struggles, strategies and successes of building a business and business credit. Tune in and start the journey towards getting fundable!

    The Girl Get Fundable Journey

    The Girl Get Fundable Journey

    Imagine for a moment that you have total financial freedom. What could automated and instant approvals for $50k in business credit lines do for your business? On today’s #ladyJchat, host Josette Fleury is thrilled to introduce all of her #businesscreditbesties to the Girl Get Fundable Acceleration Course.
    Throughout this 6-module course, you will gain the tools and learn the strategies that you need to build, grow and scale your business credit FAST – nothing will be left out! In addition, this course includes bonus offerings such as the Journey to 850 ebook and prescreening for business finances! With your paid experience, Josette will report on your behalf to the business credit bureaus to spring your #businesscredit into action. You will be able to get all of that and MORE right now for 50% off!
    Your host Josette is looking forward to saving YOU from the struggles and pain points she experienced throughout her business credit journey. Tune into this week’s episode of Girl Get Fundable to learn more about what the Girl Get Fundable Acceleration Course has to offer you and your business!
    “The points you obtain with your business credit you can use towards travel or towards car rentals. These are perks you don’t want to miss out on!”  (05:08- 05:17)
    “In Module 2, we talk about building business credit worthiness. Being able to establish and understand business credit reports because that’s important to be able to read and understand it, and check on it periodically.” (09:08-09:20)  
    “You want to be able to see what all of your options are, so that way you can make the best decisions for you!” (12:05-12:13) 
    Follow us on social:
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/josette.iamsecuringmygems
    Clubhouse: www.clubhouse.com/@ladyfleur
    To get plugged into our community of Girl Get Fundable across the globe Join Our Girl Get Fundable Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/girlgetfundable
    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

    • 15 min
    The Art of Using Other People's Money

    The Art of Using Other People's Money

    #BusinessCredit is all about positioning yourself to get your business funded using other people’s money. On this week’s #ladyJchat, your host Josette Fleury will discuss the art of using other people’s money to your business’s advantage.
    First and foremost, borrowing money using #businesscredit ensures that your private assets are protected. Because business credit uses your business’s EIN number, your personal credit will remain unaffected if your business defaults. In addition, once you start establishing business credit and your score begins to rise, you can double your borrowing power. A solid business credit score will allow you to borrow twice as much as your personal credit will, which in turn enables you to get your projects, supplies, and more funded using other people’s money!
    In Josette’s professional opinion, there is no reason why business owners shouldn’t take advantage of the opportunity to get their business funded. Check out this week’s episode of Girl Get Fundable to learn more about how to turn your business credit score into business funds! 
    • “You want to be where you can not only obtain certain lines of credit, but also be able to get the types of credit that you can for your company at each stage.” (06:48- 7:00) 
    • “Understand that when you have the opportunity to use other people's money and structure your business correctly and be able to scale in your business, then you know you are doing something right.” (11:28- 11:41)
    • “Once you're able to generate that score and you have a great profile, you can borrow twice as much in business credit as you can in personal credit.” (13:53- 14:03) 
    • “Bosses are credible AND fundable!” (16:10-16:12) 
    Follow us on social:
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/josette.iamsecuringmygems
    Clubhouse: www.clubhouse.com/@ladyfleur
    To get plugged into our community of Girl Get Fundable across the globe Join Our Girl Get Fundable Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/girlgetfundable
    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

