200 episodes

Rick and Jonathan talk about how mainstream and biblical topics mix in today's world. This is a discussion from several different angles that will make you think about the Bible like you never have before!

Christian Questions Bible Podcast Rick and Jonathan

    • Religion & Spirituality

Rick and Jonathan talk about how mainstream and biblical topics mix in today's world. This is a discussion from several different angles that will make you think about the Bible like you never have before!

    Do My Habits Glorify God? (Part II) Social Habits

    Do My Habits Glorify God? (Part II) Social Habits

    Habits are BIG! In many ways, habits - whether they are good or bad for us - dominate our lives. The odd thing is we are not even generally aware of how deeply rooted they are and how much control they really have. In Part I of our 2-part habits series, we looked into the habits that define our personal lives, those things we do that may or may not impact those around us. In this episode, we look into the habits that define our public lives, those things we do when others are watching or engaging. The science of habits tells us the human brain is capable of being rewired through our conscious efforts. While this truth might be surprising, it also offers us a foundation for change. The Christian question here is, do I present myself in public in a way that brings glory to God, or do I have work to do? How are my social habits?


    Do My Habits Glorify God? (Part I) Personal Habits

    Do My Habits Glorify God? (Part I) Personal Habits

    Human beings are undeniably creatures of habit. Let me dramatically oversimplify the whole habit thing for a moment to make a point. Habits are formed as tools to bring us comfort, reward and what we believe we want in life. Little kids test this all the time. A child with a very focused mind wants to do things their own way. Instead of listening, they argue and even rebel because doing it their way is what they find the greatest reward in. Another perhaps less stubborn child will fight and argue for their own way and then back off because their parent’s approval or recognition gives them a greater reward. This oversimplified comparison helps us see that our human habits are ultimately self-driven. How do we as Christians deal with all of this? What habits should be changed or left alone?

    Habits can be really good things.

    They can protect us from danger and enhance our lives by being able to do many things without having to consciously focus. However, when we look at the other side of the issue, we can see how our ability to “mindlessly” do things can be a serious detriment. The great news here is our minds are capable of changing such “mindless” activity into positive and productive habits. This capacity for change is not necessarily an easy fix, but it can be a powerful one. We can do this because our brains have something called "neuroplasticity."

    Neuroplasticity means your brain has the ability to change throughout your life.

    The fascinating thing is that our brains are always changing. We continually and subconsciously develop new habits in relation to our daily experiences. As Christians, our big challenge is this: Develop new God-glorifying habits we consciously choose to replace old habits that are ultimately detrimental. There is so much to this, as the prospects can be both exciting and scary all at once. So, where do we start?

    Check out our June 17, 2024 podcast, “Do My Habits Glorify God? (Part I)” for more. We break down this complex and important subject into its basic pieces. First, there is the understanding of the how and why of our brain functions. Then there is the understanding of what steps actually take place when a habit is being formed. Once we understand these steps, coupled with how our brains reward us for behavior, the whole habit thing becomes clearer.

    Now comes the life-changing part. We delve into clearly identifying our God-dishonoring habits. We then lay out the necessary steps for making the kinds of changes that will replace them with better, God-honoring habits. While this may not be easy, it is hands down a thrilling and practical lesson to learn. Join us for this episode as we focus on our internal, private habits. This will set the stage for Part II when we examine our public habits which govern how we act around others.

    • 1 hr 2 min
    Is My Life on Fire for Christ?

    Is My Life on Fire for Christ?

    As human beings, we all know what it's like to get fired up about something. We see a circumstance unfold or read about something controversial, or our team wins the game no one thought they could. And we react! We become passionate or energized and feel that adrenaline rush. Suddenly there is no mountain too high or ocean too broad. We’re up for the challenge! Yeah, we all know what that’s like. The question is, is that what "having our lives on fire for Christ" looks like? Before we get too excited, let’s consider a simple question. What was David referring to when he wrote, “For zeal for Your house has consumed me” in Psalm 69:9? Was he talking about being consumed by a moment and reacting, or was he writing about having his very being consumed by a lifelong desire to honor God?

