189 episodes

This faith, marketing + sales podcast is for Christian coaches/course creators, Christian moms, wahm & women entrepreneurs wanting to build, launch + scale their holy-spirit led, Biblical callings into $10-50k+ monthly 6-figure online businesses + funnels. Join Ashley June, $1 Million Online Biz Owner + Homeschool Mom, Ex-Photographer, MBA + Storyteller for sales, funnels, marketing, to make money online + training relevant to Christian coaches who want Biblical truth & strategy to create income, family wealth + legacy. Group Coaching: https://bit.ly/3uJC4pn Website: https://ashleyjuneco.com

She's Wild + Radiant | Online Business, Christian Business, Christian Women, Faith, 6-7 Figure Coach Ashley June - Christian Business Coach, Online Business, CEO, Marketing Faith

    • Religion & Spirituality

This faith, marketing + sales podcast is for Christian coaches/course creators, Christian moms, wahm & women entrepreneurs wanting to build, launch + scale their holy-spirit led, Biblical callings into $10-50k+ monthly 6-figure online businesses + funnels. Join Ashley June, $1 Million Online Biz Owner + Homeschool Mom, Ex-Photographer, MBA + Storyteller for sales, funnels, marketing, to make money online + training relevant to Christian coaches who want Biblical truth & strategy to create income, family wealth + legacy. Group Coaching: https://bit.ly/3uJC4pn Website: https://ashleyjuneco.com

    189. Come to the Mother-Daughter Retreat at Dollywood!

    189. Come to the Mother-Daughter Retreat at Dollywood!

    I am currently on a mini-sabbatical, but I am so excited to share in today’s podcast an invaluable opportunity for Christian coaches who are moms with young daughters (ages 7-13). 

    If you’re like me, you crave a relationship with your daughter. It is not easy being a busy Christian business coach who is building a business but also raising daughters. If you want to find a way to connect with your daughter and show her how much you value her, you do not want to miss this podcast episode where I share all about the retreat I put together, so you are able to…

    Build strong mother-daughter bonds
    Teach your daughters how to build deep and honoring friendships
    Speak identity over your daughter
    Teach your daughter how to have a healthy mind and body
    Enable your little girl to become a brave + purpose-driven little world-changer

    I invite you to join me and my two daughters, Eleanor (almost 10) and June (7), in Gatlinburg, TN for a transformative, identity-driven, 4-day, 3-night unplugged LUXURY RETREAT designed for Christian CEO moms and their daughters (ages 7-13) to foster DEEP MOTHER-DAUGHTER CONNECTION.

    Get more information about the retreat here: https://www.wildandradiant.com/audaciousdollywood 


    Ready to launch? Join The Selah Collective 12-Month Group Coaching Program

    Ready to scale? Join the Selah Mastermind

    For the Holy Spirit-led coaches who want to hit $100K in the next 12 months, get the 25+ page guide: 12-Months to $100k.

    Free coaching masterclass: Watch the Recession-Proof Online Biz Masterclass

    The Productivity Playbook: Get your business organized with my Productivity Playbook

    Ready to get an all-in-one funnel builder? Sign up for Kartra today!

    Get FREE, ORGANIC email leads on Instagram using this DM flow template.


    EPISODE 189. Come to the Mother-Daughter Retreat at Dollywood!


    Episode 10. How to Manage Mompreneur Life With Little Kids at Home

    Episode 141. How I Work 5-10 Hour Weeks in My Coaching Business During My Family-Focused Summers


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shes-wild-and-radiant/message

    • 11 min
    188. I'm Upleveling and on a Mini-Sabbatical

    188. I'm Upleveling and on a Mini-Sabbatical

    Welcome back to the She's Wild & Radiant Podcast with your host, Ashley June! Today I’m sharing a personal and professional update that is exciting and also a bit nerve-wracking. If you're navigating the intersection of faith and entrepreneurship, this is especially for you.

    Here's what we're getting into:

    -Ever wonder what happens when you hit pause on the hustle to listen for God's guidance? It's not what you might expect.

    -Transitioning between the old and new in business and life can be a wild ride. I'm right there with you, and here's a glimpse into that journey.

    -Rethinking how we do things in our businesses isn't just smart; it's a faith move. I'll share why and how I'm doing just that.

    Plus, I've got some sneaky, exciting plans brewing during my sabbatical that might just involve you, too. Stay tuned!

    Whether you're a Christian life coach, business coach, or just passionate about infusing your online venture with your faith, there's something in this conversation for you. Let's explore together how taking a step back can actually propel us forward in ways we never imagined. 


    Ready to launch? Join The Selah Collective 12-Month Group Coaching Program

    Ready to scale? Join the Selah Mastermind

    For the Holy Spirit-led coaches who want to hit $100K in the next 12 months, get the 25+ page guide: 12-Months to $100k.

    Free coaching masterclass: Watch the Recession-Proof Online Biz Masterclass

    The Productivity Playbook: Get your business organized with my Productivity Playbook

    Ready to get an all-in-one funnel builder? Sign up for Kartra today!

    Get FREE, ORGANIC email leads on Instagram using this DM flow template.


