Audacity2Lead: The Courage and Necessary Insights You Need to Step Out and Lead with More Influence | Dayo Samuel, Nigeria Po

Dayo Samuel
Audacity2Lead: The Courage and Necessary Insights You Need to Step Out and Lead with More Influence | Dayo Samuel, Nigeria Po

Smart coaches and consultants predict the future, leverage platforms and their uniqueness. They model the strategies of industry leaders and innovators. You too can now lead with more influence and audacity taking advantage of the courage and insights Dayo Samuel provides here on Audacity2Lead. Hosted by Dayo Samuel, founder of the Nigeria Podcast Network, #Audacity2Lead is dedicated to helping emerging thought leaders get focused, get started and be impactful with their message. In very educative conversations and interviews you will discover tips, steps and strategies to help you chart a compelling course for your life, business and leadership. Topics include coaching, consulting, business development, platform building, personal leadership, your calling, life tasks, and everything you need to know about stepping out to lead with more influence.

  1. 23/09/2014


    What stories are you telling yourself?  What kind of story are you hearing? What script of a story are you living? Welcome to another session of The Audacity2Lead podcast. Last episode, we discussed how the words we hear on our inside, the pictures we conceive within, and the impressions on our hearts all contribute to the identification of our calling and life task. On this episode, we take that conversation further by looking at how these three things plus many others help you live a meaningful story. This is the 5th in the series, ‘11 Essentials of a Great Life Task.’  SPECIFICALLY ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS: What stories are, their meanings and how they develop. Function of stories. I shared the story of my early introduction to television, and how being drawn into the story in a movie brought tears to my eyes. You either have a story to tell, imagine a story, or live a story. In living, you have to be clear, so I shared 2 tips on how to live a meaningful story: * Put your calling and life task in the context of a narrative. If your calling is to write or tell stories, it means you share stories that transform thoughts, encourages, and unite people in love. If it is to equip, train or mentor leaders, you could make it into a narrative by saying, you help young leaders make the leap from potential to productive performance. * Share your story with the world. Jordan Stroman says, “Everyone’s story is completely unique, and needs to be shared with others. When suffering finds a meaningful context, it ceases to be suffering.” Discover and dig into what God is calling you to do, and find how best you could the share it with the world as a story. We round off this section with 2 categories of stories: * Internal stories – the stories you tell yourself * External stories – stories people tell you about others, or the stories people tell others about you.  TIP OF THE WEEK: For me to constantly engage in telling myself positive stories, I use reminders on my phone to keep words of affirmation around me. I share more about that on the podcast.  THANK YOU OF THE WEEK My thank you goes to Ikenna Ikpah @amIkenna who was my guest on the #Audacity2Lead on Sunday 17th September, 2014.  RECOMMENDED READING Lead with a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives That Captivate, Convince, and Inspire  QUESTION OF THE WEEK What stories are you telling yourself and your calling? Leave a comment for me below and let’s see how we can work things out.

    25 min
  2. 30/09/2014


    There are 2 assets you have. The one you invest in determines the result you get with your life. Investing in yourself is a critical way to prepare yourself for something big. Life is seed before harvest with time in-between. Whatever products or results you find in people’s lives are outcomes of certain investments, which you can call seeds. This episode shares with you 3 of those investments necessary for maximizing your potential. We look into how to invest  in yourself so you could get to that productive performance level you desire. This is the 6th in the series, ‘11 Essentials of a Great Life Task.’  SPECIFICALLY ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS: * Why whatever you pay for is different from what you get. You either pay for what is real or a value perceived. * How do you identify perceived value? Check these three things: * Pricing * Packaging * Promotions Beyond these, there is the real value, and that is often immeasurable. * Mental Investment * Physical Investment * Spiritual Investment   WHY SHOULD YOU MAKE INVESTMENTS NOW THAT YOU’RE YOUNG? If youth-hood is a blunder, adulthood becomes a regret. If youth-hood is a lot of investment, manhood would be a lot of enjoyment. If you invest in yourself while growing up, you get your ROI in old age.   TARA ASKED: What would you advice a young lady who is so full of ideas, but all she does is lie on her bed saying, “I’m thinking about money,” resulting in laziness, moodiness? Money is a license to freedom. It frees you to do the work that matters. You don’t get paid for the potentials you have, you are paid for your performance.   TIPS SHARED: * Do an evaluation for yourself, talents, gifts, abilities, passion and your calling. * Engage the help of a coach * Find resources, books, tapes, podcasts, etc. to learn from. * Find a way of having personal retreats, possibly once in a quarter.   MENTIONED ON THE PODCAST: * The episode I talked about my personal life evaluation as part of my quarterly review. * Davidson Amedu (Dr. Talle)   QUESTION OF THE WEEK What investments are you going to make in yourself that will change your outcome in the next 5 to 10 years? Leave a comment for me below and let’s see how we can work things out.