    • 16 min
    Secret #1: The Biggest Mistake You're Making and How to Change It

    Secret #1: The Biggest Mistake You're Making and How to Change It

    After learning about the ins and outs #businesscredit on our last few episodes, you are ready to start the process of getting your business funded! But there's just one problem...where should you start? 
    On this week’s #ladyJchat, host Josette Fleury shares her #1 secret to building business credit, so you can start the journey towards #gettingfundable with confidence. According to Josette, the biggest and most common mistake entrepreneurs make is not structuring their business properly. In order for banks and lenders to give you the funds you need, your business must be structured the correct way.  Making sure that your business is credible and searchable is key to opening a line of credit. Some of the things lenders and bankers will look for are an EIN number, a website address, an email, and a phone number all associated with your business.
    Tune in to this week’s episode of Girl Get Fundable to learn more about Josette’s #businesscreditsecrets, so you start leveraging #OPM (other people’s money!) to achieve the results you're looking for!
    • “If your business is not credible, if your business is not searchable, if your business is not fundable, and if your business entity is not structured correctly, then you need to go back to the drawing board.” (09:03- 09:19) 
    • “If one thing is out of place it is going to set you back.” (10:53-10:55) 
    Follow us on social:
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/josette.iamsecuringmygems
    Clubhouse: www.clubhouse.com/@ladyfleur
    To get plugged into our community of Girl Get Fundable across the globe, join Our Girl Get Fundable Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/girlgetfundable
    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

    • 15 min
    Budgeting & Strategy for New Entrepreneurs with Raquel Curtis

    Budgeting & Strategy for New Entrepreneurs with Raquel Curtis

    Raquel Curtis, aka #theboujeebanker, knows firsthand what it feels like to struggle with money. After experiencing several unexpected life transitions, Raquel spent many years either unable to work or living from paycheck to paycheck. After learning how to establish and maintain a better #relationshipwithmoney, Raquel worked her way up to budgeting, then saving, then paying off debts and eventually investing. She inspired those closest to her to do the same, which led her to a career in banking. 
    While the unforeseen COVID-19 pandemic temporarily left Raquel without a job, she did not give up her passion for advising others financially. She now works independently as an international money management coach, helping women all over the world take control of their finances by (1) tackling their relationship with money and (2) digging into the numbers.
    If Raquel could give one piece of advice to aspiring #fempreneurs, it would be to live within your means. While you may feel pressured to live a life of luxury in order to appear financially stable, authenticity will speak to your customers far more than material goods ever could. By being her truest self, Raquel has reached thousands of people in over 32 countries in just one year, and her business is growing every day!
    In order to get your #business funded, it's crucial to understand how to maintain a healthy relationship with money. Tune in to this week’s episode of Girl Get Fundable to learn more! 
    • “The thought of having consistent income from something and that I could have a forever job, it was really just what I was looking for.” (09:08- 09:15) 
    • “Due to the pandemic is the reason I lost my job and I was like, ‘I don’t want to stop helping people with their finances.’ It just felt too good, it felt too right of a thing to do to stop. So I created a business and started out from square one….It’s an amazing, amazing feeling to be here because it all started not from me trying to be seen, not from me trying to be popular, but from me just doing what I felt was the right thing and then showing up in all of the right ways.” (10:54- 11:40) 
    • “When entrepreneurs are just starting out, typically we feel like we have to have the best of everything. We have to have the new cameras, we have to have the lights, we have to have the best background setting, we have to do all of these things that cost additional money that you may not even have to spend. So, always look for the bargain….Your consumer is going to appreciate watching your growth.” (19:09-19:34) 
    • “When it comes to being an entrepreneur, you want to think smart, not facade.” (20:10-20:16)  
    Connect with Raquel:
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theboujeebanker_/
    • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVQHPFYH5BIm0CMbqPyXwuw
    • Free Resources: https://www.beboujee.com/
    • Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/TheBoujeeBanker/
    Connect with Josette:
    • josettefleury.net
    • https://josettefleury.net/podcast/
    • https://josettefleury.net/girl-get-fundable-acceleration-course/
    • https://securingmygems.com/business-loan/
    Follow us on social:
    • Instagram: www.instagram.com/josette.iamsecuringmygems
    • Clubhouse: www.clubhouse.com/@ladyfleur
    • To get plugged into our community of Girl Get Fundable across the globe, join Our Girl Get Fundable Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/girlgetfundable
    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

