41 min

2170: From Real Estate Mogul to Happiness Coach: How Self-Love Increased Profits & Improved Relationships with Brad Chandler Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

    • Investing

In today's 10th episode, Jason discusses the uptick in housing inventory, which is still historically low, about half of what it should be. The new normal is higher, but the housing market is still at about half of normal numbers, more than double the lowest point during the COVID era. This means that people are still in a stuck resale market with a lock in effect, where people are not willing to give up their incredible deals on mortgages. Home builders are the only people selling homes because they don't have the lock in effect and have short-term money. Jason has found fantastic deals on new homes with home developers, special financing rates, and buy downs. These builders are more flexible and reasonable, and their earnings are doing well overall. Jason recommends talking to his investment counselor about these deals, as things change over time.
Then Jason and Brad Chandler discuss the transformative power of self-love and its impact on overall well-being, with Brad emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and addressing the root causes of negative behaviors and beliefs. They also explor the concept of attachment and authenticity in relationships, and how the lack of self-love can lead to self-destructive patterns. Lastly, they introduced the 'Unlock Limitless' quiz designed to help individuals assess their levels of self-love and make positive changes.
#peterschiff #inflationary #housinginventory #stuckresalemarket #lockineffect #mortgages #newhomes #builders #mortgageadjustment #cpi #cplie #inflationinduceddebtdestruction #incomeproperty #selflove #happiness #freedom #realestate #income #property #relationships #childhoodtrauma #hypnosis #subconsciousmind #limitingbeliefs #awareness #innerchild #enlightenment #relationships #inflammation #stress #health #cortisol #autoimmunedisease #healing #communication #authenticity #attachment
Key Takeaways:
Jason's editorial
2:21 Greetings from the Real Estate Guys Cruise
3:29 The current housing market and incredible deals we got for you
6:09 The lock-in effect and IIDD
Jason's interview with Brad Chandler
12:39 BradChandler.com
16:28 Your child-like brain and limiting beliefs
19:01 Awareness and the pharma industry
23:56 2 Fears in every relationship
27:21 Self love and how we can practice it
31:56 Being aware
34:51 Happiness coach vs. traditional therapist and pillars to this system
37:32 There is a better way
Take the Self Love quiz https://unlocklimitlessyou.com/
Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit: https://www.jasonhartman.com/
Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: http://JasonHartman.com/Fund
CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:
Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course: https://www.jasonhartman.com/deals
Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:
Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

In today's 10th episode, Jason discusses the uptick in housing inventory, which is still historically low, about half of what it should be. The new normal is higher, but the housing market is still at about half of normal numbers, more than double the lowest point during the COVID era. This means that people are still in a stuck resale market with a lock in effect, where people are not willing to give up their incredible deals on mortgages. Home builders are the only people selling homes because they don't have the lock in effect and have short-term money. Jason has found fantastic deals on new homes with home developers, special financing rates, and buy downs. These builders are more flexible and reasonable, and their earnings are doing well overall. Jason recommends talking to his investment counselor about these deals, as things change over time.
Then Jason and Brad Chandler discuss the transformative power of self-love and its impact on overall well-being, with Brad emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and addressing the root causes of negative behaviors and beliefs. They also explor the concept of attachment and authenticity in relationships, and how the lack of self-love can lead to self-destructive patterns. Lastly, they introduced the 'Unlock Limitless' quiz designed to help individuals assess their levels of self-love and make positive changes.
#peterschiff #inflationary #housinginventory #stuckresalemarket #lockineffect #mortgages #newhomes #builders #mortgageadjustment #cpi #cplie #inflationinduceddebtdestruction #incomeproperty #selflove #happiness #freedom #realestate #income #property #relationships #childhoodtrauma #hypnosis #subconsciousmind #limitingbeliefs #awareness #innerchild #enlightenment #relationships #inflammation #stress #health #cortisol #autoimmunedisease #healing #communication #authenticity #attachment
Key Takeaways:
Jason's editorial
2:21 Greetings from the Real Estate Guys Cruise
3:29 The current housing market and incredible deals we got for you
6:09 The lock-in effect and IIDD
Jason's interview with Brad Chandler
12:39 BradChandler.com
16:28 Your child-like brain and limiting beliefs
19:01 Awareness and the pharma industry
23:56 2 Fears in every relationship
27:21 Self love and how we can practice it
31:56 Being aware
34:51 Happiness coach vs. traditional therapist and pillars to this system
37:32 There is a better way
Take the Self Love quiz https://unlocklimitlessyou.com/
Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit: https://www.jasonhartman.com/
Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: http://JasonHartman.com/Fund
CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:
Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course: https://www.jasonhartman.com/deals
Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:
Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

41 min

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