68 episodes

There are plenty of shows out there that claim to be "conservative" or "Republican," but many of them are just RINOs, Neo-Cons, and swamp dwellers playing for attention from the GOP Establishment. This show is for America-First patriots only.


America First Report: JD Rucker JD Rucker

    • News

There are plenty of shows out there that claim to be "conservative" or "Republican," but many of them are just RINOs, Neo-Cons, and swamp dwellers playing for attention from the GOP Establishment. This show is for America-First patriots only.


    This Is How the Powers-That-Be Achieve Their Evil Goals: By Compromising Useful Idiots in Power

    This Is How the Powers-That-Be Achieve Their Evil Goals: By Compromising Useful Idiots in Power

    The video by journalist Tayler Hansen of uniformed San Antonio Police officers working for Non-Government Organizations to facilitate human trafficking is one of the most important stories in a long time. Unfortunately, it will get zero coverage from corporate media which is why it is incumbent on American patriots to spread the word.
    This isn't just about the law being broken or law enforcement being compromised. It isn't just about our sovereignty being stolen through the border invasion or the human toll being ignored as women and children are raped incessantly on their way to grab what Joe Biden promised them. All of that is important but there's a subtext here that must be understood.
    Some Americans are waking up. I don't know if it's 0.1%, 1%, or 10%, but it's not nearly enough. The biggest obstacle to getting "normies" to appreciate that the powers-that-be are working against us is making them suspend disbelief in the scope of the conspiracy. Sadly, Americans have been trained to think "crazy" when they hear the word "conspiracy" but the reality is this: There ARE those conspiring against us.
    Understanding that the scope is tremendous is a prerequisite for people to wake up to the reality of our situation. If they believe that most in power are simply greedy, then they'll miss the heart-wrenching truth that the people with the real power want us either completely under their control or dead. The depopulation and control agenda is happening around us and the biggest reason people fail to see it is because they cannot accept a scenario in which the Powers and Principalities really do have everything they need to make it happen.
    Far too many assume that if really bad things are being done then someone will stop it. They cannot grasp a world in which corporate media is completely compromised. They cannot fathom a society in which any "good" politicians are removed and the handful with honor who are allowed to stay are neutered. They cannot accept that an army of unsuspecting useful idiots are helping to bring about their own demise.
    The cops depicted in this video aren't thinking about the damage they're doing to their own community and their own nation. They see a sweet gig in which they get to sit around with no risks and make a lot of money. They probably get paid more to be NGO security guards than they do when they're actually putting their lives on the line for the sake of a citizenry that doesn't appreciate them.
    To suspend disbelief in the systematic destruction of our nation requires Americans to realize just how much power is being wielded around us. They need to realize that it doesn't take a million globalists to subvert the foundations of our country. It takes a few thousand dedicated people in power plus a whole lot of useful idiots like these San Antonio cops.
    Until more Americans understand this harsh reality, they will still be expecting someone else to save them. Until more Americans wake up, they will not be preparing themselves for the fight that's coming.

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    • 6 min
    Nikki Haley Is the UniParty Swamp's Champion and Must Be Stopped

    Nikki Haley Is the UniParty Swamp's Champion and Must Be Stopped

    I support President Donald Trump for reelection. I'm not a sycophant by any means. In fact, I've been extremely critical of him on multiple fronts, most notably the lockdowns and Operation Warp Speed. But after comparing and contrasting him to other candidates, I believe he is still our best bet to sit in the Oval Office while we all try to save this nation.
    If the Deep State wasn't so involved in trying to take out Trump through lawfare or other means, I wouldn't even be paying attention to what was happening with the other candidates. None of them have a chance of beating Trump in the primaries. But with the Deep State doing their thing and no way to know for sure if they'll succeed in preventing Trump from being the Republican nominee, we have to look at the other options to select our best "backup quarterback."
    Ron DeSantis has been a decent governor and, unlike many Trump supporters, I can accept him as the nominee if the Deep State has their way. I don't trust Vivek Ramaswamy but I like many of the things he says so he would be my third choice. The rest aren't even a consideration and I would probably force myself to look at RFK Jr despite his many radical leftist policies, most notably for the economy. The way I see it, if we're going to be stuck with an awful president it might as well be someone who's going to expose the jabs.
    Sadly, among "the rest" who I would never consider is the UniParty Swamp's anointed champion, Nikki Haley. She is quickly usurping DeSantis as the runner up with the help of Wall Street, corporate media, and the GOP Establishment. Having her as the nominee should the Deep State stop Trump would be an unmitigated disaster, as I explained on today's episode of The JD Rucker Show.