    Listen to Episode 188 >>> I'm Upleveling and on a Mini-Sabbatical


    Episode 109. 2022 Online Business Recap - 17 Coaching Business Lessons I Learned This Year Including Leadership Fails + Wins as a Christian Coach!

    Episode 115. Are You Being Called to Homeschool AND Run an Online Coaching Business? Counter-Cultural Christian Moms -This is For You!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shes-wild-and-radiant/message

    • 13 min
    187. Why You Need Christian Women Business Besties in the Online Marketing World

    187. Why You Need Christian Women Business Besties in the Online Marketing World

    Ashley June here! As your Christian business coach, I've felt the loneliness and the joy that come with entrepreneurship, and I’ve discovered the importance of having like-minded Christian women business besties. Today's episode is a deep dive into my journey, highlighting the transformative power of these connections in both life and business.

    In this episode, you'll uncover:

    -The Power of Being in Community: Elevate your faith and business by connecting with fellow Christian entrepreneurs.

    -The Blessing of Sharing Burdens: Learn the value of a supportive network in navigating the coaching business landscape.

    -The Joy of Fun and Fellowship: Discover the role of fun in building lasting friendships and a fulfilling entrepreneurial life.

    Whether starting or scaling your coaching business, this episode offers insights and encouragement for integrating faith, friendship, and entrepreneurship. Let's explore together how to forge connections that enrich both our professional and spiritual journeys. Remember, you're not alone in this adventure!


    Ready to launch? Join The Selah Collective 12-Month Group Coaching Program

    Ready to scale? Join the Selah Mastermind

    For the Holy Spirit-led coaches who want to hit $100K in the next 12 months, get the 25+ page guide: 12-Months to $100k.

    Free coaching masterclass: Watch the Recession-Proof Online Biz Masterclass

    The Productivity Playbook: Get your business organized with my Productivity Playbook

    Ready to get an all-in-one funnel builder? Sign up for Kartra today!

    Get FREE, ORGANIC email leads on Instagram using this DM flow template.


    Episode 187. Why You Need Christian Women Business Besties in the Online Marketing World


    Episode 67. How to Make Extra Money on the Side So You Can Support Your Family and Be More Present with Your kids With Lisa Lord

    Episode 74. Quick Coaching Advice - Should I Niche Down in My Online Business?


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shes-wild-and-radiant/message

    • 25 min
    186. I've Been Getting the Itch to Build Something New - Is it Time?

    186. I've Been Getting the Itch to Build Something New - Is it Time?

    Hey, it's Ashley June here, and in this amazing episode, I'm sharing the inner nudge I’ve been feeling nudging on my heart recently. Is it time to explore new horizons?

    Get ready to dive deep into:

    - The Art of Embracing Boredom: Discover why feeling bored isn't a bad thing but a sign from God that you're ready for growth in your journey as a Christian coach.

    - Listening to the Market's Needs: Gain insights on how tuning into the market's needs can guide your next big leap in the Christian coaching industry, ensuring your services resonate with those you're called to serve.

    - Aligning Your Dreams with God's Plan: Learn how to ensure your next adventure aligns with your vision and God's purpose, a crucial step in how to build a successful coaching business.

    - The Journey from Comfort to Calling: Explore the transformative power of stepping out in faith and courage, essential for anyone looking to scale a business in the realm of Christian Business Coaching.

    - Building Legacies, Not Just Businesses: Find out how to create a coaching business that resonates with your Christian values, leaving a lasting impact on your community and beyond.

    Join me as we explore these pivotal moments that beckon us towards fulfilling our God-given calling, making an impact in the world of Christian coaching and building a coaching business that not only thrives but also serves a greater purpose. Let's embark on this journey together, shall we?


    Are you a DIYer, ready to jump in? Join the Self-Study Selah Course

    Ready to launch? Join The Selah Collective 12-Month Group Coaching Program

    Ready to scale? Join the Selah Mastermind

    For the Holy Spirit-led coaches who want to hit $100K in the next 12 months, get the 25+ page guide: 12-Months to $100k.

    Free coaching masterclass: Watch the Recession-Proof Online Biz Masterclass

    The Productivity Playbook: Get your business organized with my Productivity Playbook

    Ready to get an all-in-one funnel builder? Sign up for Kartra today!

    Get FREE, ORGANIC email leads on Instagram using this DM flow template.


    Listen to Episode 186 >>> I've Been Getting the Itch to Build Something New - Is it Time?


    Episode 4. 7 Reasons Mentorship is Essential

    Episode 15. Letting God Into Your Business On the Daily


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shes-wild-and-radiant/message

    • 20 min
    185. 5 Productivity Hacks in My Online Business That Allows Me to Homeschool + Work 10-15 Hours a Week on Average

    185. 5 Productivity Hacks in My Online Business That Allows Me to Homeschool + Work 10-15 Hours a Week on Average

    Today, we're diving deep into productivity hacks that are total game-changers for anyone in the online coaching world, especially if you're all about growing your coaching or course-based business.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    -Time Blocking: Discover how you can partition your day to transform chaos into harmony.

