174 episodes

The King's Council Podcast is designed to equip you with the tools necessary to discover, develop, and deploy your God given vision into the marketplace. We believe God’s greatest gift to us is life, therefore our greatest gift to Him is what we do with it. This is why, each week, Rylee Meek will bring to you new insights, based on the foundational truths taught throughout the Bible. All of our teaching, coaching, and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.

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King's Council Podcast with Rylee Meek & Christian Edwards The King's Council

    • Business

The King's Council Podcast is designed to equip you with the tools necessary to discover, develop, and deploy your God given vision into the marketplace. We believe God’s greatest gift to us is life, therefore our greatest gift to Him is what we do with it. This is why, each week, Rylee Meek will bring to you new insights, based on the foundational truths taught throughout the Bible. All of our teaching, coaching, and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.

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    The Root of All Sin part 2

    The Root of All Sin part 2

    Covetousness and idolatry are intertwined concepts, emphasizing the need to turn towards God and away from material idols.
    Idolatry, a sin consistently condemned in scripture, often starts innocuously but can lead to significant spiritual oppression by prioritizing anything over one's relationship with God, such as fitness, relationships, or material possessions. Rylee Meek views idolatry as a serious and often underestimated sin, manifesting in various forms that can hinder one's relationship with God. He stresses the importance of recognizing and fleeing from idols to fully devote oneself to worshiping the true God. Similarly, Christian Edwards emphasizes that idolatry, although it may begin from a seemingly good place, is the dominant sin addressed in scripture. He advocates for repentance and turning away from idols, highlighting the need to acknowledge God's exclusive rights to our worship and devotion to avoid spiritual oppression. Both perspectives underline the necessity of humility, accountability, and community support to overcome the pitfalls of pride and idolatry, fostering a spiritually fulfilling life aligned with God's will.
    Acknowledging idols in one's life and understanding what constitutes idolatry is essential to fleeing from it, as instructed in scripture.
    Idolatry is mentioned as the dominant sin in scripture and is always condemned, even if it starts in a good place.Acknowledging idols in one's life and understanding what constitutes idolatry is essential to fleeing from it, as instructed in scripture.Covetousness and idolatry are intertwined concepts, emphasizing the need to turn towards God and away from material idols.Societal challenges related to personal identity, pride, and cultural support for causes are discussed in a conversation between two speakers.In the dialogue on worship and purpose, it is emphasized that seeking pleasure and happiness as the sole pursuit in life can be dangerous."Kings and Idols" delves into the dangers of becoming an idol for others.
    "There's no sin, actually, that's mentioned more in scripture than the sin of idolatry, and it's the dominant sin that's addressed over every other sin, and it's always condemned. Always condemned." - Christian Edwards

    "Be a good example of a Christian by turning your back to those idols, turning towards God." - Christian Edwards

    "I want to give everything like I don't want anybody to know anything that. That I'd be given because I want my credit to be built up in heaven." - Rylee Meek

    "Happiness is dependent upon your happenings, so your circumstances dictate whether you're happy or not. Well, guess what? If you have a relationship with Christ, you could have true joy that never wavers, never wanes to see." - Christian Edwards

    "Examine yourself. See if you have any idols. See if there's anything that's competing with your loyalty to God right now and identify it and flee from that thing. Make some changes." - Christian Edwards

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    • 56 min
    The Root of All Sin part 1

    The Root of All Sin part 1

    It's easy to overlook the things that we put above our relationship with God, whether it's material possessions, success, or even relationships.
    Idolatry, the act of placing anything above one's devotion to God, remains a poignant topic both historically and in contemporary society. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards explore this issue, warning against allowing even positive aspects of life, such as church activities or loved ones, to become idols that detract from a relationship with the Creator. Meek, drawing from his observations of modern culture, points out how even spiritual leaders can fall into the trap of idolizing church growth or material success, a theme echoed in popular rap music's glorification of wealth and fame. He also shares the poignant example of Christian Edwards' mother, who unintentionally idolized her children, leading to unhealthy relational dynamics. Edwards, on the other hand, emphasizes the scriptural warnings against idolatry, highlighting how it can manifest in various forms, including the idolization of sports teams, rooted in pride. He suggests that pride lies at the heart of most sins, as it involves prioritizing personal desires over divine commands. Both agree on the necessity of self-examination and daily worship to keep God at the center of one's life, advocating for a routine that fosters spiritual fulfillment over worldly distractions.

