235 episodes

Many people are confused, misinformed, or at a minimum uncertain about what to do to be truly healthy.

We bring clarity to the confusion by empowering people with education on our foundations for health including real food (body), setting circadian rhythms (sleep), meditation & mindfulness (mind), grounding & outdoors (nature), natural movement (fitness), simplicity & elegance (minimalism), natural solutions (toxicity), and cultivating community (synergy).

We build confident, empowered, happy, vibrant members that look, feel, and perform amazing, and never question what they are supposed to do to be healthy, ever again :)


WE ARE THE SHT ;‪)‬ Paul C. Tijerina, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Lifestyle, & Performanc

    • Health & Fitness

Many people are confused, misinformed, or at a minimum uncertain about what to do to be truly healthy.

We bring clarity to the confusion by empowering people with education on our foundations for health including real food (body), setting circadian rhythms (sleep), meditation & mindfulness (mind), grounding & outdoors (nature), natural movement (fitness), simplicity & elegance (minimalism), natural solutions (toxicity), and cultivating community (synergy).

We build confident, empowered, happy, vibrant members that look, feel, and perform amazing, and never question what they are supposed to do to be healthy, ever again :)


    Bios, mission, and what makes the SHT different

    Bios, mission, and what makes the SHT different

    Our very first episode where we cover a brief history and biography of the hosts, and how the SHT came to be!  we'll also cover our mission and what makes us different.
    After being misled by conventional wisdom himself, Paul completely turned his life around using ancestral health combined with modern wisdom, and guides others to do the same. 

    In Las Vegas, NV, he and his team have built a movement and a community around their foundations which they call the SuperHuman Transformation (SHT).  With the help of his SHT Executive Tribe, they are on a mission to empower the planet with the freedom that comes from learning, implementing, and experiencing their foundations for health.  The foundational principles used include:
    holistic, real food (body) setting circadian rhythms (sleep) meditation & mindfulness (mind) grounding & outdoors (nature) functional fitness (movement) simplicity & elegance (minimalism) natural solutions (toxicity) cultivating community (synergy)  
    what makes the SuperHuman Transformation (SHT) different:
    the SHT subscribes to many, but is a member of none.  we are our own way.  we created this method because everyone is so lost, confused, overwhelmed, and misinformed about what they need to do to be truly healthy.  the SHT is an education, experience, and support system that educates members on popular methodologies, gives members experiential knowledge through our programs, and comes with a lifetime of support from its community and the office of Paul C. Tijerina. the SHT is a way of life, for a lifetime.  other methodologies may work temporarily, but they aren't sustainable for a lifetime.  our focus for our members is health, longevity, and quality of life.  we're not a temporary weight loss program or a competitor program.  we are a way of life, for a lifetime, and our way is very doable for most people. ancestral + hip.  the SHT is always up to date on cutting-edge health topics, and always open to change.  part of Paul's daily responsibility is reading, learning, and following the latest and greatest in the holistic health realm to include the latest books, podcasts, scientific research, and leaders in functional medicine and holistic health.  as we learn, we experiment, and update the SHT. the SHT is from the heart.  the intention behind the SHT is the same as what's behind The CrossFit Combine - we are here to help, and we will do everything we can to further someone down their path. we are committed to a lifetime of support.  JOIN US FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT POPS UP!  

    • 37 min
    Values of the SHT

    Values of the SHT

    in this episode, we talk about our all important values.  
    some of our community values:
    we seek FREEDOM everywhere we can get it.  from Conventional Wisdom’s view, and popular methodologies view, of what we need to do to be healthy.  from fad methodologies.  from the mainstream.  this freedom comes from understanding, implementing, and experiencing our foundations for health, which give us confidence and tools we can use for a lifetime. we are proud to be different. we are proud rebels. we accept everyone.  especially those who feel lost, confused, and cast out. simplicity and elegance.  we try to keep things brutally simple.  ex: recipes need to be things people can just throw together, they don’t have to be chefs.  ex: 2 meals per day or less.  ex: not being neurotic about food.  ex: for circadian rhythms, sun every day, minimal stimulus at night.   all of our other foundations need to be easy to implement in a modern,  chaotic life.