    • 22 min
    10 Steps to Getting Credible, Searchable & Fundable

    10 Steps to Getting Credible, Searchable & Fundable

    When Girl Get Fundable host Josette Fleury first began building her #businesscredit, it was not something that she fully understood. It wasn’t until she invested in the proper coaching and guidance that she began to see real results. On this week’s #ladyJchat, Josette will give listeners the foundation they need by sharing a 10-step process to building business credit effectively and efficiently. 
    Josette wants #fempreneurs to understand that business credit cannot be built overnight. Similar to our personal credit, the process takes time and requires you to complete certain financial steps before lenders are willing to provide funds. In fact, before you can even open a line of business credit or obtain a business credit card, you must complete 6 of the 10 steps in Josette’s plan, including registering your business, getting an EIN number (a business social security number), and opening a business bank account to name a few.
    It is essential that you not only know what business credit is, but that you also have an action plan on how to build your business credit. If you haven't already, listen to last week's episode for the definition of business credit and then check out this week's episode of Girl Get Fundable to get started on building it! You won’t want to miss Josette’s FREE and easy-to-understand 10-step business credit building plan. 
    • “I want you to be able to walk away from today’s episode knowing exactly what ten steps you can take and use as a checklist in order to build your business credit fast.” (2:16-2:29)
    • “You can build business credit non PG, which is non-personal guarantee, and then you can build credit with PG, which would be personal guaranteeing.” (3:45-3:55) 
    • “Building your business with no personal guarantee separates you from the business, the expenses, the actual entity. Whatever it is you have in your business name would actually be a liability of the business, of the company.”  (4:24- 4:39) 
    • “Opening a business bank account is crucial. Why? Because when you have this business banking account, you can keep your expenses separate. Personal on the one side, your business on the other.” (7:53-8:10)
    • “The 3 business bureaus are: Dun & Bradstreet, Experian Business and Equifax Business.” (14:12-14:18)
    Follow us on social:
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/josette.iamsecuringmygems
    Clubhouse: www.clubhouse.com/@ladyfleur
    To get plugged into our community of Girl Get Fundable across the globe Join Our Girl Get Fundable Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/girlgetfundable
    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

    • 19 min
    Business Credit! What It Is and How I Got Started

    Business Credit! What It Is and How I Got Started

    For host Josette Fleury, business credit is her company’s lifeline. After finding out how #businesscredit works, Josette has been able to get the necessary funds to take her business to the next level. In today’s #ladyJchat, Josette defines business credit and shares her personal experiences, so other #fempreneurs can become business credit queens, too!
    According to Josette, the first thing to note about #businesscredit is that it is not the same as personal credit. When you apply for business credit, instead of using your personal information, you will instead use your company name, address, phone number and EIN number to get started. While it is possible to set up business credit with a PG (personal guarantee), Josette strongly advises against doing so. She explains that in order to better protect your entrepreneurial ventures, you want to keep your personal assets as separate from your business assets as possible.
    Whether you’re an already established business, a brand-new company, or even struggling with your own personal credit, it is never too late to start building your own #businesscredit. Don’t wait any longer to get the proper funds for your business! Tune into this week’s episode of Girl Get Fundable to educate yourself on what business credit is and how it can benefit you.
    • “Not only do I get to separate my personal credit and of course my personal expenses, but I get to actually build another type of credit that really supports, if you will, everything about my business.” (02:53-03:10)
    • “Business credit is basically getting any form of line of credit in your company’s name.” (05:15-05:23)
    • “If your personal credit is not up to par, guess what you could do? Start building business credit.” (1137:-11:43) 
    Follow us on social:
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/josette.iamsecuringmygems
    Clubhouse: www.clubhouse.com/@ladyfleur
    To get plugged into our community of Girl Get Fundable across the globe, join Our Girl Get Fundable Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/girlgetfundable
    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

    • 13 min

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