8 min

The Designer and Uber Driver Experience: The Power of Exceptional Customer Experience Personal Branding Podcast

    • Profesiones

Today we're diving headfirst into the power of exceptional customer experience.  I will share with you why prioritizing your clients, especially in the realm of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), is the secret weapon you've been overlooking.

“Often times consumers, clients, and customers are not just buying a product or service, they are buying an experience, a feeling, a perception, a person(YOU)” – Bernard Kelvin Clive

Let's face it, customer service in some parts of the world can be, well, let's just say lacking. And for many SMEs, the focus often lands on simply getting the job done. But what if I told you that by shifting your mindset and truly prioritizing the customer experience, you could unlock exponential growth for your business? Intrigued? Then buckle up, because we're about to explore real-world examples and practical strategies to make exceptional service your competitive edge.

Here’s the first Story

Two Designers and the Power of Going the Extra Mile

Let me illustrate this concept with a recent experience I had. A few weeks back, I needed some new signage created for one of my clients. Knowing the importance of a visually appealing and functional design, I contacted two graphic designers specializing in sign-making and posters. Both were familiar faces, having worked with me on previous projects.

To ensure a well-informed decision, I briefed them on the project's specifics and requested they visit the location to assess the space and gather inspiration. Both designers readily agreed and promptly scheduled site visits. Up to this point, everything seemed on par. However, the story takes a fascinating turn when we look at their follow-up approaches.

The first designer, let's call him David, returned with a straightforward email containing an invoice outlining the estimated cost for the project. It was a clear and concise message, but it lacked something crucial—a spark of initiative. David had completed the bare minimum; he'd assessed the space, formulated a price, and presented it without further engagement.

Now, don't get me wrong, a clear estimate is important. But in this competitive landscape, it just wasn't enough to stand out.

The Art of Exceeding Expectations

The second designer, Sarah, took a distinctly different approach. Following her site visit, Sarah not only sent a detailed quote, but she also went above and beyond by creating three unique design samples for the signage. These weren't just generic mockups; each sample showcased a distinct visual style and layout, catering to different aesthetic preferences. This thoughtful gesture demonstrated not just her design skills, but also her understanding of the importance of client input and collaboration.

The impact was undeniable. When I presented both options to my client, their reaction was clear: Sarah's effort to personalize the experience by providing design choices instilled a sense of confidence and partnership. They felt valued and understood, not simply handed a price tag. In contrast, David's impersonal approach, while competent, failed to capture their imagination or create an emotional connection with the project.

How Going the Extra Mile Benefits Everyone

Now, Sarah's proactive approach wasn't just about winning this specific project. It's about understanding the ripple effect exceptional service can create. Think about it this way:

* Happy clients become indirect brand ambassadors. When you exceed expectations, clients are more likely to sing your praises to their networks. Positive word-of-mouth marketing is an invaluable tool,

Today we're diving headfirst into the power of exceptional customer experience.  I will share with you why prioritizing your clients, especially in the realm of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), is the secret weapon you've been overlooking.

“Often times consumers, clients, and customers are not just buying a product or service, they are buying an experience, a feeling, a perception, a person(YOU)” – Bernard Kelvin Clive

Let's face it, customer service in some parts of the world can be, well, let's just say lacking. And for many SMEs, the focus often lands on simply getting the job done. But what if I told you that by shifting your mindset and truly prioritizing the customer experience, you could unlock exponential growth for your business? Intrigued? Then buckle up, because we're about to explore real-world examples and practical strategies to make exceptional service your competitive edge.

Here’s the first Story

Two Designers and the Power of Going the Extra Mile

Let me illustrate this concept with a recent experience I had. A few weeks back, I needed some new signage created for one of my clients. Knowing the importance of a visually appealing and functional design, I contacted two graphic designers specializing in sign-making and posters. Both were familiar faces, having worked with me on previous projects.

To ensure a well-informed decision, I briefed them on the project's specifics and requested they visit the location to assess the space and gather inspiration. Both designers readily agreed and promptly scheduled site visits. Up to this point, everything seemed on par. However, the story takes a fascinating turn when we look at their follow-up approaches.

The first designer, let's call him David, returned with a straightforward email containing an invoice outlining the estimated cost for the project. It was a clear and concise message, but it lacked something crucial—a spark of initiative. David had completed the bare minimum; he'd assessed the space, formulated a price, and presented it without further engagement.

Now, don't get me wrong, a clear estimate is important. But in this competitive landscape, it just wasn't enough to stand out.

The Art of Exceeding Expectations

The second designer, Sarah, took a distinctly different approach. Following her site visit, Sarah not only sent a detailed quote, but she also went above and beyond by creating three unique design samples for the signage. These weren't just generic mockups; each sample showcased a distinct visual style and layout, catering to different aesthetic preferences. This thoughtful gesture demonstrated not just her design skills, but also her understanding of the importance of client input and collaboration.

The impact was undeniable. When I presented both options to my client, their reaction was clear: Sarah's effort to personalize the experience by providing design choices instilled a sense of confidence and partnership. They felt valued and understood, not simply handed a price tag. In contrast, David's impersonal approach, while competent, failed to capture their imagination or create an emotional connection with the project.

How Going the Extra Mile Benefits Everyone

Now, Sarah's proactive approach wasn't just about winning this specific project. It's about understanding the ripple effect exceptional service can create. Think about it this way:

* Happy clients become indirect brand ambassadors. When you exceed expectations, clients are more likely to sing your praises to their networks. Positive word-of-mouth marketing is an invaluable tool,

8 min