
100首最美的英文诗 Podcast

又是一个新的早晨。我希望新的一天带给我些什么呢? 我希望世界上所有人都更加富有,希望我们获得的一切都不会损害他人的利益,我希望有些东西到来时不会阻碍我前进,希望它们从我身边经过时只会带给我感动,能让我从中汲取力量。 我希望在新的一天里能结交一些灵犀相通的新朋友,同时也继续拥有老朋友;我还希望自己在新的一天里能做一份真正有意义的工作。 我希望在新的一天里。大家能跟着主播Bone和Faith那会让人怀孕的声音,一起读诗,开启美好的一天。

  1. 10/04/2019


    The sea is calm tonight. 今晚,海上风平浪静。 The tide is full, the moon lies fair Upon the straits; 潮水正满,皎洁的月光洒在海峡上; On the French coast the light gleams and is gone; 法兰西海岸,灯火闪烁; The cliffs of England stand; Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay. 英格兰崖壁陡峭,高高耸立静谧的海湾, 一望无际,微光闪闪。 Come to the window, sweet is the night-air! 走到窗前,夜色如此甘甜! Only, from the long line of spray where the sea meets the moon-blanched land. 月色中苍白的大地与海相接,孤寂的长岸浪花飞溅。 Listen! you hear the grating roar of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling, at their return, up the high strand, begin, and cease, and then again begin, with tremulous cadence slow, and bring the eternal note of sadness in. 听啊,听那聒噪吼叫, 巨浪把卵石翻卷,一次次拉回海底,一次次又抛向高滩。 反复循环,相继不断,那节奏舒缓,那旋律震颤,这永恒的曲调饱含悲切哀怨。 Sophocles long ago,heard it on the Aegean, and it brought into his mind the turbid ebb and flow Of human misery; 古代的诗人索弗克斯, 在爱琴海上也曾聆听过这涛声的咏叹。由这混杂的潮汐, 想到人世的苦难。 We find also in the sound a thought, Hearing it by this distant northern sea. 如今,在这遥远的北海倾听, 我们的心感到同样震撼。 The Sea of Faith was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled. 信仰之海啊, 曾几何时,大潮涨满, 遍布整个世界, 飞舞彩带,闪耀光环。 But now I only hear its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, retreating, to the breath Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear and naked shingles of the world. 可是现在,还能听到什么? 只剩下悲伤悠长的呼喊, 潮声退落成晚风的呜咽, 直到世界沙石裸露,广漠的边际一片昏暗。 Ah, love, let us be true to one another! 让我们彼此真诚相爱! For the world, which seems to lie before us like a land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; 看这眼前的世界, 处处如梦似幻, 似乎美好、新奇、灿烂, 可是既无欢乐、光明、爱恋, 又无诚信、和平、慈善; And we are here as on a darkling plain swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, where ignorant armies clash by night. 我们身处漆黑的莽原, 争斗、逃亡、惶恐、纷乱, 黑夜里愚蠢的军队厮杀纠缠。

    2 min
  2. 09/04/2019

    70. 残酷仙境,冷酷仙女

    by John Keats 约翰·济慈 Oh what can ail thee,knight-at-arms 骑士啊您为何哀伤 Alone and palely loitering? 孤独彷徨 悲伤烦扰 The sedge has withered from the lake 湖中之草都已枯败 And no birds sing 鸟儿 也匿声了 Oh what can ail thee, knight-at-arms so haggard and so woe-begone? 骑士啊您为何哀伤,如此憔悴,如此懊恼 The squirrel's granary is full and the harvest's done 食物堆满松鼠粮仓,丰收时节都结束了 I see a lily on thy brow 您的眉眼间绽放一朵百合 With anguish moist and fever dew 湿热悲苦的露珠于其间垂缀 And on thy cheek a fading rose 您的脸庞上有支凋零玫瑰 Fast withereth too 转瞬间枯萎 I met a lady in the meads 我邂逅美人于那绿坪之上 Full beautiful--a faery's child 她定是精灵之女啊美得这般无暇 Her hair was long, her foot was light 曼长的秀发轻盈的步伐 And her eyes were wild 狂野之光在她眸间闪亮 I made a garland for her head 我用鲜花为她做成花冠 And bracelets too, and fragrant zone 手镯还有那芳香的束腰 She looked at me as she did love 她凝神看我仿佛满眼爱意 And made sweet moan 她温柔叹息如有甜蜜愁哀 I set her on my pacing steed 我抱她上马 And nothing else saw all day long 一整日啊再看不到其他 For sidelong would she bend, and sing 眼里只见她那侧身的模样 A faery's song 耳中只闻她唱的妖灵歌谣 She found me roots of relish sweet 她为我采集甜美草根 And honey wild, and manna dew 吗哪甘露、野生蜂蜜 And sure in language strange she said 她所说言语也甚奇 "I love thee true." “我爱你,全心全意” She took me to her elfin grot 她引我进那妖精洞穴 And there she wept and sighed full sore 于此,她凄凄落泪她哀哀感伤 And there I shut her wild eyes 于此,那双狂野之眼啊 With kisses four 被我以吻合上 And there she lulled me asleep 于此 她诱我魂入梦土 And there I dreamed--ah! woe betide! 啊正是于此!哀痛来袭 The latest dream I ever dreamed 我最近一次沉入梦境 On the cold hill's side 就在那 冰冷的山坡之侧 I saw pale kings and princes too 我目睹诸多面色苍白的国王、王子 Pale warriors, death-pale were they all 与骑士;他们全苍白得如僵尸白骨 They cried--"La Belle Dame sans Merci 他们都在嘶喊:那个冷酷的女子啊 Hath thee in thrall!" 已经囚你为奴! I saw their starved lips in the gloam 我目睹他们那些咧开的枯唇 With horrid warning gaped wide 嘴里全是 悚骇警言 And I awoke and found me here 尔后我便惊醒 发现自己 On the cold hill's side 已在这 冰冷的山坡之侧 And this is why I sojourn here 于是我徘徊此地 Alone and palely loitering 孤独彷徨 悲伤烦恼 Though the sedge is withered from the lake 纵然湖中之草都已枯败 And no birds sing 纵然鸟儿 也匿声了

