14 episodios

The fastest way to build your career is to learn from someone who has done it.

Boost your career progression by seeking guidance from a successful mentor like Amit Patel, a career coach who has a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. Patel has held positions as the CXO of two startups as well as a director at AMC Networks, Macy's, and BBCA, and has helped many individuals advance their careers through coaching and mentorship. By learning from someone who has already achieved success in their field, you can gain valuable insights and guidance to help you reach your career goals faster

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    • Economía y empresa

The fastest way to build your career is to learn from someone who has done it.

Boost your career progression by seeking guidance from a successful mentor like Amit Patel, a career coach who has a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. Patel has held positions as the CXO of two startups as well as a director at AMC Networks, Macy's, and BBCA, and has helped many individuals advance their careers through coaching and mentorship. By learning from someone who has already achieved success in their field, you can gain valuable insights and guidance to help you reach your career goals faster

    What is quite hiring? And why should you care?

    What is quite hiring? And why should you care?

    "Quiet Hiring" is a strategy used by businesses in which employers use their current staff to fill skill and talent gaps rather than hiring new employees. It may also involve external quiet hiring, in which employers supplement their existing team with contract support rather than taking on full-time employees. The purpose of quiet hiring is to make the most of the current workforce and improve retention, with the goal of benefiting the business in the long run. It may also be a response to the trend of "Quiet Quitting," where employees are taking control of their lives and work.

    Are you tired of constantly hiring and training new employees? Well, buckle up because the next big thing in the employment world is "Quiet Hiring"! This trend involves using current staff to fill skill and talent gaps rather than hiring new employees. Alternatively, businesses may also choose to supplement their team with contract support rather than taking on full-time employees.

    But why is Quiet Hiring so important? It's all about maximizing your current workforce and improving retention to benefit your business in the long run. After the wild ride that was the past few years, some companies are now trying to correct their over investments, while others are waiting to see what others do. For those in the middle, the question remains: how can we take advantage of the excess talent in the market without breaking the bank? The answer is simple - invest in your people!

    Of course, there's a right way and a wrong way to go about Quiet Hiring. Don't just expect your employees to do more for less. Instead, consider hiring subject matter experts (SMEs) to enhance your core competencies and invest in training for your full-time employees. This will not only fill the gaps you need, but it will also lead to career development for your current employees.

    But before you start hiring SMEs and investing in training, take the time to identify what skills and competencies you need. Simplify your strategy around your highest-performing business units and identify 1-3 skills that would enhance or grow those competencies. Then, create a financial model to estimate the potential return on investment. Once you've done all that, test your Quiet Hiring strategy by hiring an SME on a contract basis for 3-6 months with clear objectives and KPIs. Track progress and evaluate performance on a monthly basis, and when the SME's work is complete, create a blueprint to document the procedures for your organization.

    So, what are the benefits of Quiet Hiring the right way? It can help avoid employee burnout, result in long-term cost savings, lead to better strategic planning, drive continuous innovation, and identify your best and brightest employees. Plus, it's a great way to respond to the trend of "Quiet Quitting," where employees are taking control of their lives and work. So, don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your business - give Quiet Hiring a try!

    • 2 min
    Top Talent Drives the Shift towards remote working ( Bonus: 6 free tools you should try )

    Top Talent Drives the Shift towards remote working ( Bonus: 6 free tools you should try )

    The future of work is constantly evolving and it is often the top job candidates who drive these changes. According to economist Raj Choudhury of Harvard Business School, the current trend is towards extreme flexibility in the workplace. Top talent no longer wants just a hybrid work option, they want to be able to work from wherever they choose. Choudhury believes that this will lead to a divide between companies that embrace the "work-from-anywhere" model and those that are resistant to it. He predicts that those in denial may lose their best talent as a result, forcing them to catch up to the changing landscape.

    The pandemic brought about the idea of the 3/2 work model, where employees would spend three days in the office and two days working remotely. However, this model has not fully materialized. Instead, remote work has become increasingly popular, with companies expecting their employees to work from home for almost half of the week. Startups, with their nimble and adaptable nature, are well-positioned to take advantage of this shift towards remote work. Established firms, on the other hand, must decide whether to hang on to expensive real estate and traditional management styles or to adapt to the trend.

