5 min

Brooke Kamin Rapaport of Madison Square Park On Cristina Iglesias’s New Sculpture, "Landscape and Memory‪"‬ Marian Goodman Gallery

    • Visual Arts

Cristina Iglesias unearths the forgotten terrains and geographic history of Madison Square Park in Landscape and Memory, a newly-commissioned public art installation and her first major temporary public art project in the United States. Landscape and Memory places five bronze sculptural pools, each with intricately patterned bas reliefs that feature water gently flowing and arriving in different sequences, into the park’s Oval Lawn. These sculptural works harken back to when the Cedar Creek—now buried underground—coursed across the land where the park stands today. Building on Iglesias’ practice of unearthing the forgotten and excavating natural history, Landscape and Memory resurfaces in the imaginations of contemporary viewers the now-invisible force of this ancient waterway. The installation is on view through 4 December 2022.

The audio tour is provided courtesy of Madison Square Park Conservancy, and led by Deputy Director and Martin Friedman Chief Curator Brooke Kamin Rapaport.

Cristina Iglesias unearths the forgotten terrains and geographic history of Madison Square Park in Landscape and Memory, a newly-commissioned public art installation and her first major temporary public art project in the United States. Landscape and Memory places five bronze sculptural pools, each with intricately patterned bas reliefs that feature water gently flowing and arriving in different sequences, into the park’s Oval Lawn. These sculptural works harken back to when the Cedar Creek—now buried underground—coursed across the land where the park stands today. Building on Iglesias’ practice of unearthing the forgotten and excavating natural history, Landscape and Memory resurfaces in the imaginations of contemporary viewers the now-invisible force of this ancient waterway. The installation is on view through 4 December 2022.

The audio tour is provided courtesy of Madison Square Park Conservancy, and led by Deputy Director and Martin Friedman Chief Curator Brooke Kamin Rapaport.

5 min