    Compare today

    The 21st century version of getting fired up is a far cry from what was known as “zeal” in the Old and New Testaments. For us here and now, it really ends up being all about emotion. Being fired up can be either a good thing or a bad thing. The dramatics of such a surge of feelings can easily push the borders of personal control. Interestingly, this is the greatest similarity between modern-day fire and scriptural zeal. In the Bible, the word is often used to describe things like jealousy and even hatred. However, on the positive side, it is frequently used to depict a powerful, disciplined and long-lasting burning desire - just the kind of Christian zeal we want.

    David, Paul, Jesus

    When we look at biblical individuals like King David, the Apostle Paul and Jesus himself, we can begin to understand what this burning desire looks like. When Jesus cleared the moneychangers out of the Temple in John 2, he was described as having the same kind of zeal King David had relating to that very Temple. What was that zeal? David spent many years of his adult life dedicated to getting the Temple built. Even though God told him that because he was a warrior it had to be built by someone else, David was unphased. He planned, he gathered materials, and he taught his son Solomon what needed to be done. THAT is zeal. That is what a burning desire looks like according to the Bible.

    How can we even relate to that kind of zeal? Check out our June 10, 2024 podcast, Is My Life on Fire for Christ? for more. We uncover some startling realizations about how Jesus learned zeal, and how he himself expressed it in different parts of his life. We break down several other biblical examples of zeal and then use them as a basis to formulate what our Christian zeal should look like. Finally, we compare the burning desire of zeal in the Bible with our emotional versions of it today. What we find is revealing! Join us and see how true zeal for Christ can change your life!


    How Do We Cope With Feeling Shame?

    How Do We Cope With Feeling Shame?

    Most of us are likely familiar with what shame feels like. We know all too well that it has the capacity to be a debilitating weight that can cut us off from others and reduce our lives to a cycle of hiding and self-contempt. Such a cycle can bring us to a living space where the ceaselessly droning voices of regret and unworthiness echo in a continuous loop. Even if we are repentant, shame can make forgiveness seem not only undeserved and impossible, but entirely unreachable as well. Our shame now grows into a malignant tumor. Unchecked, it can drain away the goodness and value of our lives. What can we do to battle against and overcome its debilitating characteristics? Fortunately, the Bible shows us many principles to transform shame into a tool for growth!

    Feeling shame has a long history within the human race. We can actually trace it back to its beginning. As we do, it’s important to observe what it looked like and why it appeared. Adam and Eve were direct creations of God and the beginning of our human family. As such, Genesis tells us they were naked and unashamed. We know they were given clear guidelines for living and ended up choosing to follow Satan’s suggestions rather than God’s proclaimed truth. Once they committed to this sinful act, something unique happened.

    Adam and Eve felt shame.

    They covered themselves.

    They hid from God.

    Their shame was a function of their consciences.

    It was a tool of the mind to let them know that their previously perfectly balanced lives were now off center. They were out of harmony with their Creator and consequences would follow. This shows us that in its best application, this can be something very positive. It can serve as a sort of alarm to alert our minds that corrective action needs to be taken.

    Shame as a weapon

    Unfortunately, in our world this very positive purpose for shame barely exists. Why? Because we have taken to using shame as a weapon. Instead of it being based on the purity of godly righteousness, we have based it upon our rivalries and our desire to exclude “those" people. Shaming is now a great way to close down arguments and send those on the other side into hiding.

    Added to this shaming by others is the fact that many of us bring unjustified shame upon ourselves. We perceive ourselves as "less than" or unworthy and proceed to hide ourselves away. None of this is good, healthy or godly. So, what do we do? Check out our June 3, 2024 podcast, “How Do We Cope With Feeling Shame? We break shame down into its varied applications and find scriptural remedies. We examine an incredibly powerful account of shame in the New Testament and observe how Jesus - with just a few words - changed it all. Join us for these important and inspiring lessons. They just might add valuable insight to your perspective!


    What Is the Broad Road That Leads to Destruction? (Listener Q&A Series)

    What Is the Broad Road That Leads to Destruction? (Listener Q&A Series)

    Jesus plainly taught that the vast majority of humanity is traveling on the "broad road that leads to destruction." Further he taught that there is a narrow way that leads to life, which is only found by few. For anyone who truly cares about humanity, this can be a very troubling thought. Why would God, the Creator of all things, set up a plan that's such a losing proposition? Was Jesus really saying there are only a few who will ultimately be saved? If true, then what about all those scriptures that say Jesus died for ALL? If this is not the true understanding, then what does this "broad road to destruction" actually refer to? Fortunately, this can all get sorted out by putting several pieces of biblical reasoning together.

