200 episodes

Join Susan and gather some empowering life skills to find your inner freedom, radiate your personal brilliance and live a rich and opulent life. Susan helps strong, capable women who have pockets of self doubt, access their inner wisdom and clarify their Truths. Susan’s personal journey of removing energetic blocks within herself, tearing down barriers to personal success and happiness and building an inner foundation of love and courage, informs every conversation.

Having come from a background in television and broadcast radio, Susan brings thought provoking guests to her show, asking the question of “How do you live an empowered life filled with freedom and happiness?” The conversations are always rich, peppered with guided meditations, mantras and the how-tos of living a mindful life.

Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell Susan Burrell

    • Education

Join Susan and gather some empowering life skills to find your inner freedom, radiate your personal brilliance and live a rich and opulent life. Susan helps strong, capable women who have pockets of self doubt, access their inner wisdom and clarify their Truths. Susan’s personal journey of removing energetic blocks within herself, tearing down barriers to personal success and happiness and building an inner foundation of love and courage, informs every conversation.

Having come from a background in television and broadcast radio, Susan brings thought provoking guests to her show, asking the question of “How do you live an empowered life filled with freedom and happiness?” The conversations are always rich, peppered with guided meditations, mantras and the how-tos of living a mindful life.

    Messages of Hope

    Messages of Hope

    Ep#281 - Messages of Hope, an interview with co-interviewer, John Thomas about the book, Channeled Messages of Hope.
    My guest for this episode of Empowering Chats, is John Thomas. He is part of  collective that has written a book called, Channeled Messages of Hope. This book was channeled by souls whom when embodied on this earth did some amazing work.  And now their messages of hope are being channeled from the unseen side and shared in this book.
    I am honored to welcome John Thomas. In this chat, John shares how Channeled Messages of Hope came to be. His wife Caroline, was called to work with Sam Clemens, a channeler. He and Caroline have been friends for a long time. Caroline realized she could be the interviewer of the channeled souls that were coming through Sam. Together they figured out they could channel the high vibrational messages.
    And so, a plan was made to channel the souls of those that have crossed over to deliver messages of hope to earth about climate change and environmental policies. But is it more than that. This book also delivers messages of hope about gun violence, mental illness and so much of what is occurring on planet earth. These messages of hope are here to help humanity understand and deal with the crisis occurring on Mother Earth.
    There is a powerful quote that appears in the book that reads as follows, “The state of the planet is a reflection of how we are treating each other. The state of the planet is not in accordance with peace at this time because the people are not in accordance with peace at this time. The lesson is that we must look at our reflection in the mirror and we must see that we are doing this to ourselves. The planet is reflecting what we are doing because we are not treating each other with equality and kindness and we are not living in peace and the planet is reflecting this.” This quote came through from Mahatma Gandhi and was channeled as one of the many messages that make up this book. The message is profound and I believe it inspires us all to follow a higher plan to heal each other and the planet.
    To learn more about the book and the authors visit: ChanneledMessagesOfHope.com/hear-the-souls-speak/
    To purchase the book on Amazon visit: https://a.co/d/09DtwCur

    • 43 min
    Reaching Toward Higher Wisdom

    Reaching Toward Higher Wisdom

    Ep#280 - Reaching Toward Your Higher Wisdom. An interview with author, channeler and spiritual growth counselor, Caroline Oceana Ryan
    Personal note to all of the listeners of Empowering Chats: This episode will elevate you to a new way of seeing and perhaps living your life.  I know I have been elevated through this conversation with my guest, Caroline Oceana Ryan. Caroline is an author, a channeler and an Ascension Teacher. She speaks truth to me and I think she will speak truth to many of you as well.
    According to Caroline, we are entering into a whole new field of possibilities and potential, and it all has to do with our predominant vibration. And how we chose to live with our personal vibration.
    We are being forced to look inward, to wake up to what is showing up in our lives. Many of us are being challenged to change or shift the way we have been living. And sometimes it feels like the overwhelming push to negative response has increased.
    Many of us are also experiencing the detoxing of the body which can illuminate a transition occurring. This is often a sign of the letting go of old toxicity and our body releasing what no longer serves us.  This is part of the move from 3D living to 5D living.  It is important during this time of transition to give yourself time to rest.
    Caroline and I also talked about how much of our lives is based on our predominant vibration. This is important to know because how we choose to live in our predominant vibration can dictate how our life unfolds. Do we feel balanced in our vibration? Are we allowing too much of the negative vibration that exists in our world to bleed into our space? Quiet meditation can help us get in touch with our inner voice and our inner truth.  Taking 2 or 3 minutes to breathe and vibrate to a higher level can help. Inner-reflection is also encouraged.
    Infuse your thinking with love as you reach toward your highest potential and higher wisdom. It all comes down to the highest vibration of love and acceptance. With love in your life all the good will ripple out to humanity.
    To learn more about Caroline Oceana Ryan visit: AscensionTimes.com
    To explore the many book Caroline has written visit: AscensionTimes.com/books
    To learn more about how I show up in the world please visit: SusanBurrell.com