    One group that has particularly favored office-based work is senior leaders, who often have their own private offices or meeting spaces. With the economic downturn, some of these veteran corporate managers may use the softer job market as leverage to bring employees back to the office. However, top talent has already demonstrated a preference for remote work, which could lead to conflict as the issue is resolved.

    In conclusion, the future of work is influenced by the demands of top talent and the current trend is towards extreme flexibility, including the ability to work from anywhere. This shift presents challenges for both startups and established firms, with the latter facing the decision of whether to adapt or hold on to traditional ways. The economic downturn may also play a role, as senior leaders try to bring employees back to the office, but they may face resistance from those who prefer remote work.

    6 free tools you should try
    Remote work has become increasingly important in recent years, and technology has played a crucial role in making it possible. There are many tools and software available to help make remote work more efficient and effective. Here are some of the best tools for working from home (WFH):

    Loom: Loom is a simple desktop app or browser plugin that allows you to privately record your screen and/or camera and send video messages to your team members. This can be a much faster and more efficient way to communicate than typing out emails or having long meetings. The free plan is robust enough for most teams, but you may want to upgrade if you want to keep videos permanently.
    Miro: Miro is a virtual whiteboard that allows for collaborative drawing, writing, and adding images, text, links, and stock graphics. It's a great tool for fostering creativity and communication, and the free plan includes three boards.
    Trello: Trello is a simple, flexible project management tool that's easy to use from day one. It also has a great library of Trello boards to help you get started.
    Xtensio: Xtensio is a collaboration platform that allows teams to create and manage beautiful presentations, reports, and documents called folios. It offers easy-to-use drag and drop functionality and helps with branding by allowing users to work under a custom dashboard.
    Slack: Slack is a popular chat tool for the workplace, and it has several enhancements that keep it ahead of the competition. It's robust, reliable, and heavily integrated, making it a crucial tool for remote teams.
    Zoom: Zoom is the leader in video conferencing, with high-quality video and audio reliability. This makes it an essential tool for virtual meetings.
    Overall, these tools can help make remote work more efficient and effective by facilitating com

    • 3 min
    The Importance of Timing in Salary Negotiations: When to negotiate is more important than how.

    The Importance of Timing in Salary Negotiations: When to negotiate is more important than how.

    Salary negotiations can be a nerve-wracking experience, but they are an important aspect of any career. Knowing when to negotiate and how to effectively communicate your value to your employer can make all the difference in securing the salary you deserve. In this article, we will discuss the importance of timing in salary negotiations, strategies for increasing your bargaining power, and the right time to negotiate.

    The Importance of being able to say NO!

    Timing is a crucial factor to consider when negotiating salary. If you are not in a position of power to say NO during the negotiation, it may be difficult to negotiate effectively. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as a lack of experience, a lack of valuable skills or contributions to the company, or simply not being in a position within the team. 

    On the other hand, if your company is not in a position to say no to you, it may be the perfect time to negotiate. For example, if you are an essential member of a team or have been consistently delivering strong results, your employer may be more willing to consider a salary increase.

    Strategies for Increasing Your Bargaining Power

    There are several strategies you can use to increase your bargaining power in salary negotiations. One key strategy is to make yourself valuable to the company through your skills and contributions. This can include taking on additional responsibilities, delivering high-quality work, and continuously seeking out opportunities to learn and improve. By demonstrating your worth to the organization, you increase the chances that the company will agree to your terms.

    Another effective strategy is to have a backup job or at least the appearance of other options. This can show your employer that you are not desperate and are willing to consider other opportunities, which can increase your bargaining power.

    In the past, while working as an engineering lead, I used to casually mention to my manager that I was being "bugged" by other companies on Linkedin, or that a friend had reached out about an open position at their company. These approaches were less aggressive but still conveyed to my boss that I was not desperate. It's important to remember to still provide value to the team and demonstrate your worth to the organization, even while negotiating salary. It is important to approach this strategy with caution, as overly aggressive negotiation tactics can backfire and damage your relationship with your employer.

