58 episodes

For over 30 years, the Veterinary Hospital Managers Assn has worked to offer support and education for those who manage veterinary practices. The VHMA M2M podcast series is designed to tackle timely situations that are universal in practice. Listen for this month’s advice from experts in the trenches.

VHMA Manager to Manager Veterinary Hospital Managers Association

    • Economía y empresa

For over 30 years, the Veterinary Hospital Managers Assn has worked to offer support and education for those who manage veterinary practices. The VHMA M2M podcast series is designed to tackle timely situations that are universal in practice. Listen for this month’s advice from experts in the trenches.

    Open Book Buzz: Demystifying Business Transparency

    Open Book Buzz: Demystifying Business Transparency

    Welcome back to the VHMA Manager to Manager Podcast! Today, we're diving into an interesting aspect of veterinary practice management: open-books management. Join us as we explore how sharing the financial side of the practice with all team members, even the "non-numbers" people, can lead to greater engagement, accountability, and success.
    Our guest for today's episode is Kristen Norris, a seasoned CVPM Practice Manager based in Texas. With 14 years of experience in her current practice, including a decade as a practice manager, Kristen is passionate about creating a work environment where team members feel empowered and valued. She firmly believes that fostering transparency and open communication about the practice's financial health is key to achieving this goal.
    In this conversation, Kristen shares her insights into how KPIs can help everyone understand their role in contributing to the practice's success. From posting scoreboards in prominent areas of the practice to integrating financial discussions into daily operations, she offers practical strategies for effectively sharing financial information in a way that resonates with team members. We'll also explore the importance of tailoring the information shared to each individual's role and how this approach can lead to increased buy-in and engagement across the team.
    Show Notes: [2:19] - Open-books management does not mean opening the checkbook for everyone. It means being transparent about the health of the business and letting staff feel involved.
    [3:24] - Kristen describes the scoreboard she has posted in the main area of the practice that provides a snapshot of the health of the business.
    [5:51] - It’s important to take the opportunities to show and talk about how much things cost.
    [7:54] - Sharing financials can make a big difference, but we have to be able to explain them in ways that the staff can individually understand.
    [10:46] - Some patient care goals can be connected to numbers.
    [11:49] - Share different measurements and how they apply to what we provide to clients. Earning money for the practice is not something to be ashamed of.
    [14:58] - When it comes to new hires, sharing some data and numbers can improve their onboarding and understanding of their new role in the practice.
    [17:05] - Leadership can communicate successes in a similar way to team sports.
    [18:55] - It is important for associates to know how they are doing in the practice and sharing numbers can communicate that clearly.
    [22:29] - In years past, scripts were commonly used. Now we go with a more relaxed approach, but sometimes we miss some information. Talking points can help.
    [24:14] - Celebrating goals does not have to be huge expense. Simple celebrations when goals are met are effective and appreciated.
    [26:19] - If you want your team to be involved, you need to provide ways for them to be involved.
    Thank you for listening. Remember you are not in this alone. Visit our website for more resources.
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    • 28 min
    Transitioning from Coworker to Manager

    Transitioning from Coworker to Manager

    Today we’re chatting about the manager role and the diverse pathways that lead individuals to this position. While practices are increasingly hiring managers from outside the organization, internal promotions are still frequent and possible and play a significant role in shaping leadership teams. Without debating the pros and cons of how we find managers, today we are discussing that transition from co-worker to manager. By gaining insight into the challenges and establishing a solid starting point, we can prepare new managers to succeed in their role.
    Joining today is Andrea Cruz. Andrea is an RVT Practice Manager in Long Beach, CA. Andrea's journey into veterinary management began with aspirations of becoming a veterinarian, which evolved into a passion for the RVT role as she gained hands-on experience and honed her interpersonal skills. Now, as a practice manager, Andrea finds immense fulfillment in mentoring and empowering her team to reach their full potential. Throughout our conversation, Andrea will candidly share her experiences navigating the transition from colleague to manager, offering insights on maintaining professional boundaries, fostering trust, and overcoming challenges such as imposter syndrome.
    Show Notes: [2:18] - Andrea shares how she became an RVT and her early experiences.
    [4:22] - Shifting from a co-worker to a manager was hard on a personal and professional level.
    [5:59] - Balancing a friendly relationship as a manager can be a challenge.
    [9:28] - There are many resources that can help managers improve their work and expectations need to be clear.
    [11:30] - Setting clear boundaries is crucial.
    [13:26] - We underestimate the power of trust.
    [15:24] - During the transition into a leadership role, the most resistance Andrea received from teammates was when she implemented new protocols.
    [18:10] - There are ways to communicate expectations without feeling like you’re coming down on people.
    [20:22] - You need to have a solid network of people who support you.
    [21:25] - Imposter syndrome is something a lot of new managers may struggle with.
    [24:35] - Sometimes you won’t know how to deal with an issue until you do it. You will probably not be prepared for everything.It is a journey.
    [26:11] - When bringing in new leaders, step into a mentorship role and encourage open communication.
    [29:17] - There’s a common misconception that managers and those in leadership need to know and excel at everything.
    [31:15] - Don’t forget about your team and their needs. You’ve been in their position and are now able to help them grow.
    Thank you for listening. Remember you are not in this alone. Visit our website for more resources.
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    • 35 min
    Compassion Management

    Compassion Management

    Welcome back to another insightful episode as we continue our journey into detoxifying teams and fostering a more compassionate workplace culture. 

