20 min

Calendar Management: Intentional Time, Infinite Energy Bootstrappers For Entrepreneurs

    • Emprendimiento

Is your calendar working for you or against you? On this episode of the Bootstrappers podcast, Gwen and Jeremy discuss everyone’s most precious resource: Their time. Jeremy gives advice on how he structures his work week so you can have a chill Friday. Gwen dives deep on tips and tricks on how to have your assistants save you time. All this and more on this week’s episode!
Follow this link for the free job description template!

This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2024.

Is your calendar working for you or against you? On this episode of the Bootstrappers podcast, Gwen and Jeremy discuss everyone’s most precious resource: Their time. Jeremy gives advice on how he structures his work week so you can have a chill Friday. Gwen dives deep on tips and tricks on how to have your assistants save you time. All this and more on this week’s episode!
Follow this link for the free job description template!

This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2024.

20 min