5 episodios

Welcome to the The Meeting Gg podcast where you’ll meet fictional character Gg created by Amy Knapp when she “needed a new friend.” What does that mean? “Needed a new friend?” Why did she need a new friend? In each episode a treasured guest reads from one of the many Meeting Gg stage plays and discusses the details with Amy. So let’s sit back and enjoy. Who’s Meeting Gg today?

Meeting Gg Amy Knapp

    • Arte

Welcome to the The Meeting Gg podcast where you’ll meet fictional character Gg created by Amy Knapp when she “needed a new friend.” What does that mean? “Needed a new friend?” Why did she need a new friend? In each episode a treasured guest reads from one of the many Meeting Gg stage plays and discusses the details with Amy. So let’s sit back and enjoy. Who’s Meeting Gg today?

    Episode Five - Who's Who with Megan Gallagher

    Episode Five - Who's Who with Megan Gallagher

    Amy's good friend, Megan, joins her at Flight Coffee in Dover, New Hampshire, to read Gg's thoughts on what celebrities can't buy.

    • 6 min
    Episode Four - Give Me Love with Tooky Kavanagh

    Episode Four - Give Me Love with Tooky Kavanagh

    Tooky Kavanagh joins us for a wonderful reading of Give Me Love, originally performed in New York. Tooky is a touring comedian and you can learn more at TookyKavanagh.com

    • 13 min
    Episode Three - Drive with Chelsea Gonzalez

    Episode Three - Drive with Chelsea Gonzalez

    Listen to actress, producer and director Chelsea Gonzalez recite "Drive" and an unforgettable Shel Silverstein poem.

    • 8 min
    Episode Two - About the Wink with Susan Goodnough

    Episode Two - About the Wink with Susan Goodnough

    In this episode, Amy's Aunt Susan reads and discusses Gg's modified version of the Serenity Prayer. Thank you for listening.

    • 9 min
    Episode One - Fresh Trout with Geordy Hutchinson

    Episode One - Fresh Trout with Geordy Hutchinson

    Thank you for listening to our very first episode! It's only 8 minutes. Send questions and we may answer them on a future episode. Visit our Etsy shop: SweetGg for official merchandise.

    • 8 min

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