  3. 14/10/2014


    74% of employees are said to be experiencing a personal energy crisis. That’s a huge number considering the fact that most people are on a job they don’t really love. Productivity has to do with creating value. It is the balance of input and output. Personal productivity will then mean what you do to create or receive value. On this episode of the Audacity2Lead podcast, we discuss how to increase your personal productivity as part of the series ‘11 Essentials of a Great Life Task.’ SPECIFICALLY, WE DISCUSS: * THE POWER OF THE LIST: 2 kinds of list: to-do list; and the to-be list. We almost always have a lot of things we want to do. Keeping those things in your head won't help your personal productivity productivity. The best way I've handled this is to write things down. Notes on your mobile device should be enough for this. Blackberry, Android, iPhone etc. * TIME BALANCE: Time has various levels of quality. First, you have to make the best of each kind of time. And second, you have to try to make your time higher quality. I use a printed Calendar block to schedule my time. * HANDLING INTERRUPTIONS: As unavoidable as interruptions may be, you can control them. Set clear boundaries and communicate it clearly to your colleagues, friends and associates. If your email is a load on your neck, turn off internet connection when you have to. Doing things like this doesn't mean you're avoiding interruptions, it does mean you're controlling them and not allow them control you. * THE PRODUCTIVE SLEEP: The effectiveness of a 10 minutes nap. The thing is that postponed rest never comes until you're forced to by, maybe, a break down. * PROCRASTINATION: "The real productivity problem people have is procrastination," someone says. What is procrastination? It simply is the counsel that plays in your head telling you 'it can always be done later.' Click here to read on how to beat the counsel of until. * TAKE THE ENERGY TEST: 74% of employees are said to be experiencing a personal energy crisis. Take this energy test to figure out where you need to focus your energy * THE MYTH OF PERFECTIONISM: The myth of Perfectionism is the mother of frustration. It you need to do it all, get started first, make adjustments as you go on. MENTIONED ON THIS EPISODE The Energy Test – Take it here for free How to Invest in yourself How to Beat the Counsel of ‘Until…’   THANK YOU OF THE WEEK Coach Sam Obafemi of Barnabas House Segun Akiode whose birthday was the day we recorded this episode Adeh Jones Sam Semako of CareerWise Consults Emeka Nobis Oludami of LucrativePen

  4. 21/10/2014

    HOW TO GET PAID TO BE YOU – Episode 14

    You have been told to stop doing the work you hate and start doing what you love. The question is: where and how do you get started on that route? (c) JamesPhotography Today, on this episode of the Audacity2Lead podcast, we decided not to shy away from this avoided topic of living a meaningful life while doing what you love. We're talking about how to get paid to be you. This is another shot of the series ‘11 Essentials of a Great Life Task.’ SPECIFICALLY, WE DISCUSS: * Why it is important to embrace your uniqueness. Tara shared a simple formula for determining your uniqueness on a previous episode – YOU to mean YOUR OBVIOUS UNIQUENESS. Now we put it to practice as we bring it to where you get paid to embrace that obvious uniqueness by deliberately making it known. * Branding Yourself to stand out. People won’t pay for a commoner. Aspirations either, won’t get you on a paying line. To do this, you clarify these three things: who you are, what you do, and how what you do solves problems for people. * I share my story of how I made over N50,000 in less than 2 months without having a job using my phone. * 5 TIPS TO SELLING ANYTHING ONLINE AND OFFLINE * Identify people who have needs, a problem they have and are looking for solutions to. * Provide that solution in a different way than they have seen. * Create a way for people to find the solution you have * Decide how you will get paid, that is how you will get your money. * Find how you will keep communicating with them.   MENTIONED ON THIS EPISODE Embracing the Uniqueness of Being You How Podcasters can change the world by Cliff Ravenscraft Focus Your Life – a lesson I learnt from music Mastery by Robert Greene The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris Lucrative Pen by Dami Launch by Jeff Walker   LET’S HEAR FROM YOU Got questions or you don’t understand anything well? Leave a comment for us in the comment below.

