12 min

Live To 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones Dawn Newton

    • Entertainment News

Yes, people really do live to 100. The habits, diets and lifestyles of the centenarians featured in “Live To 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” streaming on Netflix, are very similar. If you could live to 100, what would you want that to look like; would you be as active and sharp minded as you are today? I encourage you to check out Blue Zones. It will be time well spent.

Yes, people really do live to 100. The habits, diets and lifestyles of the centenarians featured in “Live To 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” streaming on Netflix, are very similar. If you could live to 100, what would you want that to look like; would you be as active and sharp minded as you are today? I encourage you to check out Blue Zones. It will be time well spent.

12 min