1 min


    • Philosophy

So, there used to be this thing called a party. The concept was simple— a bunch of living, breathing bodies in the same place at the same time eating , drinking , enjoying or celebrating something . Some parties were promises—and those were called “weddings,” and other parties were goodbyes—and those were called “funerals.” There were parties to “warm” new homes and parties to mark the day you were born and parties to signal the arrival of a new year. And yes, whenever I would promise someone for being in-time for a party I would obviously be wrong

I was never proud of my reputation with time

like I technically know the difference between 9:00 pm and 9:03pm but I don't partially get that contrast

I mean the universe is 13.8 billion yrs old who are we to assert the value of 5 mins  but i tried to forget all this thoughts and ****

I started altering my home clock's time by 5 mins so that I stop being late I even started following a proper timetable just cause I wanted to follow a proper routine to keep up with time

but then the pandemic happened , suddenly the Tuesdays were Sundays the Sundays were Fridays ,  babies took birth , people grew old not me though I was just as lame as before but time didn't work as I thought it would , the bigger picture of time was interrupted

doing the same things DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY it was just like the foreign concepts of time like special relativity started acting upon us at some moment time moved  glacially as it does alongside black holes. And then, without warning, it accelerated so that when I asked my mom what day in April we were on, she gently informed me it was June.

and this time it was not only me but the whole world joined in this temporal disorientation

and even my punctual friends they knew how to arrive 10 mins early but now how to repeat the same 10 mins 2 billion 26 thousands times and now I regretted taking time for granted  and now I was waiting for someone to tell please don't be late

this month lasted 31 days this year, just like it did last year. Each of those days supposedly had 24 hours, like every other day this year, and those hours each held the same number of minutes

but to me it feels somewhat distorted A SENSE OF THE FUTURE IS CENTRAL TO OUR ABILITY TO GET UP IN THE MORNING but when I know the exact same thing is gonna happen next day its really weird maybe I am wrong , maybe we have been to lost in fitting in this new definitions  of  time to our usual definitions maybe we should have vocabulary for things like decades long seconds ,  months long minutes  or days melting , months freezing

So, there used to be this thing called a party. The concept was simple— a bunch of living, breathing bodies in the same place at the same time eating , drinking , enjoying or celebrating something . Some parties were promises—and those were called “weddings,” and other parties were goodbyes—and those were called “funerals.” There were parties to “warm” new homes and parties to mark the day you were born and parties to signal the arrival of a new year. And yes, whenever I would promise someone for being in-time for a party I would obviously be wrong

I was never proud of my reputation with time

like I technically know the difference between 9:00 pm and 9:03pm but I don't partially get that contrast

I mean the universe is 13.8 billion yrs old who are we to assert the value of 5 mins  but i tried to forget all this thoughts and ****

I started altering my home clock's time by 5 mins so that I stop being late I even started following a proper timetable just cause I wanted to follow a proper routine to keep up with time

but then the pandemic happened , suddenly the Tuesdays were Sundays the Sundays were Fridays ,  babies took birth , people grew old not me though I was just as lame as before but time didn't work as I thought it would , the bigger picture of time was interrupted

doing the same things DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY it was just like the foreign concepts of time like special relativity started acting upon us at some moment time moved  glacially as it does alongside black holes. And then, without warning, it accelerated so that when I asked my mom what day in April we were on, she gently informed me it was June.

and this time it was not only me but the whole world joined in this temporal disorientation

and even my punctual friends they knew how to arrive 10 mins early but now how to repeat the same 10 mins 2 billion 26 thousands times and now I regretted taking time for granted  and now I was waiting for someone to tell please don't be late

this month lasted 31 days this year, just like it did last year. Each of those days supposedly had 24 hours, like every other day this year, and those hours each held the same number of minutes

but to me it feels somewhat distorted A SENSE OF THE FUTURE IS CENTRAL TO OUR ABILITY TO GET UP IN THE MORNING but when I know the exact same thing is gonna happen next day its really weird maybe I am wrong , maybe we have been to lost in fitting in this new definitions  of  time to our usual definitions maybe we should have vocabulary for things like decades long seconds ,  months long minutes  or days melting , months freezing

1 min