  5. 28/10/2014


    God gives every one of us a good start –especially the first time, but it is up to us to finish strong. What we often ascribe to God as his sovereign orchestration has very little in determining how we end up. [Tweet "God gives every one of us a good start, but it is up to us to finish strong. #AUDACITY2LEAD"] This episode of the Audacity2Lead podcast lifts the mask off starting up with your life task for the first time. Gradually the series ‘11 Essentials of a Great Life Task’ is coming to an end with this being the 9th. And we want to thank you for being here from the first in the series. If you want to listen to the episodes before this one, click here. ON THIS EPISODE, YOU WILL LEARN: * The answer I gave to a guy who said, “Find purpose, be a solution, meet a need, let passion for what you do drive you, money is an added bonus.” How that paradigm will make you end up poor if you’re starting for the first time. * IDENTIFY. This means you should start with the end in mind. Getting started for the first time requires you have a picture of the end from the beginning so that the journey is easier to chart. * CLARIFY. Here, you construct the path that will take you wherever you’re headed. Sit down, and determine the time frames necessary to fulfil some measurable parts of the calling. * PROJECT. Bring the whole task you’re meant to accomplish out to the open. Gone are the days you hide dreams from dream-killers, if you come out clear on the dream, it will attract even better people than killers of the dream. * PURSUE. A dream you don’t pursue now soon becomes a nightmare. NOW, ADD TO THE DISCUSSION Is there anything you don’t understand well? Or maybe ideas you have for someone starting for the first time, share with us by leaving a comment below.

  6. 04/11/2014


    If you’re thinking of giving up, remember why you started. Giving up or abandoning a project is almost commonplace. This episode of the Audacity2Lead podcast gives you some encouragement why you should not give up on that calling, or life task. This episode is dedicated to those who started with their life task, but left off having lost interest, discouraged, or whatever. This is number 10 in the series ‘11 Essentials of a Great Life Task’. I wonder why the audio quality of this episode was faltering. Well, that’s what we learn from trying and sticking to what you are called to do. SPECIFICALLY, YOU WILL LEARN: * Evaluate, analyse and review what you did. * How activating the law of commitment contributes to staying your course. It is all or nothing. If you are not going to be committed to your life task, you won’t be able to make anything out of starting over. * Eliminate distractions. Take up that idea, make it your life. Think of it. Live on that idea, let every muscle, nerve you have feed on that idea. * Be willing to pay the prize to fulfil what you are called to do. * Be flexible enough to accept change in the planning stage of your re-start up. * Run your life on principles instead of opinions. Other people would suggest what you did wrong and what to do right, but it is not every idea people share with you that will help you when starting over. * Make every effort to improve on the dream you have. The first time your goal was 1000, when starting the second time, make that goal 2000 so that it enables you to activate all the energies you have to pursue it, with increase momentum. You can stand up and stand out! MENTIONED ON THIS EPISODE Where to find all other episodes in this series. Click here. Resources to help you NOW, ADD TO THE DISCUSSION Is there anything you don’t understand well? Or maybe some ideas you have for someone starting over, share with us by leaving a comment below.

