9 episodes

Valerie shares simple strategies, solutions, and advice on how to change the trajectory of your performance. Her company enables entrepreneurs to transform their revenue and businesses, empowers individuals to accelerate their careers, and engages organizations to develop high-performance talent. She shares her extensive 25+ year experience as a Senior Sales Leader having worked at one of the largest global companies in the world, where she was accountable for +$1B in revenue and was a top-performer for almost 3 decades. Her goal is to "change your trajectory and propel you to a higher level of performance". She does this simply by sharing strategies, solutions, and advice to common challenges, pain points, and issues that matter to you. Whether you're a motivated business owner, on the fast track for career development, or a high-growth organization seeking the best talent, you will find her insights and content are highly valuable and life changing. She will spark conversation, spur you to action, and shift the way you think about what's possible and what you can achieve. And she manages to do this with humor and empathy. Her goal is to make this journey easier for you to succeed. She will be your best advocate....and she's rooting for you!!!

Rule of Three Valerie Brantley

    • Business

Valerie shares simple strategies, solutions, and advice on how to change the trajectory of your performance. Her company enables entrepreneurs to transform their revenue and businesses, empowers individuals to accelerate their careers, and engages organizations to develop high-performance talent. She shares her extensive 25+ year experience as a Senior Sales Leader having worked at one of the largest global companies in the world, where she was accountable for +$1B in revenue and was a top-performer for almost 3 decades. Her goal is to "change your trajectory and propel you to a higher level of performance". She does this simply by sharing strategies, solutions, and advice to common challenges, pain points, and issues that matter to you. Whether you're a motivated business owner, on the fast track for career development, or a high-growth organization seeking the best talent, you will find her insights and content are highly valuable and life changing. She will spark conversation, spur you to action, and shift the way you think about what's possible and what you can achieve. And she manages to do this with humor and empathy. Her goal is to make this journey easier for you to succeed. She will be your best advocate....and she's rooting for you!!!

    The Universe Works with a Made Up Mind

    The Universe Works with a Made Up Mind

    “The universe works with a made up mind.” It implies when you’ve made up your mind and you put energy and effort behind something that has meaning to you, the universe will surprisingly put things in your path, bring people into your life and bring opportunities to help you achieve it.
    Listen in as Valerie gives us the roadmap and techniques that you can use that will help your business be successful. If you are just starting a business, already have one or have one that isn’t really pulling it’s own weight, you won’t want to miss her insights and advice on putting the universe to work for you.
    In This Episode:
    [02:00] Valerie asks what is that one big goal, the one big thing that you need to make up your mind to do?
    [02:40] Your first small step will be the catalyst to help you gain momentum, traction and ultimate success.
    [03:10] Do you have the audacity to go after your goal?
    [03:29] You must first verbalize your goal, write it down and repeat it.
    [04:30] Share your written goals with someone you value.
    [05:07] Valerie discusses using the SMART principles to get clarity on your goals.
    [05:14] S - specific, M - measurable, A - achievable, R - realistic and T - time sensitive, she describes each of these principles.
    [06:33] You must have a roadmap to show where you start and where you want to finish.
    [11:45] Valerie gives us a real world example of a client she worked with recently.
    [16:02] She says the purpose of thinking through all of these details is to enable you to anticipate the roadblocks and challenges.
    [17:08] Valerie's challenge to you is, what is that audacious goal that you keep coming back to and never goes away and hold yourself accountable.
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    • 19 min
    Rule of Three

    Rule of Three

    Today's episode is a discussion on the three traits that you must have to be successful, performance, equity and visibility. She gives us her insight on each of these factors, what they are and how they can give you the career of your dreams if you put in the work.
    Listen in as Valerie gives us the techniques that you can use that will help you be successful, you won’t want to miss her insights and advice on how the rule of three can work for you.
    In This Episode:
    [01:13] Valerie asks us what we think of when we hear phrases she gives us.
    [01:46] She tells us her version of the rule of 3.
    [02:30] Valerie says there are 3 common success factors, performance, equity and visibility.
    [03:15] She tells us that performance is the number one driver in getting access to opportunity.
    [04:38] Performance is a game changer.
    [05:28] Equity is the culmination of the skills, talents, capabilities and experiences you bring to the table.
    [05:58] Equity, credibility and authority go hand in hand.
    [07:05] Is perception reality? Does it impact your equity?
    [08:06] Those that have a strong equity are a sure bet, have a strong reputation and have the highest earning potential.
    [09:03] The third factor that drives success is visibility, it is the catalyst for finally getting the exposure to succeed.
    [11:38] If performance drives opportunity and equity gives you leverage visibility gives you access.
    [12:25] These three factors represent the perfect trifecta, this is the sweet spot the intersection of these factors.
    [13:55] Her call to action is, are you delivering consistent results at a high level, what do you stand for and do you have access and exposure to the right stakeholders?
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    • 15 min
    Mind Your Data

