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    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~Hi, everyone and welcome back to Geek Time. Hi, Brad. Hey Lulu, how's it going? So what are you going to propose that we talk about today? Have you ever heard of the Men in Black? You want to talk about the movie? No, not the movie, of course not. We never talk about movies. The book? The comment?No. The real Men in Black. Hang on a minute就是黑衣人。Are they actually real?Yeah, they're real. According to popular legend at least they are real organization. Okay. So let's talk... I'm always into urban legends. Let's talk about Men in Black then. I, because my whole understanding of Men in Black is basically based on the movie. I think there were two or three movies, 就是黑衣人那个系列的电影. They sort of combat aliens or they are in contact with aliens, all the alien species. They seem to be like the contact people. 如果大家没有看过黑衣人电影的话, 可以去看一看,这个电影已经蛮老了, 但是还是蛮有意思的. But who are they? So that's always a really difficult thing to really know, according to a lot of people say they’re Men in Black are just people in business suits who show up to UFO sightings. Whenever there's a UFO sighting or whenever some people are talking about the UFOs, they're the ones who show up and tell people to be quiet. So, they have been seen in many times throughout the years. There is even some video footage of people who are supposedly men in black. There's video footage.Yeah. There's like you don't really see the interaction between them, but at a UFO sighting in a hotel, there were two men who showed up after two of the employees just were talking about the UFO to the news. I see. So is it the sort of idea that government or some sort of organization doesn't want people to know about the real possibility of UFO or aliens, 好像是一个cover up situation that they use these men in black. I remember in the movie that they had this machine that they can erase your memory. So that is something that people actually talk about as something that Men in Black can use or do. Sometimes people say that it's not really a machine, it's just the way you feel like that when the Men in Black come to talk to you, they're kind of like these cold emotionless people. They may not even be real people.They might be drones.It might be aliens themselves. Right. But they come they talk to you, they intimidate you. And sometimes after they come, people feel like they've lost some of their memory of what happened. It's kind of like intimidation tactic and brainwashing at the same time. I feel like I've seen similar setup in like the Matrix. Yeah. The agents are often seen as being like the men in black. They're kind of modeled after the men in black. There are people that just kind of show up whenever there's a problem in the Matrix, which is kind of like when the aliens come to earth, right, there's a problem in the Matrix. I see. I see. But is this a very common belief like if you talk to, say, average American, do they, have they heard of or at least have some awareness of the idea of men in black?Well yeah. This has been very common theme for the last at least 40 or 50 years, ever since I was a kid I've heard of the men in black. TV shows have talked about the men in black. There’s unsolved mysteries TV shows that talked about these people that show up whenever people talk about aliens.I see.Very, very interesting.I see. 所以黑衣人就是,只要老百姓发现了外星人或者宇宙飞船的话, 黑衣人就会来到你的家, 就是让你不要再讲这个事情了.

    • 12 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ 1)Mysterya.Comes from the Greek word for ‘mysterion’ which means ‘secret religious ritual’ or ‘religious secret’b.The Greeks had religious celebrations which were secret and anyone taking part had to swear a vow of secrecy. c.Anyone who broke the vow was executed. d.We still don’t really know what happened when the participants went into the building. e.Some believe that they took drugs or even murder!Hi everyone, and welcome to the segment called 【It Means What?】 hi 安澜.Hi lulu, hi everyone. 欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】这个板块. So in this segment, we're going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. So 安澜, what is the word for today? Today's word is Mystery. Mystery就是神秘. I love mystery, movies, books and I especially love murder mystery. Oh, I love murder mystery, Miss Marple, Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes, all of those mysteries I love.Yes, do you know Miss Marple is Agatha Christie?Yes, I know, but I was trying to think of some more. Yet, you only come up with two, but okay, let's come back to the word mystery. I'm sure mystery has a mysterious origin.  It comes from the Greek word ‘mysterion’ .  Mysterion, r-i-o-n. Which means a secret religious ritual or a religious secret. Okay. So originated from like a religious context 是有宗教背景的是吗? Yeah. So many of you have probably listened to our episodes on the Greek myths, so the Greeks had lots of different gods. There was one particular god when they worshipped her. Her?It was her. When they worshiped her, they actually had secret rituals. Was this like an evil goddess or something? No. It was a fertility goddess responsible for the earth and farming. 叫丰产的女神, 但是大家的崇拜仪式都得是在secret都得是私下在秘密保密进行. The most famous version of these were called the mysteries, and the celebrations, the rituals, everything was secret and anyone taking part had to swear a vow of secrecy. Hang on a minute. You said the most famous ones were called mysteries. Do you mean when you say mysteries this referred to the rituals themselves? 当时的一系列这种仪式就叫做Mysteries or Mysterion. Yeah, or mysteria. Ok. And then you said people who were involved and as they had to swear a vow of secrecy就是要保密, 要做这种保密宣誓, 就保密承诺. Yes. Is this like nowadays signing the confidentiality agreement or something? In those days, it was even stricter because anyone who broke the vow was executed or killed.Yeah, I'm sorry. This is like one of those stories that didn't really make a logical sense because if everyone who were ever involved in those mysteria swore a vow of secrecy, then how did we know? All we know is that these rituals took place, but nobody knows what happened. So these rituals happened in a huge temple, in a town very close to Athens, the modern capital of Greece.