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    • 8 min
    Climate Change Will Be the W.H.O.'s Skeleton Key for Total Control

    Climate Change Will Be the W.H.O.'s Skeleton Key for Total Control

    During a recent interview, Vanessa Kerry explained why she believes climate change must be classified as a public health predicament. As founder of Seed Global Health and daughter of Climate Czar John Kerry, it makes sense for her to be harping about this.
    But there is a much more nefarious reason Kerry and others are calling on climate change to be included as a health issue. The push to make the World Health Organization the supreme ruling body over all nations through multiple agendas, including the Pandemic Treaty, is the globalist's ultimate play for worldwide control. Centralizing health decision through a single global entity is bad enough. Giving them the "skeleton key" of climate change at their disposal is checkmate against freedom.
    With climate change, the globalists can bring literally everything under their umbrella. Every decision from the food we eat to the cars we drive to the clothes we wear will fall under the rules set by the World Health Organization and enforced by governments after they willfully give away sovereignty.
    This is already in motion. We must pray that God intervenes. We must spread the word. But second only to prayer, we must prepare ourselves by becoming as independent and self-reliant as possible. We must do whatever we can to protect ourselves and our families by removing any dependence on government regardless of the situation.
    Get ready now. Just don't forget to pray along the way.

    Get full access to America First Report at jdrucker.substack.com/subscribe

    • 9 min
    Project Icebreaker: The Beginning of a One World Digital Currency System

    Project Icebreaker: The Beginning of a One World Digital Currency System

    Editor's Commentary: On yesterday's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I discussed the article below by Brandon Smith over at Alt-Market. It ended up taking two full segments of the show, demonstrating just how important this news is.
    Most of us have been aware that Central Bank Digital Currencies will be extremely dangerous and represent the next step toward complete centralization of the world consolidated under a single tyrannical government. What most seem to be missing is that CBDCs are not the endgame; I've seen stories from multiple news outlets claiming that to be the case.
    The reality is the "endgame" is depopulation and complete control. To get there, the powers-that-be will need ONE Central Bank Digital Currency. As we watch dozens at various degrees of readiness being rolled out across the globe, we have to understand that bringing them all under one umbrella is necessary for the globalist elite cabal to win. This is what Project Icebreaker represents.
    I covered this challenge last year, but since few other than Brandon Smith and me are even talking about it, I thought now would be a good time to reinforce and reinform. With that said, here's Brandon's article in its entirety. The only change I made was in the headline. He had a question mark at the end. I took the question mark away because whether Project Icebreaker is successful or not, we can assume that this is the intended beginning of their evil machinations.
    There has been extensive discussion in the past couple of years within alternative media circles about the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs); a currency framework very similar to blockchain based products like Bitcoin but directly controlled by central bankers. It’s a threat that some analysts including myself have been writing about for more than a decade, so it’s good to finally see the issue being addressed more in the mainstream.
    The Orwellian nature of CBDCs cannot be overstated. In a cashless society most people would be dependent on digital products for exchanging goods and labor, and this would of course mean the end of all privacy in trade. Everything you buy or sell or work for in your life would be recorded, and this lack of anonymity could be used to stifle your freedoms in the future.
    For example, say you like to eat steak regularly, but the increasingly authoritarian government decides to list red meat as a health risk and a “climate change risk” due to carbon emissions from cows. They determine by your purchase history (which they have full access to) that you have contributed more carbon pollution than most people by eating red meat often. They declare that you must pay a retroactive carbon tax on your past purchases of red meat. Not only that, but your insurance company sends you a letter indicating that you are a medical risk and they cut off your health coverage.
    Products you consume and services you use can be tracked to create a psychological profile on you, which could then become a factor in determining your social credit score, just as CCP authorities do in China today. Maybe you refuse to purchase an annual mRNA booster shot, and the tracking algorithm makes a note of this. Now you are under suspicion for being “anti-vax” and your social credit score plummets, cutting you off from various public venues. Maybe you are even fired from your job.
    In the worst case scenario, though, economic access is the greatest oppressive tool. With CBDCs in place and no physical cash in existence, your savings will never be truly yours and you’ll never be able to hold your purchasing power in your hands. The means of exchange would be bottle-necked by the banks, and governments would have the option to freeze your ability to transact. If one day you get angry about a particular government policy and openly call the system corrupt on social media, they can simply shut off your option to transfer your digital money to others until you submit, or die.
    CBDCs give establi

    • 36 min
    Disparity in Jay Inslee's Easter vs Ramadan Tweets Demonstrates Satanic Left's Hatred for Christianity

    Disparity in Jay Inslee's Easter vs Ramadan Tweets Demonstrates Satanic Left's Hatred for Christianity