    It's crucial to maintain a healthy balance between our relationships and our faith, ensuring that our focus remains on God above all else.

    Idolatry can manifest in modern life by prioritizing anything over devotion to God.Money and wealth can become idols if not aligned with seeking first the kingdom of God.Idolizing loved ones or even church-related activities can lead to unhealthy dynamics and shift focus from faith.Idolatry extends beyond physical idols to anything that competes with loyalty to God.Idolizing success or others' opinions can lead to prioritizing desires over God's commands.Starting each day with gratitude and worship can help prioritize God over worldly distractions.Identifying and removing hidden idols in our hearts is crucial to maintaining a strong spiritual connection.

    "Idolatry is really anything in creation that competes with our loyalty to our creator." - Christian Edwards

    "This is something that we need to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves." - Rylee Meek

    "Anything that rightly belongs to him, if we give it to somebody else, if we worship something else, or somebody else, if we honor somebody more than God, he's that jealous God, because that rightfully belongs to him." - Christian Edwards

    "These ten commandments are a way for life to actually go well for us. It's not a list of rules and restrictions, but If you follow these commands, life will go well for you." - Rylee Meek

    "I need to just spend that time with them. And not only is it. It's not just for his glory, it's for our good." - Christian Edwards

    "When we wake up in the morning is it 'Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, God. I have another day.' Or is it the first thing we go to is social media, or is the first thing we go to is our phone? God demands exclusivity in our lives. Those first fruits are the most value thing we can give him" - Rylee Meek

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    • 48 min
    Church & Politics

    Church & Politics

    In today's political landscape, it's crucial that our decisions align with biblical values.
    The topic of the importance of voting, particularly from a Christian perspective, is an engaging and vital discourse. It puts into perspective the moral obligations of believers in their role as active participants in the socio-political landscape. Rylee Meek, a firm proponent of this view, sees voting not only as a duty but also as a moral obligation for believers. He emphasizes the need for voting choices to reflect biblical values and principles, underlining the impact of these decisions on future generations. His views are shaped by his belief in the significance of character and integrity in candidates. Similarly, Christian Edwards asserts that voting is a moral obligation incumbent upon Christians. He talks about the consequences of abstaining from voting, equating it to a tacit consent to possibly immoral policies. Edwards urges Christians to utilize their voting power to stand up against policies or candidates incongruent with biblical principles, emphasizing that silence on such matters could be considered a sin of omission.

    Silence through non-voting is seen as consent, but participating in elections and voting based on biblical convictions allows individuals to shape a future aligned with their values. 

    Voting is a moral responsibility based on biblical principles.The American Constitution was influenced by biblical principles, emphasizing limited government power.Absolute disobedience to tyranny is obedience to God, as seen in biblical stories.The importance of aligning political decisions with biblical values is emphasized.Racial equality is explored through discussions on critical race theory, biblical values, and the role of political parties.Equal Opportunity in Hiring is crucial for selecting the best candidates based on qualifications rather than minority status.Active participation in influencing national, regional, and local outcomes by joining efforts and taking action is a moral obligation for believers.

    "You may not want to be in politics, but politics wants to be in you. And that's kind of sounds weird. But that is true." - Rylee Meek

    "And with God being in control, and this is something that I thought early on in my walk with the Lord, I never wanted to get into politics, and it was like, God's in control. But the more you think about it, how does God accomplish things? Oftentimes on earth, through his people." - Christian Edwards

    "Disobedience to tyranny is obedience to God." - Rylee Meek

    "It's impressive that a six eight woman could dunk because they're not as athletic." - Christian Edwards

    "If your conviction is anything other than what the word of God says, than ain't that it? That's not." - Rylee Meek

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    Follow King’s Council: https://www.instagram.com/kingscouncilcommunity/
    Follow Rylee: https://www.instagram.com/theryleemeek/
    Follow Christian: https://www.instagram.com/christian_edwards01/
    Subscribe to YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/@KingsCouncilCoaching
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    • 1 hr 16 min
    Was Jesus Rich? Part 2