    • 1 hr 4 min
    Elevate and Rise Up

    Elevate and Rise Up

    Ep#279 - Elevate and Rise Up, A Solo Show with your host, Susan Burrell
    As we enter into the month of June, 2024 I am reminded of our theme for the year, Potential and also of our theme for this month. Elevate.
    Are we ready to rise up? To reach above our “normal” level?
    I believe it is time for us to Expand and continue our 2024 journey into our potential and elevate our inner consciousness.
    The idea of being elevated and rising up to a new level brings me joy. I believe many of us are being called into our full potential and are rising to the challenge.
    We are in a new era of moving from a 3-D living experience of materialism to an elevated level of what is being called 5-D living. Yes, we are still on this planet and grounded in Mother Earth but I believe we are also in an elevated space of consciousness.
    We are being given a new opening, a new way of being. And yes, old patterns are breaking up and falling apart. We are experiencing and seeing what looks like chaos. And it is chaos, it feels crazy at times, but I believe those old patterns must dissolve in order to illuminate the path for a new way of being.
    Let’s rise above the “normal” level and elevate the connection to others, to ourselves, to self-love and to our self-compassion. This elevation will allow us to continue building the bridge which will usher us into the new age that we are living. And we will enter into the expansion of 5-Dimensional existence.
    Now is the time of expansion, of exploring elevated ideas. Stay tuned for an inspiring month of interesting and fascinating guests as we continue down this path of excavating and elevating our potential.

    • 14 min
    Art as A Mindfulness Practice

    Art as A Mindfulness Practice

    Ep#278 - Art as A Mindfulness Practice, An Interview with Artist and Sound Healer, Lida Martin
    I am thrilled to welcome my dear friend Lida Martin to Empowering Chats. I first met Lida Martin many years ago at one of her art shows where she was displaying her watercolor paintings.
    Lida is a watercolor artist and she is passionate about life and creative expression. She strives to live her life from a mindful place, giving herself the freedom and the time to explore and nurture those things that bring her joy.
    In this inspiring chat we dip into ways we can all access our own exceptional creativity.
    Lida talks about how we are all artists on the inside – the trick is allowing ourselves to be like children and to play freely with our talent, without allowing the inner critic to judge all that we do.
    Easier said than done – but according to Lida it is possible. It’s about turning off the chatter, being curious and giving ourselves permission to exhibit our own unique artistry. 
    According to Lida when life overwhelms it is often the best time to step into your art or a mindful artful practice. She highly recommends Julia Cameron’s book “The Artist’s Way.” It’s about breaking through all of your barriers. And tapping into your desire to move and be curious about what could show up for you.
    When you are overwhelmed with life sometimes creative practice is all it takes to push you towards resolution of some kind.  A mindful practice like gardening, painting, writing, crafting can be a wonderful way to release tension and get yourself unstuck.
    Lida talks about this practice as stepping into your "Non-Ordinary" reality. One where you can release tension, get yourself unstuck and give yourself enough self-care for the creative process to take over.
    Lida is also a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor and a Sound Healer. And she teaches Visioning and Vision Board Classes. If you are local to Ventura County and are interested in taking a look at some of the creative classes that Lida offers please reach out to me directly and I will put you in touch with her.
    I can be contacted at: info@susanburell.com
    For more information about The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron visit: https://juliacameronlive.com/books-by-julia/the-artists-way-a-spiritual-path-to-higher-creativity/
    To learn more about how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