    -The Miracle of Movement: Learn what my not-so-secret weapon is for combating the sedentary lifestyle of an online coach and how it keeps me mentally and physically on my toes.

    -Outsourcing: I'm sharing why you should outsource the tasks that dim your light.

    -Embracing Flexibility: Find out how embracing work during unconventional times can lead to bursts of inspiration and creativity, making room for God's timing in your business and life.

    In this episode, we're not just talking about strategies and systems; we're diving deep into the heart of what it means to run a faith-filled online coaching business.

    Be sure to tune in to learn about a golden opportunity to grow your business with God at the helm: The Selah Self-Study program! Make that leap of faith towards scaling your business like never before—with a massive discount using code SPRING222.


    Ready to launch? Join The Selah Collective 12-Month Group Coaching Program

    Ready to scale? Join the Selah Mastermind

    For the Holy Spirit-led coaches who want to hit $100K in the next 12 months, get the 25+ page guide: 12-Months to $100k.

    Free coaching masterclass: Watch the Recession-Proof Online Biz Masterclass

    The Productivity Playbook: Get your business organized with my Productivity Playbook

    Ready to get an all-in-one funnel builder? Sign up for Kartra today!

    Get FREE, ORGANIC email leads on Instagram using this DM flow template.


    Episode 185. Productivity Hacks in My Online Business That Allows Me to Homeschool + Work 10-15 Hours a Week on Average


    Episode 127. The 20 Billion Emotions I Felt Live Launching + Marketing My Program Even As An Expert Christian Coach

    Episode 146. What Worked Last Year Won't Work This Year - New Beginnings + New Wineskin for Christian Online Coaching Businesses


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shes-wild-and-radiant/message

    • 25 min
    184. Her Testimony: $50k, 14k, 12k, 5k, Etc. Selah Student Coaching Business Wins! {Holy Hustle Coaching Series - 7 of 7}

    184. Her Testimony: $50k, 14k, 12k, 5k, Etc. Selah Student Coaching Business Wins! {Holy Hustle Coaching Series - 7 of 7}

    Hey, beautiful friends! It’s Ashley June, and wow, do we have an incredible wrap-up for our Holy Hustle Coaching Series. Today, we're sharing heartwarming and powerful stories from our Selah Collective fam that are sure to light a spark in your heart and get those entrepreneurial gears turning.

    Get ready for an episode packed with inspiration, real talk, and a bit of that Selah Collective magic:

    -Teresa's Journey from Chaos to Clarity: Hear how Teresa went from feeling scattered to launching her dream program and banking $14,000. If you've ever doubted if your big dreams could turn into big wins, Teresa's story is your must-listen.

    -Teresa’s Breakthrough Moment: Ever feel like you're spinning your wheels with no traction? Teresa's story will show you what happens when you don't give up, even when the going gets tough. Her leap from course creation woes to consistent 5k months is nothing short of inspiring for anyone in the trenches of building a Christian coaching business.

    -Overcoming Launch Fears: Launching can be scary—like, really scary. But guess what? You're not alone. We're diving into how to face those launch fears head-on with faith as your shield. This is for anyone who’s felt paralyzed at the thought of stepping into their calling as a Christian coach.

    -Igniting Your Coaching Fire: Got ideas but no clue how to light that fire? We’re talking about finding your focus and turning those brilliant sparks of inspiration into a blazing coaching business. Perfect for Christian entrepreneurs ready to shine bright.

    -Join the Family: The Selah Collective isn't just a program; it's a home for dreamers, doers, and believers. If you've been praying for a sign to take the leap, this may be it. We're here to walk alongside you on this journey.

    You definitely don’t want to miss this episode. It's a treasure chest of motivation, lessons learned, and undeniable proof that with faith, hard work, and a little bit of community magic, anything is possible. Whether you’re just sketching out your dream or ready to level up, these stories from Alyssa, Teresa, and more are here to light your way.

    Tune in to Episode 184 and let’s get fired up together. Who knows, the next success story we celebrate could be yours. Let’s do this, friends – your next chapter starts now.

    Catch you in the episode! Let’s turn those dreams into reality, one step at a time.


    Ready to launch? Join The Selah Collective 12-Month Group Coaching Program

    Ready to scale? Join the Selah Mastermind

    For the Holy Spirit-led coaches who want to hit $100K in the next 12 months, get the 25+ page guide: 12-Months to $100k.

    Free coaching masterclass: Watch the Recession-Proof Online Biz Masterclass

    The Productivity Playbook: Get your business organized with my Productivity Playbook

    Ready to get an all-in-one funnel builder? Sign up for Kartra today!

    Get FREE, ORGANIC email leads on Instagram using this DM flow template.


    Episode 184. Her Testimony: $50k, 14k, 12k, 5k, Etc. Selah Student Coaching Business Wins! {Holy Hustle Coaching Series  - 7 of 7}


    ⁠Episode 12. My Top 5 Boundaries When it Comes to Running a Business

    Episode 13. Finding Authentic Dream Clients Through Polarization


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shes-wild-and-radiant/message

    • 55 min

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