    • 7 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ The other word that I often hear is booty. What is booty? B-o-o-t-y. That means the same as loot. loot就是抢劫到的那个赃物. But normally we use it when we talk about pirate booty, so it's the whole idea you got a massive treasure chest filled with gold and silver and precious stones. Normally we would say that's pirate booty. This could only really happen like, I guess back then when ships were transferring these precious metals, and nowadays there are no precious metals on the ships. You don't know, there's actually quite a few ships that get robbed by piracy. So you think of all those container ships around the world. Oh. Perhaps, yes.And at least these Spanish galleons they had cannon. I can't think of many container ships having a cannon on board. And also pirate ships that strike me as very hierarchical, because they're completely men, right? And men at sea and with no laws and whatever. Well. You say that there were actually a few female pirates as well. How does that work? I would think, yeah, I can't imagine that. It is true. It must be badass women. There're some great stories which we don't really have time to go into, but if you're interested, I would say it's only worth having a look at.Yeah. But basically these pirates and also sometimes is that the word mutiny?Yes.Sometimes like if the leader is not strong enough and that people want to rebel against him, then there's a mutiny就是会像兵变一样的. Yeah. So we can talk about a mutiny on a ship. We can also talk about a mutiny in the army, so it's when the sailors or the soldiers decide that their commander is not good enough. So the most famous example is also around this time. And it's called Mutiny on the Bounty. On the Bounty?The Bounty was a famous ship and the mutineers, in the end, they just went to a small island in the pacific, and there's actually an island in the pacific which their descendants still live on. I see. Nowadays do people still believe that there is some hidden treasure somewhere on these little islands, small islands? That is a common stereotype that pirates will always bury their treasure, but to be honest, why would they, let's be honest. They will probably have spent it.Exactly. If you're a pirate, you spend a lot of time and effort to steal the treasure. Why would you then bury it?True.But having said that, there are stories of famous shipwrecks in the Caribbean, and people are still searching for these shipwrecks. 哦,就沉船的那个残骸。Maybe there is some pirate booty or pirate loot. There are a few ships wrecks that they say though billions of dollars’ worth of gold and silver under the sea. Wow, certainly something to think about.Absolutely. But one thing I have noticed up till now, though we were talking about a lot of these like booty things, pieces of eight, it just sounds very lingo, like jargony.Yes.听上去就像行话、黑话这种. I know that pirate language is a completely different category like what 安澜 mentioned in the very beginning, says Ahoy matey or like Arghh.Yes.Let's talk about pirate language. Yeah, so if you watch anything about pirates, you probably hear these expressions. So, “shiver my timbers”. shiver my timbers. Shiver is 颤抖,shake.Yeah. Break into pieces.Oh. So it's, how do we use it? It's a bit like saying “oh, my god!”.You scare me that sorts of thing…