    Clear or misconstrued?

    When we read Jesus’ words, we would like to believe they were always clear, understandable and to the point. However, by his own teaching, Jesus informed us differently. He told us he taught in parables. He also told us there were parts of his teaching that simply were not yet ready to be understood. Often times his words have been misconstrued, and as a result, many of his statements have fallen into a category of assumed meaning.

    Jesus teaching about the fact that many are on "the broad road to destruction" falls into this category of assumed meaning. As we begin to unfold this saying, it is important to put our easily drawn assumptions aside and focus on what these words really meant. So, where do we start? Let’s begin with the context. Matthew chapter 7 is part of the Sermon on the Mount. A careful examination of this shows us that Jesus is teaching his closest disciples while thousands of others are listening in. The 7th chapter is several short teachings one right after the other, and this two-verse lesson is part of that.

    Jesus tells his followers there is a broad road and a narrow road.

    He is teaching his disciples they are of the few who are privileged to navigate the narrow road. The basic comparison is that if you become a true follower of Jesus, you are spared from the road to destruction. All well and good, but where did this road to destruction begin and where does it lead?

    The answer here is actually simple. All we need to do is determine when and where this road began. Check out our May 28, 2024 podcast, “What is the Broad Road That Leads to Destruction?” for details. We put this all in the context of the first part of Romans 6:23, “For as in Adam all die…”. We trace how and why this broad road to destruction is linked to this simple statement about Adam and build the case from there. What we find is surprising, as this road to destruction becomes clearly defined as a definitive part of God’s master plan for reconciliation. Don’t miss this!

    Are Monitoring Spirits Watching Us?

    Are Monitoring Spirits Watching Us?

    Our world can be confusing and scary. Sometimes it’s hard to know what is true, and sometimes it’s hard to know who to trust. For Christians, coping with this uncertainty should always come down to God’s word. What principles are we given in Scripture that will shine the sure light of truth on whatever dilemma we perceive to be in our way? Some Christian groups have taken to label much of the rampant darkness of our world as the work of “monitoring spirits.” The suggestion here is that these spirits are firmly connected to Satan, and their work is overwhelmingly focused on spying on and disrupting the lives of Jesus’ followers. As we look into this belief, we will ask the same question we always ask: what scriptural basis is there for these conclusions?

    What exactly is a “monitoring spirit”?

    The belief system here is that they are demons who have a high priority objective to spy on Christians. They look to steal thoughts, abundance and spiritually important messages from the unknowing and innocent. This is done by watching our movements, listening to our conversations and intervening in our dreams. They bring all they learn back to Satan for the purpose of undermining and destroying the lives of as many Christians as possible.

    Are evil spirits actively stealing your blessings?

    We had not been aware of this teaching until it was recently brought to our attention as a question. With honest examination, we can see a basis drawn from some sound scriptural principles. First of all, those who believe in monitoring spirits believe Satan is actively seeking to undermine the lives of Jesus’ true followers. This is a sound and easy-to-prove scriptural concept. We know Satan is called “a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.” The truth of Satan’s objectives should provoke any and every Christian to being alert.

    However, just because a teaching by a Christian group has a basis in sound scriptural doctrine does not mean the teaching is sound itself. We need to be very careful here. Satan himself is an expert on using foundations of truth to deceive. Consider his deception of Eve. He rightly said that eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil would open their eyes of understanding. In this way, they would be like God. This truth, coupled with the lie of not dying for this sin, was enough to destroy the harmony in the Garden of Eden. We see the monitoring spirits teaching in this same light. Be wary.

    Check out our May 20, 2024 podcast, “Are Monitoring Spirits Watching Us?” for more. We listen to the reasoning behind this particular belief system. This includes people believe our dreams can be stolen while we sleep, resulting in brokenness. We then test all of this against clear Scripture. We find overwhelming evidence that helps us see what is right and acceptable in God’s sight regarding these well-publicized teachings. Don’t miss this important and revealing journey!

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