    Guest Rebecca Fox, a seasoned CVPM and Hospital Administrator from Orlando, FL, sheds light on what she calls "Compassion Management." With her wealth of experience, starting from the ground up as a receptionist to her current leadership role, Beckie brings a fresh perspective on nurturing compassion within our teams.
    Throughout this episode, we explore practical strategies and insights on how to infuse compassion into our management approach. From understanding the "why" behind processes to fostering empathy and trust among team members, we uncover actionable tips to cultivate a more supportive and empathetic workplace environment.

    Show Notes: [2:14] - You can manage well while keeping your humanity intact.
    [3:24] - Team members need to understand the “why” behind processes.
    [4:22] - Compassion Management is seeking to understand someone else’s perspective.
    [6:36] - Empathize with someone’s situation and assume good intent.
    [7:57] - If we can’t trust each other and communicate, then patient care suffers.
    [9:04] - Self-awareness is a skill that not everyone possesses.
    [11:46] - We can give team members techniques to put problems aside to focus on patient and client care.
    [13:05] - Managers need to know the scope of their role. Knowing your boundaries is important for successfully leading others.
    [16:26] - The team will take their cues from the top down. Hold yourself to the same compassion standards.
    [18:31] - Not all natural leaders are in a leadership role. Identify and communicate with the influencers on your team.
    [20:15] - You have to set the standards yourself, hold yourself to the same standards, and communicate why the standards are important.
    [24:51] - Compassion extends to clients as well.
    [26:06] - Beckie recommends some books and resources for Compassion Management.
    [28:02] - As leaders, we need to remember that we serve the clients and the team as a whole entity. It’s not about us.
    Thank you for listening. Remember you are not in this alone. Visit our website for more resources.
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    • 29 min
    The Battle of Logic vs Emotion and Why You Need Both

    The Battle of Logic vs Emotion and Why You Need Both

    In today's episode, we're talking all about emotional intelligence, a term that often gets thrown around but is frequently misunderstood. It's not just about raw intellect; instead, it's intertwined with how we navigate relationships and environments. In the veterinary world, where patient care and client service are paramount, understanding the role of emotional intelligence is crucial.
    Joining us is Rob Best, a seasoned CVPM with a background in Business and Organizational Communication. Having worn every hat in the hospital except DVM, Rob now leverages his expertise to help leaders enhance their effectiveness.
    As we explore the landscape of emotional intelligence, we'll unpack its five components, which serve as invaluable tools for navigating interpersonal dynamics. From understanding the need for certainty in our brains to regulating our behaviors in stressful situations, Rob sheds light on how emotional intelligence impacts every aspect of veterinary practice management.
    But it's not just about recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence; it's about cultivating it. Rob emphasizes the pivotal role of leadership in fostering emotional intelligence within teams, highlighting the power of intentional decisions and ongoing training.
    Throughout our conversation, Rob gives practical strategies for enhancing emotional intelligence, including self-awareness exercises, visual reminders, and the importance of grace—both for ourselves and others. So, whether you're a seasoned practice manager or just starting your leadership journey, tune in as we uncover the transformative power of emotional intelligence in veterinary practice management.
    Show Notes: [2:47] - Emotional Intelligence (or EQ) has five components that help increase our ability to be more skillful in navigating interpersonal relationships.
    [4:54] - Certainty is something our brain needs. Emotions are never certain, so we need to learn how to regulate our behaviors.
    [7:08] - It’s about manifesting and about intentional decisions from leadership.
    [8:19] - Do we allow a stressful situation to become even more challenging because we can’t regulate our emotions?
    [11:05] - We can’t “fix” people. But we can train people to better manage their behavior. It all begins with leadership.
    [14:10] - Under stress, emotional intelligence can take a hit.
    [16:22] - The day-to-day often gets in the way of new things we’d like to implement.
    [18:06] - Self-awareness and examining ourselves can be uncomfortable and challenging.
    [21:25] - Visual reminders can be helpful.
    [23:06] - You can highlight certain aspects of emotional intelligence that draw connections to the practice.
    [25:32] - We are all human. We have “stuff.”
    [27:01] - Give yourself and others grace. Our fear-based brains are driven to defensive behaviors.
    Thank you for listening. Remember you are not in this alone. Visit our website for more resources.
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    • 30 min
    Spectrum of Care