    • 10 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to 酒馆. Hi, 安澜. Ah~~What is the matter, what's going on? Are you stuck? Are you ill? Avast, ye matey. Oh~~~~, I know what we're gonna talk about today. Are we gonna talk about pirates?Ahoy.Okay. Stop it now.Ok.听到安澜刚才说的那些话, 我就知道我们今天要讨论的是 pirates. 海盗Yes. So today I thought it would be interesting to talk a little bit about pirates, and also we can look at some of the language they are supposed to use. I like pirate talks. It's just every time I know they're criminals, but it's just adventure stories that's sort of like excitement.Well, exactly. If you think back to our course, we actually talk about Treasure Island in that. And a lot of the stereotypes around pirates actually come from that book. 对,我们的那个宝藏音频课程,就是【名著扫盲班】里面第一季就讲到了金银岛, Treasure Island, 金银岛其实基本上是属于这个类型海盗文学的这个鼻祖了.Yes.So let’s talk about pirate, p-i-r-a-t-e, pirate.Yes.Not to be confused with private. No, pirate. So what is a pirate? Pirate, 我们叫 “海盗” 就是bandits on the sea. Yeah. Well, essentially that's what it is. A pirate is someone who robs and steals from ships, particularly merchant ships. Merchant ships are ships that are selling things.Yes.商船。 Now, piracy, we call the crime piracy, has been a crime for centuries, and there's still pirates nowadays.Hang on a minute. Piracy, 就是海盗的行为, 对吧? But nowadays we say piracy as in盗版。For example, piracy of copyright stuff. Yeah. So when we talk about privacy, it can be nautical privacy.Mhm.Or it can be video piracy. Nautical means about sailing.Yeah.航海的这个词。Nautical, it’s a nautical term.Yes.And there's no pirates today, right? Like the pirates pirates, arghh pirates, they are pirates. They probably not are pirates, but certainly in some parts of... near Africa, also in the ocean, there are still pirates around.Because a large part of the ocean is still it's difficult to sort of control and govern. Exactly. But today we're gonna be talking about what is known as the golden age of piracy. It's just so paradoxical, because piracy is supposed to be a bad thing as a crime, but you call it the golden age of piracy. Yeah.就是海盗的黄金年代. So this is the era of, for example, pirates in the Caribbean. The whole pirates of the Caribbean /kærɪˈbi:ən/ or Caribbean /kəˈrɪbiən/, 加勒比海盗就是那个时候.Yes. And this is around 1650~1720. Now this was a time of wars between Britain and Spain. So, Britain then controlled a lot of North America. Spain controlled a lot of Central and South America. If you read your history, if you know your history, then you would know that there were lots of conflicts between the British fleets and the Spanish fleets. Yeah, and also the French as well, pretty much everyone was fighting in the Caribbean at that time. And back then Spain, most of its economy relied on gold and silver from South America, and galleons (15-18世纪用做军舰或商船的西班牙大帆船) used to transport all of this precious material from Mexico and South America to Spain. Galleons is a specific ship. Yeah. A galleon is a very large sailing ship, and we still talk about galleons and we think about galleons when we think of pirates, these very big ships with lots of sales, lots of cannon. Almost stereotypical.Yeah.When you think of pirate stories, you think about galleons.Yes.Mhm. Now the strange thing is that originally pirates were encouraged to attack Spanish ships. Encouraged by whom, by you guys? Yes. Britain was at war with Spain. And back then, the government would actually give a license to what we call privateers. Now a privateer is not part of the navy. They were a privat