    The war against the faith has been ongoing for many years. There was a time not too long ago when Democrat lawmakers would embrace faith and allow for faith-driven policies. That may be hard to imagine in today's world, but even Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton originally ran in 2008 against gay marriage. Oh, how times have changed.
    Washington Governor Jay Inslee is a stereotypical leftist Democrat. Some might even say we can look at him as the standard for the modern Democrat Party — radically woke, militantly anti-freedom, and devoid of any public attachments to reality. That's why his Tweets about Ramadan and Easter are so different. They give us a clear view into the collective mentality of today's Democrats.
    Here's what he said about Ramadan:
    In observation of Ramadan, we extend our warmest wishes to our Muslim friends and neighbors. May your fasting and prayers bring peace, happiness, and prosperity. Ramadan Mubarak! #Ramadan #RamadanMubarak #RamadanKareem
    It's a respectful post that highlights his reverence and appreciation. He mentioned specific aspects of the Muslim holiday, demonstrating that this wasn't just a passing, "Happy Ramadan" Tweet.
    Now, compare to how he noted Passover:
    To all those gathering around a Seder table this evening, Trudi and I wish you a happy Passover. Chag Sameach!
    This was far less involved and far more generic. Clearly, he holds the Jewish holiday in lower regard than its Muslim counterpart. At least he mentioned Seder.
    Now, compare to what he said about Easter:
    Hopping into Easter Sunday with joy and laughter - Trudi and I wish everyone a hoppy and egg-citing Easter! 🐰🥚🌷 #HappyEaster
    He is mocking us. He didn't mention anything about the actual holy day. Instead, he made a conspicuous and clumsy attempt to make this a rabbit holiday.
    To anyone who might think the disparity is unintentional, let me state this with absolute clarity. All three Tweets were meticulously crafted to send the exact message Democrats want portrayed. They desperately want to downplay Christianity and to a lesser extent Judaism while bowing to Islam and steering everyone into their true religions of Climate Change Hysteria and the LBGTQIA+ Supremacy Cult.
    The war against the faith is accelerating. This is our one and only warning. Within years — not decades — Christianity will be all but outlawed in the United States if Democrats have their way. I am not being an alarmist. This is the path they are on and they won't stop themselves.
    This isn't new. As mentioned before, Barack Obama used to be mild about abortions, allegedly against gay marriage, and at least pretending to be Christian. Today, he demands as many abortions and gay marriages as possible while ramping up direct attacks against the Bible.
    Even Inslee demonstrated pro-Muslim tendencies before. As Todd Hermann noted on Twitter, Inslee's 2021 Ramadan Tweet even had a revering video:
    Nearly everything Democrats are doing against freedom, conservatism, patriotism, and sovereignty in the United States ties directly to their war against the faith. Until more people acknowledge this, we will not be able to mount a proper counter-offensive.

    Get full access to America First Report at jdrucker.substack.com/subscribe

    • 11 min
    "Educatin' With Satan": Corporate Media's Attempt to Normalize After School Satan Clubs Is Dangerous

    "Educatin' With Satan": Corporate Media's Attempt to Normalize After School Satan Clubs Is Dangerous

    The recent surge in "After School Satan Clubs" popping up in public school districts across the country has sparked outrage among conservative and Christian parents. As a result, corporate media is doing whatever it can to make the demonic indoctrination groups seem harmless and even beneficial.
    An article over at KOIN, Portland's CBS affiliate, positioned the actions of The Satanic Temple in the most positive light imaginable. I discussed this for an upcoming episode of The JD Rucker Show.
    According to the news outlet, there's nothing to worry about because The Satanic Temple isn't really about Satan. It's just an advocacy group:
    First, some background: The club is a project of The Satanic Temple (TST), which, despite its name, doesn’t worship the Biblical figure — or even believe Satan exists. Instead, TST says Satan is a literary figure representing “rejecting tyranny over the human mind and spirit.”
    The organization operates as more of an advocacy group, saying it aims to “encourage empathy, reject tyrannical authority,” in addition to promoting “common sense” and “opposing injustice.” The group has made many court challenges to (often conservative) laws that may only protect or promote Christianity, as The Hill reports.
    They really think we're stupid. At least they hope we are. This corporate media outlet and the Temple itself want us to believe they picked Satan to be their mascot because he was the best representation of "rejecting tyranny." The statement itself is insane because the tyranny they're referring to is the sovereignty of God.
    It's like opening up a restaurant called "The Chicken Place," but when you go in they say they don't actually serve chicken. They serve "flightless foul" because they don't actually believe that chickens exist but since chickens represent scrumptious protein, they named their restaurant after the fictional birds.
    But they're not just trying to normalize The Satanic Temple. More importantly, they're trying to normalize the "After School Satan Clubs" administered by the Temple. And while they claim this is not a religious organization, they are doing this in response to OTHER religious organizations. According to the article:
    According to TST, After School Satan Club chapters are opened at public schools in response to other religious groups opening or operating clubs at schools. (The Chesapeake club was opened after an Evangelical Good News Club began operating at B.M. Williams.) The organization says After School Satan Clubs “provide a safe and inclusive alternative” to Christian-based groups that may seek to “convert school children to their belief system.”
    TST says its After School Satan Clubs encourage critical thinking, rationalism, creative artistry and science. Children ages 5-12 are allowed to attend with parental permission, the Temple says.
    “Proselytization is not our goal, and we’re not interested in converting children to Satanism,” writes TST. “We prefer to give children an appreciation of the natural wonders surrounding them, not a fear of everlasting other-worldly horrors.”
    They want our kids to appreciate nature but to disregard eternal damnation in Hell. Unfortunately, this makes sense to far too many people.

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    • 12 min

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