51 min

Trinitarian Cultic Authority Unitarian Christian Alliance

    • Christianity

What do cults and Trinitarianism have in common? A hermeneutical analysis, plus audio comic, and bi-personarianism.
Restorationist Manifesto, Restitutio James White and Dale Tuggy debate: “Is Jesus YHWH?”  13. An Absolute Distrust of Unitarians - Kevin George (Part 1) 14. An Astounding Disappointment in Experts - Kevin George (Part 2) Jehovah’s Witnesses  The Way International  Inglesia Ni Christo 80. Deconstrucing to Agnostic - Josiah Wright (Part 1) 81. Reconstructing to Relationship - Josiah Wright (Part 2) do Theology podcast 67. Why Is the Trinity Mainstream? Monte Python - Dead Parrot  The Forgotten Trinity - James White Jude 1:3 - the faith once for all delivered to the saints Mark 9:24 - the father who asks for help with his unbelief Christ Before Creeds: Rediscovering the Jesus of History audio book  Workshops submissions 82. Experiencing the Tuggy/White Debate, Street Interviews, and Post-debate Roundtable Articulate Aplogetics - YouTube Channel THE CHALLENGE, SIX FACTS
No NT author ever collected the Trinitarian propositions together as a basis for any teaching.
No Bible author teaches us about a being that has three persons. The contradictions that are self-evident from the Trinity are unnoticed and not addressed by any NT author.
No Biblical author teaches a dual nature theory or uses it to explain these contradictions
No New Testament author ever resorted to “mystery” to defend their complex and difficult explanation of God and his Christ.
No New Testament author ever made belief in the Trinity a requirement for being a follower of Christ.
00:00:38 - Not What a Trinitarian Expects? 00:04:35 - Cults 00:07:09 - The Comic Of Christian Branches 00:09:48 - A Reflection On Human Traits 00:11:45 - Fist Pumping 00:14:16 - Truth Is Formidable 00:17:20 - Our Prepensity To Certainty 00:18:14 - He Had To Be God 00:23:09 - Animal Brain 00:25:52 - But Cults Have Bibles, Right? 00:26:59 - The Magic Of The Cult 00:28:45 - New Heresy: Bi-personalism 00:34:44 - This Is The Way 00:35:30 - Trinitarian Hermeneutical Legacy 00:39:19 - The Challenge 00:40:57 - The Six Facts 00:46:05 - Peace Vs. Doubts 00:47:17 - Events 00:48:40 - Workshops 00:49:14 - Articulate Apologetics 00:50:31 - Disclaimer / Fine Print FEEDBACK
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Pauses and pacing are hand crafted, artisan efforts. If your podcast app lets you remove silences, please don't. You will enjoy this better with the silences left in.
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Podcast Webpage: https://podcast.unitarianchristianalliance.org

What do cults and Trinitarianism have in common? A hermeneutical analysis, plus audio comic, and bi-personarianism.
Restorationist Manifesto, Restitutio James White and Dale Tuggy debate: “Is Jesus YHWH?”  13. An Absolute Distrust of Unitarians - Kevin George (Part 1) 14. An Astounding Disappointment in Experts - Kevin George (Part 2) Jehovah’s Witnesses  The Way International  Inglesia Ni Christo 80. Deconstrucing to Agnostic - Josiah Wright (Part 1) 81. Reconstructing to Relationship - Josiah Wright (Part 2) do Theology podcast 67. Why Is the Trinity Mainstream? Monte Python - Dead Parrot  The Forgotten Trinity - James White Jude 1:3 - the faith once for all delivered to the saints Mark 9:24 - the father who asks for help with his unbelief Christ Before Creeds: Rediscovering the Jesus of History audio book  Workshops submissions 82. Experiencing the Tuggy/White Debate, Street Interviews, and Post-debate Roundtable Articulate Aplogetics - YouTube Channel THE CHALLENGE, SIX FACTS
No NT author ever collected the Trinitarian propositions together as a basis for any teaching.
No Bible author teaches us about a being that has three persons. The contradictions that are self-evident from the Trinity are unnoticed and not addressed by any NT author.
No Biblical author teaches a dual nature theory or uses it to explain these contradictions
No New Testament author ever resorted to “mystery” to defend their complex and difficult explanation of God and his Christ.
No New Testament author ever made belief in the Trinity a requirement for being a follower of Christ.
00:00:38 - Not What a Trinitarian Expects? 00:04:35 - Cults 00:07:09 - The Comic Of Christian Branches 00:09:48 - A Reflection On Human Traits 00:11:45 - Fist Pumping 00:14:16 - Truth Is Formidable 00:17:20 - Our Prepensity To Certainty 00:18:14 - He Had To Be God 00:23:09 - Animal Brain 00:25:52 - But Cults Have Bibles, Right? 00:26:59 - The Magic Of The Cult 00:28:45 - New Heresy: Bi-personalism 00:34:44 - This Is The Way 00:35:30 - Trinitarian Hermeneutical Legacy 00:39:19 - The Challenge 00:40:57 - The Six Facts 00:46:05 - Peace Vs. Doubts 00:47:17 - Events 00:48:40 - Workshops 00:49:14 - Articulate Apologetics 00:50:31 - Disclaimer / Fine Print FEEDBACK
Send a short recording. Say your first name and your state or country.
Email recording to podcast@unitarianchristianalliance.org Click here to RECORD A MESSAGE Or call: 615-581-1158 LISTENING TIPS
Pauses and pacing are hand crafted, artisan efforts. If your podcast app lets you remove silences, please don't. You will enjoy this better with the silences left in.
The UCA Podcast email list! Large and enjoyable episode art, additional thoughts from the host, the Audio Geek Corner, and notifications when there are delays.
The UCA events listing. Keep up on what's coming up.
Podcast twitter @UCApodcast - Episode announcements
Official UCA twitter account @UnitarianChrist 
Podcast Webpage: https://podcast.unitarianchristianalliance.org

51 min