Men of Iron Podcast

Men of Iron
Men of Iron Podcast

The Men of Iron Podcast. A podcast for men. Engaging and relevant discussions for the Christian man. Look out for a NEW EPISODE every Monday morning, at 7AM (EST)! The video version is back! Watch now on YouTube, listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you stream your podcasts!

  1. Wrestling Was My God With Olympic Gold Medalist Kyle Snyder (EP. 262)

    3 DAYS AGO

    Wrestling Was My God With Olympic Gold Medalist Kyle Snyder (EP. 262)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – This week we continue our Faith in Sports Series with Olympic and World Champion Wrestler Kyle Snyder. In this episode, Kyle shares his incredible journey of wrestling and faith. At a young age Kyle wanted to be an Olympic Champion. Wrestling was everything. Kyle shares how his wrestling career shaped his understanding of God. "Through wrestling I found out who God was and who Jesus is."  Kyle is a 2016 Olympic Gold Medal winning wrestler. He is the youngest Olympic gold medalist and youngest World Champion in American wrestling history. He was a 3-time NCAA National Champion at Ohio State with a career record of 75-5 and ended his college career as the first and only wrestler to win the NCAA, World and Olympic championships as a collegiate athlete. After moving to the Olympic Training Center as a senior in High School, Kyle started going to Bible studies at the request of coaches and continued attending them as a freshman at Ohio State. Despite his desire to grow in his faith, his identity was still wrapped up in his wrestling accomplishments. A heart breaking loss in the NCAA Finals as a freshman sent Kyle into a state of depression and ultimately led to him surrendering it all to Jesus. This decision changed Kyle's life, allowing him to embrace his God-given abilities fully. Throughout this conversation, Kyle emphasizes the importance of being anchored in God's Word and how his commitment to studying the Bible and finding mentorship continues to strengthen his faith. Kyle concludes by highlighting that our ultimate purpose in life is to know God, grow in His character, serve Him, and teach others about Him. If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, wherever you stream your podcasts! Subscribe, listen and share! You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Find out more at

    28 min
  2. Discipleship Through Sports With Aaron Faro (EP. 261)

    6 FEB

    Discipleship Through Sports With Aaron Faro (EP. 261)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – This week we continue our Faith in Sports Series with Messiah University Associate Head Soccer Aaron Faro. Aaron grew up in upstate New York with a strong faith foundation and a deep desire to see faith and sports run together. Aaron said that at a young age his identity was wrapped up in his athletic accomplishments. "My athletics were not surrendered to God." As an alum of Messiah University, he describes his years at Messiah as some of the most significant years of growth. As his love for Jesus deepened, he watched the Lord reorder his priorities and put faith above sports. It ultimately gave Aaron a deep desire for coaching and helping other athletes recognize this and learn to put Jesus above all else. As Aaron surrendered his life to the Lord, the Lord gave sports back to Aaron in the form of coaching. Your college years are very foundational, and who you surround yourself with is huge. At Messiah University, Aaron wants it to be an environment where men grow, are sharpened, and ultimately grow closer to the Lord. They are constantly talking constantly about the value of relationships and that deep relationships is something we were created for. Being vulnerable, sharing one another's burdens, being real with one another and submitting to accountability. These our not very common practices in our culture, especially for men. Sports is such a powerful tool for connecting with people. It lends itself so well to building deep relationships. When we surrender all things to the Lord he can use them. There is a huge need in our culture for men to be all of who God's created them to be. When men aren't all that God's created them to be there is a huge gap and a huge ripple in every sector of our culture.  "When I think of my legacy, I think of the life of Jesus and the way that he poured into people. I want my legacy to be that I helped people move closer to Jesus. The coach in me desires to see them reach their potential and use that to impact others." If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, wherever you stream your podcasts! Subscribe, listen and share! You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Find out more at

    33 min
  3. Winning Off the Field With Nobles Darby IV (EP. 260)