    The Right Time to Negotiate

    Knowing when to negotiate salary is crucial to your success. One good time to consider salary negotiations is when a new project is starting ( When the company doesn't have time to replace you ) or when something important needs to be completed and you are a key part of its success. This can be a prime opportunity to increase the chances of getting a higher salary.

    Another good time to negotiate is when you have received a job offer from another company or have been approached about a new opportunity. This can provide leverage in negotiations with your current employer, as they may be more willing to consider a salary increase to retain your services.

    It is important to be mindful of the timing of salary negotiations. Picking the wrong time can result in missing a window of opportunity and potentially jeopardizing your position within the company. For example, if your company is going through a tough financial period, it may not be the best time to ask for a salary increase. Similarly, if you have just received a promotion or a significant raise, it may not be appropriate to negotiate again for a while.

    In addition to timing, it is important to be prepared when negotiating salary. This includes researching industry standards and knowing your worth in the job market. It can also be helpful to have a clear understanding of your accomplishments and the value you bring to the company. By being knowledgeable and prepared, you can effectively communic

    • 3 min
    The Power of a Strong "Tell Me About Yourself" Response: How Answering this Common Question Can Set the Stage for a Successful Interview!

    The Power of a Strong "Tell Me About Yourself" Response: How Answering this Common Question Can Set the Stage for a Successful Interview!

    Tell me about yourself" is a common question that you may be asked in an interview or at a networking event. It is an opportunity for you to share some information about your background, skills, and accomplishments, and can help to navigate the direction of the interview. By answering this question well, you can give the interviewer a sense of your relevant experience and qualifications, and provide ideas for follow-up questions.

    When answering this question, it's important to keep in mind that the person asking is looking for a brief summary of your relevant experience and qualifications. It's not necessary to share every detail of your personal life or work history. Instead, focus on highlighting the experiences and skills that make you a strong fit for the role you are interested in. This can give the interviewer a clear understanding of your strengths and areas of expertise, and provide ideas for further discussion.

    Here are some tips for answering "Tell me about yourself":

    Focus on your professional background: This is your chance to give a brief overview of your education, work experience, and career goals. You can highlight your most relevant achievements and skills, and emphasize how they make you a strong candidate for the position.
    Tailor your response to the job: Make sure to mention any experience or qualifications that are particularly relevant to the role you are applying for. This will show the interviewer that you have a good understanding of what the job entails and that you are a good fit for the position.
    Keep it concise: You don't want to go into too much detail about your personal life, so try to keep your response focused on your professional background and goals. Aim for a concise, two-three minutes overview of your career.
    Use this as an opportunity to set the tone for the rest of the interview: You can use your response to "Tell me about yourself" to set the tone for the rest of the interview and establish the themes that you want to emphasize throughout the conversation.

    It's also important to tailor your response to the specific role or industry you are interviewing for. For example, if you are applying for a position in marketing, you might focus on your experience with social media campaigns and data analysis. If you are attending a networking event, you might emphasize your leadership skills or your passion for a particular field.

    Answering the question "Tell me about yourself" well can set the tone for the rest of the interview and help to establish you as a strong candidate. By highlighting your relevant experience and skills, and keeping your answer focused and concise, you can give the interviewer a clear understanding of your qualifications and set the stage for a productive and successful interview. It can be a great opportunity to steer the conversation in the direction you want it to go.

    • 2 min
    Empowering Strategies for Successful Leadership Transitions A Letter to New Leaders

    Empowering Strategies for Successful Leadership Transitions A Letter to New Leaders

    Congratulations on taking on a leadership role! This is a major accomplishment in your career and a fantastic opportunity for personal and professional growth. As you embark on this exciting journey, it's natural to feel a mix of emotions including excitement, anticipation, and even a little bit of insecurity or fear. But remember, you have the skills and potential to succeed in this new role.

    With a little guidance and by creating a personal success plan, you can tap into your full leadership capacity and make a positive impact on your team, your organization, and the world. Embrace this opportunity to think on a larger scale and make a difference. With the right strategies and support, you can thrive in your new role as a manager and lead your team to success.

    1: Connect with Your Team on an Emotional Level

    In order to effectively lead and connect with your team, it's important to understand and embrace your own values and mindset. Consider seeking out a coach or mentor to help you navigate challenging personal and professional circumstances and develop your leadership skills. Remember to reach for a heart before you reach for a hand – building connections with your team is essential for building strong, successful teams.