    Mind Your Data

    Today's episode is a discussion on collecting data, tracking it and using it to help your business perform at optimum levels. She goes over ways and tips to make the data you are already collecting work for you and push your revenue and profitability.
    Listen in as Valerie gives us the techniques that you can use to bring your business to the next level and be more successful, you won’t want to miss her insights and advice on how you can make data work for you.
    In This Episode:
    [01:10] ‘Mind the gap’ a famous phrase that is used at the London rail system to keep people from falling through the gap.
    [01:50] Be mindful of the gap between your business performance and the decisions you make everyday.
    [02:08] One way to increase the likelihood of success is leveraging your own data.
    [02:55] Valerie says we have become a society that wants to capture data, store it and use it in many ways.
    [03:25] What data are you currently collecting to manage your business? 
    [03:33] What is the data telling you about your business performance?
    [03:38] Are you using the insights from your data to improve your business results and to make better decisions?
    [04:49] Your data can help you in many ways, the first being in your financials, you should be laser focused on your revenue, expenses and your profitability.
    [08:49] If you are not tracking these 3 simple measures then you probably have a hobby not a business.
    [09:40] The second thing to look at would be your client or customer data, they are the heart of your business.
    [11:12] Typically the top 20% of your customers account for 80% of your revenue, these are the loyal.
    [11:28] Do you know who your top 20% of your customers are? What do they purchase and how often do they purchase?
    [12:14] The third thing to look at is email marketing, this area has obviously exploded.
    [13:05] The tool you choose isn’t important what is important is that you choose a platform that will foster a long term relationship with your clients and customers.
    [14:34] That last area is on products, programs and services.
    [14:48] You use your data to get clarity on which are driving your revenue and which ones are costing you revenue.
    [15:20] Think about which products and services are your most significant contributors to your profit. which ones are driving your business.
    [15:47] Do you have a portfolio?
    [16:30] Based on your client data do you have the option to expand or reduce your client offerings?
    [17:02] This is just a starting point and a sample of areas to assess, you don’t have to strive for perfection.
    [17:50] Valerie's call to action is, determine the data you need, track it, leverage the insights to drive your decisions, review consistently, assess your performance and adjust.
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    • 18 min
    Why 20% of Your Clients Will Radically Increase Revenue & Profitability

    Why 20% of Your Clients Will Radically Increase Revenue & Profitability

    The 80/20 rule based on Pareto’s principle, it is a useful concept that helps us prioritize our efforts. Since 20% of our clients generate 80% of our revenue, learn how to keep those 20% happy without alienating the other 80%. Valerie discusses how figure out who those individuals are that make up the 20% and how to track what they buy, when they buy and how often they buy in order to better understand the client.
    Listen in as Valerie teaches us the techniques that you can use that will help identify who these customers or clients are and how to leverage your data to make them customers or clients for life. So sit back and plug in you won’t want to miss her insights and advice on making your best customers or clients feel special.
    In This Episode:
    [01:05] The 80/20 rule is based on Pareto's principle, it is a useful concept that helps us prioritize our time, our work and our efforts.
    [01:49] 20% of your customers or clients generate 80% or more of your revenue and growth, game changing statement.
    [03:06] Who are those individuals that make up the top 20% of my clients? Do you know who they are?
    [03:35] Who is purchasing? What are they purchasing? When are they purchasing? How often are they buying?
    [05:03] You need a robust tracking system in place to get this information.
    [06:25] This doesn’t mean that you can neglect or ignore your other clients.
    [07:06] You need to put a disproportionate amount of effort in your best clients, keep them happy.
    [08:53] Strategies you can leverage to build long term relationships and loyalty; client sensing, revenue portfolio, launching a first to market campaign and make it a priority to highlight them in your testimonials, periodically send them an email note or ecard.
    [15:10] Focus on these simple tasks, spend time on getting the insights on them and who they are, leverage your purchase insights in your campaigns and use those insights to close gaps in your portfolio and last reward them for their loyalty.
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    • 16 min
    Planting the Seeds of a Breakthrough Client Experience

