1h 15 min

404: Generation Loss – Violent Delights: A Westworld Podcast Violent Delights: A Westworld Podcast

    • Después del show

Violent Delights is an aftershow podcast where hosts Andrew Sorcini, Dwayne DeFreitas, and Tosin Onafowokan discuss HBO’s Westworld, and the larger questions this ambitious show hopes to tackle.

On this week’s podcast, Andrew, Tosin, and Dwayne deconstruct the fourth episode of Westworld‘s fourth season, “Generation Loss”, as they ask: How did Teddy get to NYC? How does Christina figure into Teddy’s larger plan? Who is the ‘outlier’ the Cause need to extract? And how did Maeve stay so fresh-looking after being buried all those years?!!


* The drone stealth scene– totally an homage to Lord of the Ring: The Two Towers

Next Episode on Westworld

Social Links

You can write to us or email us a voice memo at [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter: @HBOWestWorldPod or just hash-tag #ViolentDelights

And our Facebook page is : @WestworldPodcast


* Maeve and Caleb are in the underside of Temperance and were led to a flashback of the Lighthouse— the last showdown with Reoboahm— last season’s big bad.

* Caleb is wounded and when he’s at the point of Death, Maeve shows him the bliss she experienced in the Sublime through his limbics implant. We learn that when Caleb is recovering from his wounds after the lighthouse, Maeve saw the connexion between Uwade and Caleb and left him with her without saying goodbye. She went off and lived her life solo so that he could live his.

* Caleb wakes up beneath Temperance in Hale’s company and learns that while his family is alive, Hale’s plan for Temperance is to change every human who visits into a carrier of the Fly parasite, so that they will leave and spread the parasite to humans they come in contact with— putting all of humanity under her control.

* Maeve realizes that The Man in Black is also a host and seeks to escape. She takes over the computer controlling the audio component of parasite control. Maeve and Caleb disable William and abscond with Hale back up to the park. Caleb begins to feel the effects of the parasites as Hale’s people leverage the human control technology to have the guests aide in capturing Maeve and Caleb. Maeve’s knowledge of the Westworld narratives helps her avoid the traps. Caleb is wounded as they escape, just as he was at the lighthouse.

* The Man in Black fronts Caleb and Maeve at their extraction point. Maeve takes The Man in Black while While Hale fails at controlling Caleb, The Man in Black mortally wounds Maeve, who takes him down with her by hacking in and setting off computerised explosives. Caleb is then revealed to have died later that evening. For reasons we don’t know, Hale has spent 287 attempts at making a host of Caleb. It’s been 23 years since Maeve took out the man in black—thirty years since Maeve and Caleb took down the Lighthouse.

* Elsewhere, it’s early evening and we meet Dolores at home in bed. She had painted the tower and slept all day long. She and Maya speak of dreams and go out to socialize. Maya sets Christina up with Teddy Flood, who describes himself as bounty hunter with a heart of gold. The two hit it off.

* Stubbs and Bernard are split up. Stubbs goes with a group of resistance fighters to check out an objective while C and Bernard take a team to look for The Weapon Bernard described in last week’s episode. Bernard finds the weapon. It’s Maeve— exactly where was was buried when she took out William with the computerized explosives.

Violent Delights is an aftershow podcast where hosts Andrew Sorcini, Dwayne DeFreitas, and Tosin Onafowokan discuss HBO’s Westworld, and the larger questions this ambitious show hopes to tackle.

On this week’s podcast, Andrew, Tosin, and Dwayne deconstruct the fourth episode of Westworld‘s fourth season, “Generation Loss”, as they ask: How did Teddy get to NYC? How does Christina figure into Teddy’s larger plan? Who is the ‘outlier’ the Cause need to extract? And how did Maeve stay so fresh-looking after being buried all those years?!!


* The drone stealth scene– totally an homage to Lord of the Ring: The Two Towers

Next Episode on Westworld

Social Links

You can write to us or email us a voice memo at [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter: @HBOWestWorldPod or just hash-tag #ViolentDelights

And our Facebook page is : @WestworldPodcast


* Maeve and Caleb are in the underside of Temperance and were led to a flashback of the Lighthouse— the last showdown with Reoboahm— last season’s big bad.

* Caleb is wounded and when he’s at the point of Death, Maeve shows him the bliss she experienced in the Sublime through his limbics implant. We learn that when Caleb is recovering from his wounds after the lighthouse, Maeve saw the connexion between Uwade and Caleb and left him with her without saying goodbye. She went off and lived her life solo so that he could live his.

* Caleb wakes up beneath Temperance in Hale’s company and learns that while his family is alive, Hale’s plan for Temperance is to change every human who visits into a carrier of the Fly parasite, so that they will leave and spread the parasite to humans they come in contact with— putting all of humanity under her control.

* Maeve realizes that The Man in Black is also a host and seeks to escape. She takes over the computer controlling the audio component of parasite control. Maeve and Caleb disable William and abscond with Hale back up to the park. Caleb begins to feel the effects of the parasites as Hale’s people leverage the human control technology to have the guests aide in capturing Maeve and Caleb. Maeve’s knowledge of the Westworld narratives helps her avoid the traps. Caleb is wounded as they escape, just as he was at the lighthouse.

* The Man in Black fronts Caleb and Maeve at their extraction point. Maeve takes The Man in Black while While Hale fails at controlling Caleb, The Man in Black mortally wounds Maeve, who takes him down with her by hacking in and setting off computerised explosives. Caleb is then revealed to have died later that evening. For reasons we don’t know, Hale has spent 287 attempts at making a host of Caleb. It’s been 23 years since Maeve took out the man in black—thirty years since Maeve and Caleb took down the Lighthouse.

* Elsewhere, it’s early evening and we meet Dolores at home in bed. She had painted the tower and slept all day long. She and Maya speak of dreams and go out to socialize. Maya sets Christina up with Teddy Flood, who describes himself as bounty hunter with a heart of gold. The two hit it off.

* Stubbs and Bernard are split up. Stubbs goes with a group of resistance fighters to check out an objective while C and Bernard take a team to look for The Weapon Bernard described in last week’s episode. Bernard finds the weapon. It’s Maeve— exactly where was was buried when she took out William with the computerized explosives.

1h 15 min