    Was Jesus Rich? Part 2

    It's crucial to remember that stewardship goes beyond just managing money; it involves using financial resources wisely to support and care for those in need.
    Wealth and kingdom entrepreneurship, a captivating topic, intertwines spiritual principles and financial stewardship to support the less fortunate. Rylee Meek, a firm believer in this approach, sees the creation of wealth as a tool for righteous purposes, influenced by his view that wealth should be a resource used to bless others and advance God's kingdom. He underscores the significance of viewing money as a means to make Christians more effective in their calling and to create a positive global impact. Similarly, Christian Edwards sees wealth and kingdom entrepreneurship as tied to faithful stewardship and wealth creation for the benefit of those in need. He emphasizes not merely accumulating wealth for personal gain, but utilizing it to bless others, spread the gospel, and fulfill individuals' divine purposes. Both perspectives highlight a kingdom mindset in entrepreneurship, underlining the importance of aligning one's actions with God's will.

    By understanding how the early Christians viewed wealth and possessions, we can gain insights into how we can live out our faith in today's world.

    The struggle of righteous kingdom entrepreneurs in providing for widows and orphans is highlighted.American Christians can make a global impact by managing wealth effectively and supporting charitable causes.The early church's focus on spiritual abundance and obedience to God's teachings regarding wealth is discussed.The importance of financial provision for aiding those in need is stressed by Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards.A different perspective on Jesus's wealth is explored through biblical narratives about money and possessions.Creating wealth with a kingdom mindset to serve others and advance the Kingdom of God is emphasized.Aligning actions with God's will is crucial for spiritual growth and entering the kingdom of heaven.

    "Because you can be incredibly successful at a lot of things and still feel like a failure if you're not operating for the God given intended purpose of why you were created on this earth." - Rylee Meek

    "What would the devil fear more than a rich Christian? The devil. That the thing he fears the most is a rich Christian." - Christian Edwards

    "It's not a lack of resources, it's a lack of stewardship." - Rylee Meek

    "And when we do look at faiths, like Judaism, where they actually have no problem making money, they value money. They, they. Money is a part of all their ceremonies. Right. The exchanging of money. It's a noble, virtuous, moral thing to be wealthy. But the fact that they're taught that it's not a bad thing to make money, that's what we as Christians need to be teaching our children. Not only is it not just a bad thing, it's a good thing." - Christian Edwards

    "We know we can't serve both God and money. It's impossible. So, we got to serve God to make money serve us." - Rylee Meek

    "To raise up Christian entrepreneurs, to disciple Christian entrepreneurs, to not just go and make money for the sake of making money. In the end of the day, who knows how much will actually stay in their own bank account or stay in their own possession. Most of it should be given away, but God's going to give those giftings to the people who are actually advancing the kingdom of God." - Christian Edwards

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    • 48 min
    Was Jesus Rich? Part 1

    Was Jesus Rich? Part 1

    Understanding the balance between wealth and serving God is crucial.
    The subject of beliefs about money and wealth is a complex one, often interwoven with cultural, religious, and personal ideologies. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards bring unique perspectives to this topic, rooted in their spiritual identities and experiences. Meek's viewpoint is that our financial prosperity is closely linked with our understanding of God-given gifts and abilities. He encourages self-reflection and challenging of subconscious beliefs that may obstruct wealth creation, asserting that one's perspective on money should be in harmony with their view of God. Edwards, on the other hand, offers a comparative analysis between Judaism and Christianity, suggesting that the former views money as a positive tool for service, while the latter often harbors a more cautious attitude towards wealth. He underlines the necessity of aligning conscious and subconscious beliefs about money and encourages Christians to adopt a more balanced approach to wealth, rooted in biblical principles of contentment and generosity.
    Money is seen as a means to support oneself and others, but it should not become the sole focus of one's life. Emphasize leaving a lasting inheritance that extends beyond monetary value.