    we always put ourselves and our personal health first.  we make ourselves a priority.  a better us is better for anything and everything we want to contribute to in our lives.  we put the oxygen mask on ourselves before doing it for others. constant learning and experimentation, which leads to a personalized way of doing things, within the general guidelines of the SHT, which leads to honed intuition. it’s about the journey and enjoying the process.  there is never a final destination, there will never be a time when we are “there” or “done.” patience, love and kindness to ourselves and everyone else as we all figure all this out.  everyone is doing the best they can with what they have. we are all about making this work in a modern lifestyle.  we embrace modern conveniences. there is only feedback.  there is no such thing as failure.  we strive for optimal and learn from imperfection.  we either get what we are looking for, or we get feedback that helps us change course in order to get what we are looking for. better is better.  even if it’s just a little bit better. part of our contribution to the world is empowering others through our example.

    lead by example.  we do not argue or debate our way of doing things. feeling good and being happy is our ultimate goal, for ourselves and others. 

    • 35 min
    About our wisdom and how we determine our guidelines

    About our wisdom and how we determine our guidelines

    about our wisdom and how we determine our guidelines we are seeking what's optimal.  not just what seems to work in the short term.  there are plenty of ways of doing things that will get temporary results because they are better than what you were doing before.  we want what's optimal.  we believe what we offer is optimal.  and we are always evolving.
    Conventional Wisdom (CW) ideas or explanations that are generally accepted as true by the public or by experts in a field. such ideas or explanations, though widely held, are unexamined and unproven. societal habits preserve the status quo! we typically do NOT align with CW.  
    examples of CW around nutrition: fat clogs arteries and causes cholesterol problems. meat is bad for the heart and causes cancer. plant based is healthy. juicing is healthy. whole grains are healthy. eat lots of complex carbohydrates (vs simple). eat more fruits & vegetables as the solution to all our health problems. eat every 2 or 3 hours to keep your metabolism going, and to burn more calories. count calories. control portions. exercise more, eat less. examples of CW around fitness: if I decide I need to lose weight, that means I need to work out more. if something hurts, that means I need to stop exercising. working out longer and more is better. working out is the solution to everything. losing function is natural from aging. other CW views: it's all about instant gratification. we need to avoid the sun, and we always need to cover up or wear sunscreen because the sun is bad for us. EMF’s and radiation don’t really do anything to us, they aren't harmful at all. meditation is for monks, weird people, and not for religious people. we always need to wear shoes if a doctor prescribes it, it’s ok for health don’t get dirty the problem with CW: influenced by money.  careers, funding, and grants depend on it.
      there is a lot of pride in CW.  it's difficult to change momentum and reverse stances. most people get their health and nutrition information from the media.  
    our approach to health and how we formulate our guidelines: we use Ancestral Wisdom.
    handed down wisdom, family history, archeology, anthropology, evolutionary biology

    we combine this with current, relevant information.
    from science, books, experts, and thought leader in functional medicine, alternative health, and holistic health.

    we formulate experiments which give us personal & client experience.
    we believe in experimentation with awareness which helps us develop honed intuition & wisdom.  
    OUR wisdom around nutrition: fat is good for you (for many reasons).  we will cover the roles of fat in another episode. meat is good for you (for many reasons).  we will cover why in another episode. plant-based is not healthy long-term.  it can be used therapeutically, temporarily. juicing is only healthy as a compliment to eating.  most of us just eat real food. whole grains are worthless.  always. we believe in carbs from right sources at right times.  it has nothing to do with complex or simple. fruits and vegetables are only part of health.   we embrace space between meals.  most of us only eat 1 or 2 times per day. we focus on nutrients, not calories.  if a food has nutrients, it goes to many purposes in the body and may not be used for only for energy. portions tend to auto-regulate themselves when we eat our way. we exercise for fitness and preparedness, not to counter calories or eating. the sun is good for you for many reasons. dirty people are healthier. working out is synergistic with food, but doesn’t burn fat as most people think.   working out as little as possible, for an hour a day, with brief periods of intense, functional, varied, activity and then resting is optimal! we don't need to work out more.  we need to workout CORRECTLY, eat real food, sleep, get sun, meditate, etc. you can get better with age.  with the power of our foundations.  

