1h 17 min

Ep 099 Every Moment Is Sacred feat. Padma Gordon The Mosaic Podcast

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THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC to learn more and to buy the book please go to: www.TheMosaicOnline.com or go to amazon: http://a.co/dvgsgG3

Padma Gordon is a Spiritual Guide, Embodied Mindfulness Counselor, author and lover of life who invites people to deepen their connection to body, heart, and soul. She teaches about relationships through the lens of awakening. Her new book is called, “Being Together: Practical Wisdom for Loving Yourself and Your Partner.” You can get it here: Buy Being Together on Amazon
i was amazed at how much we shared in common and how in one conversation we could go so deep.  this was one of the few conversations i have had where we both held the space for the other to be loved and accepted, listened to and heard and acknowledged and validated.  it is what she does in the work she does too.
we spoke of:
the spaces between the words
the beauty of words, but how there is something far more in the work we do for people that happens beneath the words
we spoke of time and space and how she feels it dissolving
we spoke of the power that comes when we can be together
Every moment is sacred including the less preferable ones
and so much more
but more than the words we spoke, you will feel the vibration between us as you enter into the sacred space of two space holders.

when i asked her, if you could say one thing to a world that was listening, what would you say, she answered,

I would say: Be present. Every moment is sacred including the less preferable ones. Life is a celebration. Be a devotee of Love and Loving. Life is short. Know that you are enough and trust that you are loved.

This is a podcast you will want to hear.

to find out more about Padma please go to:

Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/padma.gordon
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/padmagordon/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/padma.gordon/
Website: https://www.padmagordon.com

#AgendalessConversation #TheMosaic #TheMosaicPodcast #50ConversationsWith50Strangers #DanielBruceLevin #PadmaGordon #Listen #SeeMe #BePresent #SpirtualGuide #MindfulMovement #BeingTogether

to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:

to join THE MOSAIC/HIITIDE book club

to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC to learn more and to buy the book please go to: www.TheMosaicOnline.com or go to amazon: http://a.co/dvgsgG3

Padma Gordon is a Spiritual Guide, Embodied Mindfulness Counselor, author and lover of life who invites people to deepen their connection to body, heart, and soul. She teaches about relationships through the lens of awakening. Her new book is called, “Being Together: Practical Wisdom for Loving Yourself and Your Partner.” You can get it here: Buy Being Together on Amazon
i was amazed at how much we shared in common and how in one conversation we could go so deep.  this was one of the few conversations i have had where we both held the space for the other to be loved and accepted, listened to and heard and acknowledged and validated.  it is what she does in the work she does too.
we spoke of:
the spaces between the words
the beauty of words, but how there is something far more in the work we do for people that happens beneath the words
we spoke of time and space and how she feels it dissolving
we spoke of the power that comes when we can be together
Every moment is sacred including the less preferable ones
and so much more
but more than the words we spoke, you will feel the vibration between us as you enter into the sacred space of two space holders.

when i asked her, if you could say one thing to a world that was listening, what would you say, she answered,

I would say: Be present. Every moment is sacred including the less preferable ones. Life is a celebration. Be a devotee of Love and Loving. Life is short. Know that you are enough and trust that you are loved.

This is a podcast you will want to hear.

to find out more about Padma please go to:

Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/padma.gordon
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/padmagordon/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/padma.gordon/
Website: https://www.padmagordon.com

#AgendalessConversation #TheMosaic #TheMosaicPodcast #50ConversationsWith50Strangers #DanielBruceLevin #PadmaGordon #Listen #SeeMe #BePresent #SpirtualGuide #MindfulMovement #BeingTogether

to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:

to join THE MOSAIC/HIITIDE book club

to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

1h 17 min