    30 JAN

    Winning Off the Field With Nobles Darby IV (EP. 260)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – This week we kick off our Faith in Sports Series with a powerful testimony from Cleveland Browns and Cleveland Cavs Chaplain Nobles Darby IV!! A pastor’s kid who fell from grace. Nobles received a calling into ministry at a young age. He went on to become a D1 athlete with a scholarship to play football at Bowling Green. The loss of his grandfather shortly after sent him into a downward spiral. Which ultimately left him off the team, suspended from school and back home. Battling depression and suicidal thoughts he remembered the words of his grandfather before his death, “You gonna need God to make it through college and life.” In that moment Nobles repented and turned to God, the God of second chances. Nobles went back to school and walked the stage of a 4-year university a couple years later. Which ultimately led him back to the game he loved, but this time as a Chaplain. Now Nobles uses his story to impact professional athletes and the community as a whole. At the early age of 13 he knew that God was calling him into ministry. At a special prayer service led by his grandfather, he was standing in a circle and felt the presence of the Holy Spirit for the first time. An overwhelming sensation and a voice saying "GO!" He walked up to the alter to his grandparents and said, "I want to know what God's will is for my life." Out of fear Nobles ran from his calling, he was terrified of it. But three years later, at only 16, he was ready to accept God's call on his life. "My yes to God at 16 ran ahead of my 20 years and is opening up doors now." Nobles now uses his powerful testimony to encourage pro coaches and athletes. Nobles also serves as the FCA Metro Cleveland Director for Cleveland FCA - "The thing I'm most concerned with, is how do I win at home? It can only come by being sharpened, we all have blind spots and need another man to call those out. The Holy Spirit is our spotter, he sends and puts people in our lives that can see things we can't see. I want to encourage the men I'm around , the athletes and coaches I'm around to leverage their platform of influence to point people to Jesus Christ." "My legacy is a man who had enough faith to take God at his word to watch him do what he did with no expectation other than seeing Jesus be glorified. I just want to see the name of Jesus will be lifted up in sports. God wants us to prioritize a souls over stats mentality. When we as men prioritize the health of our soul God allows everything else to flow from a place of priority because our priority is Him." Get to know Nobles or book him for your next event! – If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, wherever you stream your podcasts! Subscribe, listen and share! You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Find out more at

    39 min
  4. Work-Life Balance: The Challenge Men Can't Ignore (EP. 259)

    23 JAN

    Work-Life Balance: The Challenge Men Can't Ignore (EP. 259)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – This week we wrap up the Challenges Men Face series with another tough question, "How to find a healthy work-life balance?" When we think about our family and work we desire to find a healthy balance, but often have a hard time actually doing it. For men in the middle of their career, raising a family, etc.–it's hard to find a healthy balance between your job and time at home. With technology and work at our fingertips, it's harder than ever to turn it off when we get home. It's a challenge to put an end to that work day when you can easily access email, to-do's and messages on your phone. Men, your wife, your, kids, your family deserve your undivided attention. What can we continue to do to be more present and intentional at home? Your kids are smarter than you think and see what you do and don't do. The minute you step foot in that door they are excited to see you and spend time with you. When you choose your phone or a work email over time with them, you are showing them what's more important. We have to create healthy boundaries between our jobs and our families. We have to show them that they ARE more important than your phone or work email.  What are some practical steps for finding a healthy work-life balance #1 – Turn your phone off – if you don't want to turn it off, put it on silent and set it aside) #2 – Prioritize your time – set aside the first hour to go on a walk, play a game with them, etc. #3 – Communicate – talk to your wife about her day, your day. Talk to your kids about their day #4 – Be honest and transparent - If you had a rough day, or a good day, share that with them Men, let's put these practical tips into place today. Let's set an example of what it looks like to have a healthy work-life balance. Trust me, this healthy balance will impact you and your family in a major and help you establish healthy rhythms for the future.  If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today – You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Find out more at

    19 min
  5. Is It Okay to Be Angry at God? (EP. 258)

    16 JAN

    Is It Okay to Be Angry at God? (EP. 258)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – This week, in Episode 258 of the Challenges Men Face series, we dive into another tough question, "Is it okay to be angry at God?" Difficult seasons in life often lead us to question God. Why did you let this happen to me? Why am I going through this? When we look at men like Job, we see that God did not condemn Job for being angry at him, he helped Job work through it. Men, it's okay to voice our frustrations with God.  Every moment of your life, good or bad, has helped shape who you are today. It's okay to wrestle with God, but we also have to understand God is ultimately in control. Who you turn to at the end of your frustrations is what matters most. Life was never meant to be easy. Jesus warned his disciples that as followers of Christ would come with a cost."If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." John 15:19 (NIV). Our encouragement to you today is to see God in the good or bad. It's okay to be angry with God, voice your frustrations to Him, turn to Him. Surround yourself with those who push you closer to Him, knowing that He has been faithful in the past and will remain so in the future. If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today – You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Find out more at

    23 min
  6. The Lies Men Believe (EP. 257)

