30 min

Unlocking better housing for Lagos African Cities

    • Social Sciences

“The city keeps on growing every day. New infrastructure is being brought in every day. This means we can envisage more and more people coming into Lagos needing housing.”With more than an estimated 3,000 people arriving every day, Lagos is seen as a city of opportunity. But a rapidly increasing population means huge demand for housing in a city where around 70% of the population lives in substandard conditions.Speaking to Miriam Maina, ACRC’s Lagos housing domain lead Basirat Oyalowo discuss...

“The city keeps on growing every day. New infrastructure is being brought in every day. This means we can envisage more and more people coming into Lagos needing housing.”With more than an estimated 3,000 people arriving every day, Lagos is seen as a city of opportunity. But a rapidly increasing population means huge demand for housing in a city where around 70% of the population lives in substandard conditions.Speaking to Miriam Maina, ACRC’s Lagos housing domain lead Basirat Oyalowo discuss...

30 min