    • 41 min
    Foods to avoid

    Foods to avoid

    foods to avoid in this episode, we discuss our foods to avoid. . .
    scroll down for notes and links :) 
    our focus when eating real food: give the body nutrients that it needs for structure, form, and function. nurture our concept of self-sufficiency, metabolic flexibility, and fat burning. minimize toxic exposure.  
    what do we want personally? optimal body composition. to feel amazing. optimal performance. optimal health markers.  
    we are cellular beings, and we are made up of trillions of cells which need: nutrients for structure, form, and function. to be able to detoxify. create energy from different sources.  
    therefore our foods to avoid: aren't sources of nutrients, and/or don't contribute to self-sufficiency, and/or have a toxic burden that inhibit nutrient assimilation, or cause other long-term problems.  
    and from a personal standpoint: don't give us optimal body composition. don't' make us feel good. don't give us good health markers over the long-term.  
    resources: artificial sweeteners: Artificial Sweeteners are Toxic to Gut Bacteria. How Artificial Sweeteners Wreak Havoc on Your Gut. On the Question of Sweeteners.  
    grains and seeds: Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for the 21st century Why Grains are Unhealthy. 9 Steps to Perfect Health - #1 : Don't Eat Toxins.  
    toxic fats: one of my favorite books on fats of all time, Know Your Fats : The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol. The Definitive Guide to Fats.  
    full-fat dairy: The Definitive Guide to Dairy. Dairy - food of the gods or neolithic agent of disease? Still Think Low-Fat Dairy is the Healthy Choice?  Think Again!  
    Genetically Modified Organisms: Institute for Responsible Technology.  a great resource on GMO's. The Non-GMO Project.  everything you need to know, broken down into easy-to-understand concepts.

    • 37 min
    foods to avoid mini episode

    foods to avoid mini episode

    foods to avoid mini episode in this episode, we further discuss our foods to avoid, briefly touching on ancestral wisdom, modern science, and our experiential knowledge.
    scroll down for notes and links :) 
    our focus when eating real food: give the body nutrients that it needs for structure, form, and function. nurture our concept of self-sufficiency, metabolic flexibility, and fat burning. minimize toxic exposure.  
    what do we want personally? optimal body composition. to feel amazing. optimal performance. optimal health markers.  
    we are cellular beings, and we are made up of trillions of cells which need: nutrients for structure, form, and function. to be able to detoxify. create energy from different sources.  
    therefore our foods to avoid: aren't sources of nutrients, and/or don't contribute to self-sufficiency, and/or have a toxic burden that inhibit nutrient assimilation, or cause other long-term problems.  
    and from a personal standpoint: don't give us optimal body composition. don't' make us feel good. don't give us good health markers over the long-term.  
    resources: artificial sweeteners: Artificial Sweeteners are Toxic to Gut Bacteria. How Artificial Sweeteners Wreak Havoc on Your Gut. On the Question of Sweeteners.  
    grains and seeds: Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for the 21st century Why Grains are Unhealthy. 9 Steps to Perfect Health - #1 : Don't Eat Toxins.  
    toxic fats: one of my favorite books on fats of all time, Know Your Fats : The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol. The Definitive Guide to Fats.  
    full-fat dairy: The Definitive Guide to Dairy. Dairy - food of the gods or neolithic agent of disease? Still Think Low-Fat Dairy is the Healthy Choice?  Think Again!  
    Genetically Modified Organisms: Institute for Responsible Technology.  a great resource on GMO's. The Non-GMO Project.  everything you need to know, broken down into easy-to-understand concepts.

    • 17 min
    our definition of real food

    our definition of real food

    our definition of real food in this episode, we discuss our definition of real food including how we determine our guidelines, the human digestive system, the role of cooking in our evolution, and so much more.  scroll down for recommended reading and resources associated with this episode.
    subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Overcast | Google Play download our definition of real food, six food groups  
    resources: what are we supposed to eat? check out this post by Denise Minger "What is the optimal diet for humans?" Expensive Tissue Hypothesis.  
    on cooking: Catching Fire: How Cooking Made us Human
    on digestion: Gut Health by Chris Kresser (free eBook) Digestive Health with REAL Food: A Practical Guide to an Anti-Inflammatory, Nutrient Dense Diet for IBS & Other Digestive Issues by Aglaée Jacob, MS, RD Digestive Wellness: Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion (4th Edition) by Elizabeth Lipsky, PhD, CCN, CNS, CHN, LDN, CFM  
    real food basics recommended reading: Weston A. Price foundation. Ancestral Appetites: Food in Prehistory by Kristen J. Gremillion The New Primal Blueprint: Reprogram Your Genes for Effortless Weight Loss, Vibrant Health and Boundless Energy The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet Perfect Health Diet: Regain Health and Lose Weight by Eating the Way You Were Meant to Eat  
    supportive resources for products: SHT by Paul C. Tijerina "things we like" SHT by Paul C. Tijerina blog

    • 44 min

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