1 min

普賢警眾偈 (pǔ xián jǐng zhòng jì) Samantabhadra Bodhisattva’s Verse of Admonition D'Lotus

    • Buddhism

Meaning of the song: The day has passed, our lives thus shortened, Like fish running short of water, for what do we rejoice? Strive on diligently and vigilantly, as if putting out fire on the head. Be mindful of impermanence, and be cautious of laxity. 

Reference: 《HB Glossary 中英人間佛教詞彙》, 2018

Meaning of the song: The day has passed, our lives thus shortened, Like fish running short of water, for what do we rejoice? Strive on diligently and vigilantly, as if putting out fire on the head. Be mindful of impermanence, and be cautious of laxity. 

Reference: 《HB Glossary 中英人間佛教詞彙》, 2018

1 min