  7. 18/11/2014


    If you have the ability to speak and press the record button, then you have an incredible opportunity in front of you to make some serious impact doing something that is both fun and easy - an on a massive scale just as I've done. Few weeks before I released my first ever podcast episode... With Earl Alright Just take a moment to imagine where you would be right now if you had your own radio or TV show with hundreds or thousands of loyal listeners all over the world in just a few months from today. Well, I am privileged to have started my podcast The Audacity2Lead a bit early and feel it’s wonderful to share with you how you can start yours. My journey into podcasting started with me running a finely-edited audio broadcast of my pastor’s messages on Facebook, Twitter, BBM and Whatsapp. I then went ahead and uploaded them to our church’s website. In the bid to make the process better, I discovered podcasting is a cool route to publish the message my pastor has been given. Then I started testing… What caught my eyes those days was that the first audio I published didn’t get much attention, but from the third and fourth, I suddenly began to have over 200 downloads weekly for each episode. And till today, even after I’ve paused publishing them, the stats are almost in that range.   Want to Learn More About How You Can Start Your Own Podcast?  Enter your name and email to get more info [yikes-mailchimp form="2"]   OKAY, SO WHAT’S BIG ABOUT PODCASTING? To a beginner, podcasting may be audio, video or media content shared over the internet. I’ll say it’s more like having your own radio or TV show with listeners and viewers around the world. The unique thing about podcast is that you don’t need a radio or TV, you don’t even have to listen to it on your computer. Almost all smartphones now have in-built capacity for podcast. If you use an Android phone, maybe Techno, you can get Stitcher from your Play Store. With Blackberry, you can check your media folder for an app icon called Podcasts, or you may download a completely different one from Blackberry App World. The beauty of podcast is that you can listen to what you want, when you want, where you want. Since you can download them to your phone’s mp3 player, you’re able to take and share your podcast to the farthest part of the world. SO, HOW CAN YOU START YOUR PODCAST? You are probably may have thought about starting your own podcast here in Nigeria, but you feel overwhelmed by all the expensive technical know-how’s you find online. That is why I did this episode of the Audacity2Lead podcast just for you. Imagine a podcast about how to podcast. Hilarious! Just a few days ago, I read on Razor Social that “Podcasting is set to continue to grow at a rapid rate for many years to come. What YouTube is doing to TV is like what Podcasting is doing for radio. Imagine in a few years time when you hop into your car and you switch on the podcast inst...

  8. 09/12/2014

    Best Advice Before Leaving Your Job to Pursue Your Passion – #18

    Welcome to this episode of the Audacity2Lead podcast. This episode would be a crunchy one for you if your consideration has been to leave your job to pursue your passion. On this episode I asked 5 experts who I love and respect to give their best advice for someone leaving his or her job to pursue his or her passion, and I must tell you the answers are phenomenal. I asked Emeka Nobis, Coach Sam Obafemi, Tomisin Ajiboye, Ade Olowojoba, and Mayowa Ajisafe. One common thread with the different answers they gave is that you can have a job and pursue your passion. SPECIFICALLY, YOU WILL LEARN: * Why do you want to leave? * If you leave, what will you be known for? * Can you or can’t you start your passion as a side gig? * What contingency plans do you have in place? * What things do you need? For me, I started pursuing Young & Strong, my passion in 2010. In 2012, I got on board the staff of a non-profit organization. A year later, I was permitted to run that assignement alongside my paid employment. Today, I’ve left that job and now fully focused on what I’m doing now. Looking back I learnt some lessons, which is reiterated by the different persons you will be listening to. First is Coach Sam Obafemi, who is an Anger Management Therapist and Business Coach. Next is Emeka Nobis, Best Life Strategist and head at Profound Impacts Tomisin Ajiboye is the senior consultant at Idea Factory, who shared some tips way beyond the question to even starting up and running. Ade Olowojoba, who gives the next answer is a HR personnel with Career Solutions Africa. And finally, the thrilling story of Mayowa Ajisafe of SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT This is the last episode for the year 2014. From 2015, we will pick up from here and introduce a number of things for your development. If you got questions to ask, kindly tweet at the different guests and they will surely answer you. Their twitter handles respectively: Coach Sam Obafemi, Emeka Nobis, Tomisin Ajiboye, Ade Olowojoba , and Mayowa Ajisafe. MENTIONED ON THE EPISODE Mayowa referenced these posts on the podcast How to Pursue your Passion without Money It’s Never Too Late to Escape a Passionless Career

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5 Ratings


Smart coaches and consultants predict the future, leverage platforms and their uniqueness. They model the strategies of industry leaders and innovators. You too can now lead with more influence and audacity taking advantage of the courage and insights Dayo Samuel provides here on Audacity2Lead. Hosted by Dayo Samuel, founder of the Nigeria Podcast Network, #Audacity2Lead is dedicated to helping emerging thought leaders get focused, get started and be impactful with their message. In very educative conversations and interviews you will discover tips, steps and strategies to help you chart a compelling course for your life, business and leadership. Topics include coaching, consulting, business development, platform building, personal leadership, your calling, life tasks, and everything you need to know about stepping out to lead with more influence.

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