    Planting the Seeds of a Breakthrough Client Experience

    A lot of times businesses don’t focus on the client experience as much as they do the numbers, but let's face it without the clients you won’t have the numbers. Valerie shares some interesting information on how to make your clients feel wanted and needed and how to keep them in your sales cycle as long as possible.
    Listen in as Valerie gives us the techniques that you can use to make your clients happy that they are doing business with you, ways to use testimonials and recognizing clients as they progress.  As always Valerie gives us amazing tools to use to make our clients experience the best it can be. 
    In This Episode:
    [01:38] Business owners need to focus as much attention on the client experience as they do on growing their lists on social media.
    [02:02] Creating that breakthrough client experience is not hard to do it just requires focus and action.
    [02:34] If you want to create this breakthrough experience for your clients here are some places you can focus on.
    [02:40] Client introduction, share your company values how you work with clients and the solutions you can provide to address their challenges or pain points.
    [03:48] Client onboarding, once they decide to work with you, send them an onboarding kit.
    [05:08] Client meetings and calls, send out a questionnaire where you can collect valuable information on their goals, challenges and pain points.
    [06:44] Client feedback, give them feedback on how they are progressing.
    [07:46] Client recognition, recognize a client as they make progress.
    [09:14] Client testimonials, they are for the client and for you, use a standard template.
    [11:09] Testimonials must focused on results not activities.
    [11:59] Client offboarding, the purpose is to close the loop on the process and their results.
    [12:44] Client strategic relationship, immediately share options with the client that you have to keep working together.
    [13:35] The key is to create a never ending loop to keep your clients in your sales cycle longer.
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    • 14 min
    Accelerating Your Start-Up

    Accelerating Your Start-Up

    What is the most exciting time in a person's career? When they finally get access to the one goal they are working toward, the opportunity. Opportunity to step up, seize the moment, and compete! The opportunity to accelerate their start-up in their new career or job and to make an impact.
    You may be the seasoned veteran employee or a new, ambitious college graduate making your mark. Regardless, the reality will be the same, you'll have a small window of time to add value and get that win.
    Valerie shares her expertise on the timeline between your new opportunity to that first request of you in your new role. You're about to be asked to contribute value, and you haven't even figured out the ropes yet! Regardless of your new role, you'll be expected to fulfill the expectations of this new position in your organization and start as soon as you're there.
    Do you want to hit the ground running? In this episode, Valerie will give you the steps and provide you with advice on how to not only meet your expectations but exceed them! Give yourself a level of comfort and confidence in your role as you begin to understand your new responsibilities and get clarity on your work.
    Operate with a sense of urgency
    Understanding the Culture
    Proactively managing your time
    Identifying your key stakeholders
    Develop your strategic plan and priorities
    Layout the strategy
    Get your manager's buy-in and support
    Schedule frequent and consistent meetings with your manager
    Getting familiar with your organization's work processes
    Overall, make sure to remember that your team will make or break your ability to deliver your goals.
    In This Episode:
    [01:22] The window of time to grab your ‘win’ is small, whether you are a seasoned employee or a college student embarking on a new career.
    [02:15] First request made of you at your new job or role.
    [03:22] Expectations in your new role and how you can fulfill them in a timely manner.
    [04:01] How to accelerate your start-up and exceed everyone’s expectations.
    [04:44] Understanding the culture - how do things get done in your organization?
    [05:41] Proactively managing your time. 
    [06:30] Identifying your key stakeholders 
    [07:11] Develop your strategic plan and priorities - where should you focus your time and energy?
    [08:01] Lay out your strategy and get your manager’s buy-in and support.
    [09:33] Schedule frequent and consistent meetings with your manager.
    [10:15] Getting familiar with your organization’s work processes and find out what you need to do to influence to deliver your strategic plan.
    [12:24] Your team will make or break your ability to deliver your goals.
    [13:26] Assessing personnel in an effective manner. 
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    • 16 min

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