    The debate over Jesus' financial status continues, with interpretations varying on whether he was wealthy or lived in poverty.Understanding the balance between creating wealth and using it for the greater good is essential in serving God.The importance of money in Judaism and Christianity is highlighted in discussions on this topic.Beliefs about money and wealth differ among cultures and religions.A good man, according to biblical principles, is called to leave a multi-generational wealth legacy for his children and grandchildren.The disciples left their businesses to follow Jesus, prompting the question of whether modern entrepreneurs would do the same.The discussion revolves around whether Jesus was rich or broke and the cost of following him.

    "If it was important enough for Jesus to talk about, it is darn well important enough for us to talk about." - Rylee Meek

    "Value that is not valued is not valuable." - Christian Edwards

    "If what you're doing and what you're saying is conflicting, then you're a double minded man. Go back to the James verse, and God ain't going to give you anything if you're double minded." - Christian Edwards

    "Proverbs also says raise a child up the way that he should go. He will not depart from it. The thing about Proverbs is that these aren't promises, necessarily, right. These are things that we should do. This is the book of wisdom." - Rylee Meek

    "It's funny because we don't say nowadays money is good or bad. It's amoral. It's a tool that we could use." - Christian Edwards" - Christian Edwards

    "Make sure you check scripture on anybody because somebody can preach a great message and sound really good. But if you aren't taking, it's not their responsibility for you to know the word of God. You have to know your Bible in and out." - Rylee Meek

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    • 48 min
    Why Do Christians Experience Adversity?

    Why Do Christians Experience Adversity?

    Adversity faced by Christians is viewed as being permitted by God, indicating a reliance on His grace and guidance for overcoming challenges.
    Transformation in Christ is a concept that embodies the journey of a Christian to emulate Jesus, through righteousness, holiness, and sanctification, reflecting His teachings in their everyday lives. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards, two individuals with a deep-rooted faith, share their perspectives on this spiritual metamorphosis. Meek posits that transformation is contingent upon surrendering to Christ as the Lord and Savior, and actively seeking a deeper relationship with Him. He underscores the importance of discipleship, discipline, and a kingdom mindset. For Meek, adversity and challenges are quintessential components of the refining process that transforms a believer into a new creation. On the other hand, Edwards echoes the sentiment of surrendering to Jesus as the Savior and Lord. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing righteousness, holiness, and sanctification, viewing discipleship as a discipline that requires a shift in mindset towards eternal goals. Edwards acknowledges that hardships and adversity are necessary elements forging believers into who they are meant to be in Christ, highlighting the critical role of the Holy Spirit in enabling believers to resist temptation, overcome struggles, and experience transformation.

    The transformation into a Disciple requires humility and surrender to God's will, which leads to a shift from judgment to grace, forgiveness, and profound spiritual growth.

    Adversity in the Christian life is seen as filtered through God Himself, with hardships being permitted by Him.The pursuit of righteousness, holiness, and sanctification is essential in becoming more like Jesus.The Bible serves as an operating manual for life, guiding individuals in making decisions, facing challenges, and understanding the purpose of their struggles through the lens of faith.Experiencing God's discipline and chastening is essential for growth and maturity in one's faith.Paul demonstrates the ability to love even those who hate him, reflecting the agape love of God and Jesus' teachings.Being a witness for Christ is crucial for every believer, regardless of their vocation or role.Believers are encouraged to become partakers of God's divine nature, allowing them to reflect Jesus in their daily lives.

    "We are called to not just make converts of Christ, not to make just even followers, but we are called to make disciples. Right. And disciples, uh, coming from discipline. Right. It's like we're going to be disciplined followers of Jesus." - Rylee Meek

    "Because if you're in the family, you're gonna go through it. It's a guarantee. And thank God for that. Because how else will we grow?" - Christian Edwards

    "I'm here to win. I'm going to, I'm going to run this race as, as to win." - Rylee Meek

    "Love is not acceptance of anything. There's a lot of what Paul did was, like, correction. Like, what are you doing? Wake up. Wake up." - Rylee Meek

    "Every promise of God is within an arm's reach, but not always in our hand, because that's the conditional part. We have to actually grab it. We have to do our part." - Christian Edwards

    "It takes you, as you mentioned, being able to grab ahold of that in humbling ourselves and be willing to let God fill that hole and to fill that hardness of heart." - Rylee Meek

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    • 49 min

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