20 min

EHR 1195 Morning moment JF forgiveness? Jun 7 2024 EH Radio Canadian Politics with a twist

    • News Commentary

When you see the lies, that continue, not just in the US, but around the world, the calls are for action against those who would harm people whose only crime is to speak ‘TRUTH’ many call for retribution but really its more basic than that ‘equal justice under the law. Its that simple https://www.spreaker.com/episode/ehr-1195-morning-moment-jf-forgiveness-jun-7-2024--60310638

When you see the lies, that continue, not just in the US, but around the world, the calls are for action against those who would harm people whose only crime is to speak ‘TRUTH’ many call for retribution but really its more basic than that ‘equal justice under the law. Its that simple https://www.spreaker.com/episode/ehr-1195-morning-moment-jf-forgiveness-jun-7-2024--60310638

20 min