    Spectrum of Care

    Today’s topic has been buzzing around the industry lately – spectrum of care. You've probably heard various opinions on this matter, but what exactly does it mean, and is it just another passing trend? Does it mean that there’s just one good way to do it or should plans be customized?
    Joining the podcast today is Beth Fritzler, a DVM and CVPM in Seattle. With years of experience under her belt and a passion for personalized pet care, Beth is here to shed light on why tailored treatment plans are the way to provide care to as many animals as we can. From understanding the importance of flexibility in care options to empowering clients to make informed decisions, Beth will guide us through the ins and outs of navigating the spectrum of care.
    Throughout this episode, we'll explore real-life scenarios and dive into the nuances of customizing care plans to meet each patient's unique needs (and personalities). And in addition to learning how the spectrum of care impacts a patient or client, you’ll also learn the impact it has on the team.
    Show Notes: [2:26] - Spectrum of care is broad and it encompasses all the different choices and levels of care that can be offered to patients and clients.
    [4:34] - One trend is “Plan A or nothing,” but Beth explains what that means for patients and their owners.
    [5:50] - It is important to know where to draw the line and make sure it is communicated to the team.
    [8:08] - Be open to the idea that the plan needs to be tailored to the pet.
    [10:14] - Veterinarians are responsible for their patients and looking for solutions to their health issues. 
    [11:57] - Each patient is different. Some pets need more care than others.
    [13:33] - We need to encourage the team to listen to the pet owners. They know their pet better than anyone.
    [15:07] - There’s nothing wrong with offering the “A” plan. But it is important to give the client time to think. It’s not always an easy decision and is not always financial.
    [17:24] - You really don’t know what a client’s concerns are until you ask. Take the time to ask and answer questions.
    [19:47] - Many concerns clients have seem like a big deal to them, but we can easily solve them by asking questions and customizing the spectrum of care.
    [22:30] - A trend that started after the Covid-19 pandemic is the trimming down of hours and availability. It is time to revisit this thought as it limits potential care for pets.
    [25:07] - Customizing the spectrum of care can also build empathy in staff members.
    [27:52] - Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to offer something that a pet needs. That might be their best option.
    Thank you for listening. Remember you are not in this alone. Visit our website for more resources.
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    • 29 min
    Facility as Marketing Tool

    Facility as Marketing Tool

    Welcome back to the VHMA Manager to Manager Podcast. Today, we're delving into a topic that might seem a bit "fluffy" at first glance but holds immense importance for veterinary practices: interior and exterior design. It's time to explore how the aesthetics of your practice can actually impact your clients' perceptions as well as the surprising marketing tool it can become.
    Joining us is Mary Kim, a hospital administrator for a family practice in California, who brings a unique blend of business and interior design expertise to the table. Mary's journey from business school to managing a veterinary practice has given her an interesting perspective on how design can shape client experiences.
    In this episode, Mary explains why veterinary practices often overlook the significance of interior and exterior design and why it's time to change that mindset. While cleanliness is crucial, Mary emphasizes that the marketing value of fresh paint, furnishings, and landscaping outside should not be underestimated. As Mary shares her insights and experiences, you'll discover how the appearance of client spaces sends a powerful message and how investing in design can elevate your practice's image, attract new clients, and foster a sense of comfort and trust.
    From reinventing décor to budget-friendly design solutions, Mary offers practical tips and creative strategies for transforming your practice into an inviting and functional space that leaves a lasting impression.
    Show Notes: [2:28] - Typically, veterinary practices don’t put a lot of focus on interior and exterior design.
    [3:27] - The appearance of client spaces especially sends a message about how current the patient care is given.
    [5:10] - We focus on sterility which is important, but Mary explains that there are options that also make spaces inviting and comfortable.
    [8:39] - Mary describes the interior look/feel of the practice she manages.
    [11:19] - You can reinvent the pictures that go into the hospital, using them in a lot of different ways.
    [14:14] - Generally speaking, this is a frugal industry. Mary shares ways to keep things inexpensive.
    [17:25] - It is a good idea to also ask for the input of employees and team members.
    [18:59] - Mary shares the inspiration behind the decor chosen for client spaces in their family practice.
    [21:44] - Big projects can be budgeted for, but small things can be replaced or repaired as needed.
    [23:41] - Sometimes, you might try things that just don’t work. Mary shares some recent struggles she has faced in managing spaces.
    [26:08] - There has to be some amount set aside each year for maintenance as the facility is a huge asset.
    [28:01] - You can be creative and combine design and function into a practice.
    Thank you for listening. Remember you are not in this alone. Visit our website for more resources.
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    • 31 min

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