    • 12 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, 欢迎回来酒馆。And this is a special episode because this is Episode-1000.酒馆节目1000期了。Time really does fly,感觉500期的特别节目也没有过去太久,但想来那已经是2020年底的事了,转眼又是4年。500期节目咱们的基调是情怀,1000期就来个超接地气的快问快答,自己采访自己说几句真心话,也给一直支持酒馆的酒粉,特别是自己在创业或者在新媒体自媒体领域的小伙伴们,聊聊这1000期的幕后故事,废话不多说,咱们开始吧。Host第一个问题就是:璐璐为什么会想到开始做酒馆节目呢?Lulu:I actually talked about this in Episode 500. 其实我在500期的时候就讲过这个事情,我是在大学里面教书,然后最开始的时候,有的学生比较喜欢我的课,然后就说璐璐能不能下课之后,你把你有一些东西放到网上,比如说用音频的形式,这样我们平时即使是培训课程结束了,我们依然可以去听到你讲的这个东西。所以我就做了一个。我最初的大概六七百个粉丝,都是我线下实实在在认识的学生学员。如果大家还记得最开始的时候也做做停停,第一期我是抱着我的猫坐在那儿想了一个下午,断断续续的那样录的,背景好像还有猫叫。我现在已经不好意思再去听第一集了。因为尬的我想“抽”,大家喜欢考古的可以去听听看。Host我听过那一集,璐璐那个慵懒的台湾腔还蛮可爱的,现在酒馆有多少粉丝,发展情况怎么样?Lulu现在酒馆的粉丝全网是刚过了150万,我们现在的业务大概是有三块,一块是content creation,也就是自媒体的内容出产。这里我们既有图文的就是公众号,然后有音频的像音频的播客,然后还有视频号短视频的东西,再加上我们每一周现在基本上9~10场直播;第二块业务就是酒馆的学院,这里面我们有直播课程、录播课程、学习的社群等等;第三块是酒馆的零售品牌【酒馆铺子】,大家可以到微信小程序里面搜索一下就可以看到了。酒馆铺子我们也是有专门的零售团队在运营,有我们非常有品位的铺子大掌柜的和我们后面的零售专家在管,我现在自己主要平时的工作是跟前两块有关,当然了还包括酒馆整个的一个运营的战略性的东西。Host 哇,酒馆现在已经有150万粉丝了。那酒馆设计、图文、音频、播客、视频、直播等等新媒体内容的出产领域,做这些有什么区别呢,我很好奇?Lulu 现在图文和播客可以说风口已经过去了,所以其实现在很难,图文你要想做起来非常的难,因为想要涨粉非常困难;音频其实也是一个差不多的状态,特别是这种播客型的音频,咱们说的音频这里只是说原创的内容,不包括有声书的这种播讲,然后视频也没有前几年那么容易起量,然后可能现在很多的人都转到直播了,我相信可能大家也有感觉,有一些你原来会在播客里面听到的人,现在都转去做了视频或者直播,因为实在是没有办法。做这些,其实每一个图文也好,音频、视频、直播每一个要做好都非常的难,而ta们其实之间壁垒挺明显的。比如说突破图文去做到音频,突破音频的壁垒,做到视频和直播,每一次都是一场恶仗,而且很可能会输。

    • 24 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi 安澜. Hi, lulu, hi everyone. Now. I think we're gonna go a little bit more up market. We're gonna go to an area called Saint James.Oh, by the way, 安澜, when you say up market that means the higher end. Very high end.就是更高端的. St. James, isn't that a park?St. James is also an area. It's around Saint James’s Palace, so it's near Buckingham Palace. And it's near Piccadilly.白金汉宫前面那一条大道旁边不就有一个公园是St. James’s Park. Yes.So you're gonna talk about the shops in that area. Now most of the shops in this area have what we call a royal warrant. A royal warrant. Let me guess it's warranted by the Royal Family? YEAH. So it's warranted by the King, the Queen, and the Prince of Wales. So any company or any shop that sells products to the Royal Family can show a royal warrant.Oh, I thought it was just approved by them, but this is literally they sell it directly to the Royal Family. Yeah. So it means that for example the King shops at that shop. You mean like he personally would go into those shops?No, of course not.I would think not.No, they deliver. They do delivery services. Exactly. Yon know, some European not like in England, but I've heard some European Royal Houses like the Royal Families, for example, in Scandinavian countries, the Queen or their Royal Family would literally just go down the street into the shops and say hi to the locals. Yeah. Not in the UK. These shops around St. James’s is I would say mostly have royal warrants. So I'm gonna talk about one or two of them. Okay. The first one is Berry Brothers and Rudd. Let me guess Berry Brothers and Rudd , this just people who went into business, the pair of brothers Berry and then you have Rudd.Now they sell wine spirits to the Royal Family. 卖酒的wine spirits就是烈酒. Yeah. And you can actually go there and you can buy their own wine, their own champagne. It's can be quite reasonable. I looked on their website and you can buy bottles of wine around£50. Okay. So basically you can just go... it's open to public. Yes, it is. But the higher end of these you're looking at maybe about£50,000. And Berry Brothers and Rudd is also famous for its scales. Scales, like weigh machine?Yeah. That's because in the 18th and 19th century, originally they used to sell coffee and they had scales and when he stopped selling coffee, they kept the scales and essentially it became one of the only places in London where you could weigh yourself. They're everywhere in China. I know, but we're talking about 18th, 19th century. So noblemen, politicians, and even royalty they would go to the shop to weigh themselves. In public? Well, there was normally a private room where they can weigh themselves. 体重秤在那个地方。And they actually sometimes show the books where they write down the weight of these famous people from history. Ok. Why?Well, it was a way of tracking to see whether or not they gained weight or lost weight. So weird for a wine and spirit shop to do that.

    • 10 min

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