    10 JAN

    The Lies Men Believe (EP. 257)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – This week, we continue the Challenges Men Face Series with a crucial discussion on "The Lies Men Believe." From the very beginning, Adam and Eve's relationship with God was derailed by believing a lie from Satan: "Did God really say that? Is that really who God is?" The enemy continues to use deceit to steer us away from God's divine purpose in our lives. These lies hinder our journey with God and lead us astray, preventing us from fulfilling our calling as men. Here are some of the prominent lies that men often fall victim to: "I don't have what it takes." "I need to earn my value from God." "I'll never be as good as that guy." "I can do it by myself." To combat these lies effectively, consider practical steps: #1 - Confront the Lie: Recognize and confront the lie head-on. Don't allow it to take root in your mind unchallenged. #2 - Seek Accountability: Surround yourself with godly men who can identify these lies and help you stay on track with God's truth. #3 - Replace with God's Truth: Replace the lie with the truth of God's Word. #4 - Know Your Identity in Christ: Let this truth define you rather than the lies you hear or believe. #5 - Community: Build a community of godly men who will stand alongside you in life's battles. By actively confronting, correcting, and replacing these lies with God's truth, we can overcome the obstacles that hinder our walk with God and embrace the fullness of our calling as men of God. If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today – You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Find out more at

    25 min
  7. What Does It Really Mean to Be a Man? (EP. 256)

    3 JAN

    What Does It Really Mean to Be a Man? (EP. 256)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – This week, we kick off the "Challenges Men Face Series" with a bold and timely conversation: What does it mean to be a man? In Episode 255, we delve into this hot-topic question by contrasting biblical masculinity with modern cultural expectations. At Men of Iron we define a man by what the Bible says. But what does culture say? Men have taken a back seat in today's culture, it's become taboo to invest in men. Men are afraid to lead and stand up for truth. The Bible is clear is in saying that men are suppose to lead the family, lead the church and lead culture. Culture, families, and communities are healthiest when men are healthy and caring for the people they are leading. We are not promoting toxic masculinity, we ARE promoting biblical masculinity. As men our top priority should be to reflect Jesus, what did Jesus do? Jesus was a strong, passionate leader that did some controversial things that we tend to gloss over. Jesus was direct, not afraid to lead and not shy about what His mission was. But at the same time He was gracious, loving, compassionate. It is a healthy and manly thing to be spiritually wise, discerning and to support people when they need supported and confront people when they need confronted. Culturally we have stepped away from the hard things and we see the negative results of it. Fatherlessness in the United States is skyrocketing, men's mental health is at an all-time low, men don't have friends. There are real challenges in the world and we have to address them. What are some practical tips to discovering what it means to be a godly man? #1 - Know God – Strengthen or establish your relationship with God, it all starts here #2 - Read your Bible – Pickup a Bible, learn about the character of God, learn about who Jesus was and what he did #3 - Find godly friends – Surround yourself with men that will teach you about what it means to be a godly man #4 - Get a mentor – Accountability is key, you need another man to hold you accountable and help you grow A man that is manly without being godly is dangerous. Go after godliness first and use the gifts and talents God has given you to build the Kingdom. Getting around the right guys is crucial, Jesus put 12 guys around him. Godless culture is going to tell you that you can do it yourself. God has called men to be leaders and that means we have to make tough decisions and stand up for what is right. When you are walking with God you will make the decisions that God wants you to make. When we think about what it means to be a man we have to look at the first man, Adam. While he enjoyed that work he thrived in his relationship with God because he was daily walking with God in his creation. We are created to care for what God entrusted us with we walk with God daily and work together with the people around us. The only way to know how to be a man is to be the man God called you to be If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today – You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Find out more at

    29 min
  8. 2024 in Review: Stories of Transformation and Hope (EP. 255)


    2024 in Review: Stories of Transformation and Hope (EP. 255)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – This week, we wrap up 2024 by sharing incredible stories of impact from the year and what’s ahead for Men of Iron in 2025! 2024 has been a challenging yet impactful year for our organization. Through the obstacles, we’ve witnessed God move in amazing ways, making this our highest year of impact ever! Here’s what that looked like in 2024, and be sure to check out the full stories of transformation through mentorship like Zack and Marlin. We’ve seen firsthand the ripple effect of one man’s transformation impacting families, churches, and communities. We are excited to see what God has in store in 2025 as we continue to impact more men and change a culture, one man at a time. "We can all benefit from having a man a season or two ahead of us who can encourage us and challenge us." Ryan Z. Take Your Next Step with Men of Iron: Join or start a mentorship: Access FREE resources like Family Restored: Explore small group resources for your church: Hear more transformation stories in our 2024 Impact Stories Recap video: Watch Here Partner with us monthly: Learn more about Men of Iron: You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Find out more at

    23 min


The Men of Iron Podcast. A podcast for men. Engaging and relevant discussions for the Christian man. Look out for a NEW EPISODE every Monday morning, at 7AM (EST)! The video version is back! Watch now on YouTube, listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you stream your podcasts!

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