    • 33 min
    Finding Beauty in Times of Crisis

    Finding Beauty in Times of Crisis

    Ep#277 - Finding Beauty in Times of Crisis, An Interview with artist and practitioner of psychology, Dr. Laura Basha
    I am thrilled to welcome artist, and practitioner of psychology, Dr. Laura Basha to Empowering Chats.
    This is Laura’s second visit to my podcast. We had such a lovely connection the first time around that I just had to have her back.
    In this transcendent and inspirational conversation, we talked about Beauty.
    Beauty in the time of global crisis. We are in a transition point in human consciousness.
    Laura believes, and I agree with her that the awakening of our collective humanity is all about being present to all of what is occurring. It is about seeing the good, the bad and the ugly. And doing this without judgment. And Laura believes it is doable. This is where the real work begins.
    The creative process became the gateway for Laura to become more peaceful and to experience freedom from the fearful thoughts and conditions she was living.
    Laura’s childhood was challenging so she turned to art as a way to heal and to access inner peace and freedom from suffering. 
    As an artist I asked Laura to share how we, traditional non-artist types, can develop our own creativity or a practice that incorporates art that is unique to our individuality.
    According to Laura, living is and can be art. She says it is “The Art of Living,” and we all have access to it. And there is beauty in that alone. Beauty is a perceptual vantage point from which to perceive life.
    Laura says the real challenge is to disengage from our thinking so we can be present and listen for what we don’t know.
    It really is the answer to everything we are looking for. And we all have access to it. But it becomes obscured with judgements and our own belief systems that many of us are so addicted to. So much so that we don’t see what is directly in front of us.
    It takes awareness and it takes deep listening.
    To learn more about Laura the work she is doing please visit: WhiteBirdRising.com
    To purchase Laura's latest book, All is Chosen: https://a.co/d/8mrlZRR
    To learn more about me and how I show up in the world please visit: SusanBurrell.com

    • 46 min
    Steward of Inspiration

    Steward of Inspiration

    Ep#276 - Steward of Inspiration, An Interview with Poet, James Anthony Ellis
    Welcome everyone to Empowering Chats. In this episode we have a fun and inspirational conversation with poet, James Anthony Ellis.  I entered into this chat with the curiosity of an enthusiastic young child opening a present.  In this case the present is Jim’s latest book entitled, Breadcrumbs Volume 2: Poems and Prose Found Along the Sacred Path.  
    Jim is a writer, a documentarian and a poet.
    I opened this chat by asking Jim, Why Poetry? You came from a journalism background so when or how did poetry become part of your self-expression?
    He responded by saying that he had recently asked himself that same question. The first poem he remembers writing was at the age of 10. And it was entitled, “The Clock of My Life.”  And it was Jim’s first experience of having a big discovery moment where he responded to what he had written with a resounding, “Whoa look at that!” And this is where the unveiling of something bigger than him came through. And he had no idea it was even there and yet he now knew he had access to it.
    It turns out his grandfather was also a poet. Neither of his parents were writers but later in life, Jim discovered the small books of poetry written by his grandfather. And they made a big impression on him.
    The inspiration is still pouring through Jim and he has gotten into a rhythm with it. Oftentimes it comes to him through a simple phrase spoken by him or someone else which then ignites a light or a flame within which needs to be expressed. Many times, within a 10 or 15 minute span Jim finds he is able to translate what he heard into a beautiful poem or into prose.
    Jim says he feels like he is the steward of the message. As though the muse is speaking through him.
    What is exciting for Jim is to share what comes through. Share the breadcrumbs so to speak.
    Jim wrote volume 1 of Breadcrumbs in 2012. That volume was all about leaving behind clues and treasures that he had gathered in his life. Volume 2 is a journey he is asking his readers to take along with him. It starts at the most “perfect place,” the beginning of life, and then it takes you through the challenges, the joys, the sorrows, and the euphoric highs that occur in all of our lives. Then he guides you to come full circle. Back to that perfect place. He wrote it for other people so that they could follow and receive the breadcrumbs and find their way back home.
    See what whispers into your heart when you crack open "Breadcrumbs, Volume 2." It’s a gift you can give yourself.
    During our conversation, a couple of concepts arose. One was Jim catching the phrase “a life without cross outs” and commenting “that sounds like a poem that I can send to you later.” The other was Jim seeing me as “a gentle bird.” Both ideas were inspirations that ultimately and swiftly became full-length pieces of prose. I've included the links below to those beautiful pieces written by Jim.
    The Gentle Bird: 
    A Life Without Cross Outs:
    To get your very own copy of Breadcrumbs Volume 2 visit: LegacyProductions.org/breadcrumbs-vol-2/
    To learn more about Jim Ellis visit: LegacyProductions.org
    To learn more about me and how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

    • 39 min

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