Wrestling on Hold-Interview with SHS's Phil Corbett Sabre TV

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With wrestling on hold until February 8 because of a Herpes outbreak in High School Wrestling, the Sartell Sabres are getting ready for the day they'll be able to hit the mats again. We talked Phil Corbett, the Wrestling Coach at SHS, to find out more about the outbreak and the Sartell reaction. Plus, what's a wrestling team to do when they can't even practice with their own teammates? Watch this online episode of our full interview with Phil Corbett to find out. High School Wrestling on Hold

With wrestling on hold until February 8 because of a Herpes outbreak in High School Wrestling, the Sartell Sabres are getting ready for the day they'll be able to hit the mats again. We talked Phil Corbett, the Wrestling Coach at SHS, to find out more about the outbreak and the Sartell reaction. Plus, what's a wrestling team to do when they can't even practice with their own teammates? Watch this online episode of our full interview with Phil Corbett to find out. High School Wrestling on Hold