39 segundos

Instagram verification tips from the CEO Underground Waves by Th3 Mind

    • Entrevistas musicales


Building up your social proof (or “notoriety”)
Is a daily battle , but one that can be won with the right gameplan!

The short term W of an IG verification is cool- but think of the countless other opportunities that come your way when your name is getting pushed out there by different outlets

Your artwork is omnipresent- available for most anyone to view/listen at anytime, all they have to do is know you exist

Don’t let them sleep on you anymore!


Building up your social proof (or “notoriety”)
Is a daily battle , but one that can be won with the right gameplan!

The short term W of an IG verification is cool- but think of the countless other opportunities that come your way when your name is getting pushed out there by different outlets

Your artwork is omnipresent- available for most anyone to view/listen at anytime, all they have to do is know you exist

Don’t let them sleep on you anymore!

39 segundos