    2: The Importance of Listening in Leadership

    As a leader, it's essential to take the time to listen and understand the perspectives of your team members. This helps build trust and shows that you value their input and ideas. Remember the 80-20 rule – aim to listen 80% of the time and speak 20%. This not only helps you gain valuable insights and knowledge from your team, but also demonstrates your commitment to collaboration and inclusion.

    3: Define Your Leadership Style

    Leadership is a dynamic, active process, and one style does not fit all. Take the time to evaluate what works and doesn't work for you as a leader, and consider developing your "authentic" leadership style or approaching it from a "purpose-driven" perspective. Remember that leadership is situational and evolving, and the expectations and skills you develop as a leader will continue to grow and change.

    4: Dos and Don'ts for Your Leadership Transition

    As you take on a new leadership role, it's important to build trust with your team and define your management style. Avoid oversharing, but make an effort to connect with your team members on a personal level. Focus on creating a positive culture and helping your team members connect with the leader's vision and the company's goals. Remember to seek out allies and advocates, and build your social and human capital to support your initiatives.

    5: Delegating for Success

    As a leader, it's natural to want to take on as much as possible to prove your value. However, it's important to remember that part of your role is to delegate tasks to your team and establish a leadership process. Take a step back and consider whether you are the best person to tackle a specific task, or if it would be better suited for someone else on the team. Thinking from a leadership perspective and considering how your team and organization can best be served will help set you up for success and prepare you for future promotions. Remember, it's okay to say "no" and prioritize your workload. Delegating tasks and guiding your team to success is an important part of your role as a leader.

    • 2 min
    The Power of Perseverance: How One Middle Manager Became the CEO of a $1.8 Trillion Company

    The Power of Perseverance: How One Middle Manager Became the CEO of a $1.8 Trillion Company

    Have you ever heard the saying, "Winners never quit, and quitters never win"? It's a cliche, but it holds a lot of truth. Most people give up too soon or become complacent before they've truly reached their potential. But the winners in life are often those who don't look like winners in their early years.

    If you can't imagine yourself as a successful person right now, that's okay. Success is often a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort to get to where you want to be, and it's important to remember that your current circumstances do not define your future.

    So, if you want to be a winner in life, don't give up too soon. Keep improving yourself and keep hustling. Don't let setbacks or challenges hold you back. Keep going no matter what, and eventually, your time will come.

    Successful people aren't born that way. They become successful by constantly striving to be better and by never giving up, even when things get tough. If you want to be a winner, you have to be willing to put in the work and persevere through the difficult times.

    So, don't worry about what you look like now. Be the person you want to be by constantly working towards your goals and never giving up. With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

    Satya Nadella is a great example who never gave up on his dreams. Today, he is the CEO of Microsoft, a company worth a staggering $1.8 trillion. But it wasn't always easy for Nadella. In 1993, he was just another middle manager at Microsoft, working on Excel demos.

    Despite this humble beginning, Nadella didn't let his circumstances define him. He worked hard and climbed the ladder, eventually becoming the CEO of Microsoft in 2014. Today, he is worth an estimated $700 million, a testament to his hard work and determination.

    Nadella's story is a testament to the fact that there are many ways to win in life. It doesn't always come easy, and it takes hard work and perseverance to achieve success. But if you are willing to put in the effort and never give up, you too can reach the top.

    So, if you want to be a winner like Satya Nadella, remember to never give up on your dreams. Keep working hard and pushing yourself to be the best you can be. With hard work and determination, you too can achieve great things.

    When we see someone who has achieved great success, it's easy to assume that they took an easy path to get there. But the reality is that most successful people have had to put in a lot of time and effort to reach their goals. It's not uncommon for people to spend years, even decades, working towards their dreams.

    You might not want to follow the same path as someone else, and that's okay. There are many different ways to achieve success. But one thing is certain: if you want to achieve something big, it will take time and effort.

    So, if you're feeling discouraged or like you're not making progress, remember that it's all part of the journey. Keep working hard and persevering, and eventually, you will reach your goals. Don't give up, even when the road gets tough. With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

    • 2 min

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