    3 min
  3. 28/03/2019


    Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, Lady, were no crime. 如果我们的世界够大,时间够多,小姐,这样的羞怯就算不上罪过。 We would sit down and think which way to walk and pass our long love's day. 我们会坐下来,想想该上哪边去散步,度过我们漫漫的爱情天。 Thou by the Indian Ganges' side shouldst rubies find: I by the tide of Humber would complain. 你会在印度的恒河河畔寻得红宝石:我则咕哝抱怨,傍着洪泊湾的潮汐。 I would Love you ten years before the Flood, and you should, if you please, refuse till the conversion of the Jews. 我会在诺亚洪水前十年就将你爱,你如果高兴,可以一直说不要,直到犹太人改信别的宗教。 My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires, and more slow; 我植物般的爱情会不断生长,比帝国还要辽阔,还要缓慢; An hundred years should go to praise thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze; 我会用一百年的时间赞美你的眼睛,凝视你的额眉; Two hundred to adore each breast; But thirty thousand to the rest; 花两百年爱慕你的每个乳房,三万年才赞赏完其它的地方; An age at least to every part, and the last age should show your heart; 每个部位至少花上一个世代,在最后一世代才把你的心秀出来。 For Lady, you deserve this state, nor would I love at lower rate. 因为,小姐,你值得这样的礼遇,我也不愿用更低的格调爱你。 But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity. 可是在我背后我总听见时间带翼的马车急急追赶;而横陈在我们眼前的却是无垠永恒的荒漠。 Thy beauty shall no more be found, Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound My echoing song: 你的美绝不会再现芳踪,你大理石墓穴里,我的歌声也不会回荡: Then worms shall try That long preserved virginity, And your quaint honour turn to dust, and into ashes all my lust: 那时蛆虫将品尝你那珍藏己久的贞操,你的矜持会化成灰尘,我的情欲会变成灰烬: The grave's a fine and private place, but none, I think, do there embrace. 坟墓是个隐密的好地方,但没人会在那里拥抱,我想。 Now therefore, while the youthful hue sits on thy skin like morning dew, and while thy willing soul transpires at every pore with instant fires. 因此,现在趁青舂色泽还像朝露在你的肌肤停坐,趁你的灵魂自每个毛孔欣然散发出实时的火焰。 Now let us sport us while we may, and now, like amorous birds of prey, rather at once our time devour thanlanguish in his slow-chapt power. 此刻让我们能玩就玩个尽兴;此刻,像发情的猛禽宁可一口把我们的时光吞掉,也不要在慢嚼的嘴里虚耗。 Let us roll all our strength and all our sweetness up into one ball, and tear our pleasures with rough strife thorough the iron gates of life: 让我们把所有力气,所有甜蜜,滚成一个圆球,粗鲁狂猛地夺取我们的快感冲破一扇扇人生的铁栅栏: Thus, though we cannot make our sun stand still, yet we will make him run. 这样,我们虽无法叫太阳驻足,却可使他奔跑向前。

    2 min


又是一个新的早晨。我希望新的一天带给我些什么呢? 我希望世界上所有人都更加富有,希望我们获得的一切都不会损害他人的利益,我希望有些东西到来时不会阻碍我前进,希望它们从我身边经过时只会带给我感动,能让我从中汲取力量。 我希望在新的一天里能结交一些灵犀相通的新朋友,同时也继续拥有老朋友;我还希望自己在新的一天里能做一份真正有意义的工作。 我希望在新的一天里。大家能跟着主播Bone和Faith那会让人怀孕的声音,一起读诗,开启美好的一天。

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