7 episodios

Hello everyone, I am Rini. I was fairly average teenage girl, and I don't have a crazy life but I would like to share it with other people. Mainly family and friends just to keep them in the loop, but this might also be entertaining and possibly relaxing or relatable for others! I just hope you enjoy!

Random Ramblings - With Rini Rudabega #1Bigbiggersister Rini

    • Arte

Hello everyone, I am Rini. I was fairly average teenage girl, and I don't have a crazy life but I would like to share it with other people. Mainly family and friends just to keep them in the loop, but this might also be entertaining and possibly relaxing or relatable for others! I just hope you enjoy!

    We in College Baby

    We in College Baby

    Hello this Rini rutabaga, and this is random ramblings with Rini rutabaga. This episode is mainly just a catch up on my life and what’s been happening lately. I am now in college and wanted to share my experiences with everyone. I hope you enjoy this episode! https://linktr.ee/rinichavez17?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cd70a498-a3a6-463c-bd62-d82b2e10b06b

    • 26 min
    Waking Up Early

    Waking Up Early

    I honestly just missed podcasting and decided this would be fun to just do a midnight rambling. I hope you enjoy my delirious chatting to myself! Peace, love, and bye!

    • 21 min
    Back and Better

    Back and Better

    Hello everyone, Rini Rutabega is back and this episode touches on where I've been, what I've been doing, and what's going on. There is not much else to further describe this episode, but I do hope you enjoy it and come back for more episodes to come. Peace, love, and bye!!!

    • 24 min
    School During a Pandemic

    School During a Pandemic

    Hello this is Rini Rutabaga here, in this episode is a continuation of my last one. I am talking about what school is like for me during a pandemic. Many were curious sooo here youuuu goooo!?!?!! Hope you enjoy!

    • 21 min
    First Day Jitters

    First Day Jitters

    So it's been a bit since I've posted on here but I'm finally getting back into it, I hope you enjoy my stupid ramblings and stress, on the whole, going back to school thing! I will get back to you soon on how that all went and what's going on there. I hope you all enjoy my podcast and want to hear more from me!!!! Umm just listen when you listen you'll know the whole story!

    • 27 min
    Hi, It's me Rini!

    Hi, It's me Rini!

    Hello everyone this is my very first episode, I hope you enjoy! I wanted to expand to different forms of media and podcasting seemed like something fun to start doing. I enjoyed recording this and hope you enjoyed listening to my random ramblings! 

    • 18 min

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