28 min

Teenage Love Affair Quintessentially Mental: The Podcast

    • Mental Health

SureEyes: [00:00:00] you're listening to quintessentially mental a podcast hosted by SureEyes, please note that this host is not a mental health practitioner or professional, and this podcast is not made for treatment of any mental illness. 
[00:00:25] Spudcaster: [00:00:25] baobulb.org is a podcasting platform and a medium for storytelling. This podcast is also available on all the major podcasting apps, including apple 

[00:00:36] and Google podcasts, 

[00:00:38] podcasts your life with 

[00:00:40] baobulb.org.

[00:00:43] SureEyes: [00:00:43] Hey, y'all, you're listening to quintessentially mental the podcast. And I'm your host SureEyes. Welcome to yet another episode where we'll be talking about all things, quintessentially, mental, all things linked to our mental health, our mental wellbeing. Um, just kind of putting a spotlight on important conversations that need to be had in a more public space.

[00:01:12] Today's episode. I actually have my sister, another sister, I think in previous episodes, I've explained the expanse of my family tree. Um, so this is, this is she's she's uh, her name is Jess and we'll be talking a bit about. Kind of like how high school bullies affect your mental health, how also just your home environment adds to it.

[00:01:40] And then, you know, once you find a space to become more yourself, how that almost benefits your mental health and your self-esteem and your perception of yourself. So I know I can speak for myself where. In high school, I almost felt like I had to be a certain way. I was, you know, straight A student involved in sports and culture and all those things.

[00:02:09] Um, and so went on quite an extreme journey, post high school to try and find myself. Experimenting was different types of jobs, experimenting with different types of clothes, which I view as, you know, a form of self-expression experimenting with, you know, different activities. I tried, you know, partying and seeing if that scene was for me, just, you know, trying to figure myself out.

[00:02:38] And I think, you know, when we, when we feel a lot of. Pressure and stress and expectation to be a certain way, whether it's something we put on ourselves or whether it's something we feel other people put on us. I think we, we, we kind of lose opportunities to be. I don't want to say authentic selves, cause that sounds kak wanky, but like just to be a truer version of ourselves or just to be more ourselves, not even a version of it, just to be who we are.

[00:03:15] And so I'm hoping in this episode, you know, my sister can share a bit about her journey with mental health and how. You know, her finding ways to express who she is and communicate who she is through different mediums has given her a better sense of, you know, what's the word, like, I don't know, self esteem or self acceptance, or, you know, that kind of, that kind of vibe.

[00:03:47] Um, so hi Jess, 

[00:03:51] Jess: [00:03:51] hello SureEyes: how are you? Jess: I am doing fantastic. 

[00:03:57] SureEyes: [00:03:57] We have a joke in the family that like all of us are the shady sister, but I honestly think you're the shadiest. 

[00:04:03] Jess: [00:04:03] Well, 100%

[00:04:08] SureEyes: [00:04:08] to your face, at least it's not behind your back.

[00:04:14] So Jess, I would, I guess we can start the conversation with. You know, maybe sharing a bit about some of your mental health challenges. Like what are some of the things you struggle with? And then I guess the second

SureEyes: [00:00:00] you're listening to quintessentially mental a podcast hosted by SureEyes, please note that this host is not a mental health practitioner or professional, and this podcast is not made for treatment of any mental illness. 
[00:00:25] Spudcaster: [00:00:25] baobulb.org is a podcasting platform and a medium for storytelling. This podcast is also available on all the major podcasting apps, including apple 

[00:00:36] and Google podcasts, 

[00:00:38] podcasts your life with 

[00:00:40] baobulb.org.

[00:00:43] SureEyes: [00:00:43] Hey, y'all, you're listening to quintessentially mental the podcast. And I'm your host SureEyes. Welcome to yet another episode where we'll be talking about all things, quintessentially, mental, all things linked to our mental health, our mental wellbeing. Um, just kind of putting a spotlight on important conversations that need to be had in a more public space.

[00:01:12] Today's episode. I actually have my sister, another sister, I think in previous episodes, I've explained the expanse of my family tree. Um, so this is, this is she's she's uh, her name is Jess and we'll be talking a bit about. Kind of like how high school bullies affect your mental health, how also just your home environment adds to it.

[00:01:40] And then, you know, once you find a space to become more yourself, how that almost benefits your mental health and your self-esteem and your perception of yourself. So I know I can speak for myself where. In high school, I almost felt like I had to be a certain way. I was, you know, straight A student involved in sports and culture and all those things.

[00:02:09] Um, and so went on quite an extreme journey, post high school to try and find myself. Experimenting was different types of jobs, experimenting with different types of clothes, which I view as, you know, a form of self-expression experimenting with, you know, different activities. I tried, you know, partying and seeing if that scene was for me, just, you know, trying to figure myself out.

[00:02:38] And I think, you know, when we, when we feel a lot of. Pressure and stress and expectation to be a certain way, whether it's something we put on ourselves or whether it's something we feel other people put on us. I think we, we, we kind of lose opportunities to be. I don't want to say authentic selves, cause that sounds kak wanky, but like just to be a truer version of ourselves or just to be more ourselves, not even a version of it, just to be who we are.

[00:03:15] And so I'm hoping in this episode, you know, my sister can share a bit about her journey with mental health and how. You know, her finding ways to express who she is and communicate who she is through different mediums has given her a better sense of, you know, what's the word, like, I don't know, self esteem or self acceptance, or, you know, that kind of, that kind of vibe.

[00:03:47] Um, so hi Jess, 

[00:03:51] Jess: [00:03:51] hello SureEyes: how are you? Jess: I am doing fantastic. 

[00:03:57] SureEyes: [00:03:57] We have a joke in the family that like all of us are the shady sister, but I honestly think you're the shadiest. 

[00:04:03] Jess: [00:04:03] Well, 100%

[00:04:08] SureEyes: [00:04:08] to your face, at least it's not behind your back.

[00:04:14] So Jess, I would, I guess we can start the conversation with. You know, maybe sharing a bit about some of your mental health challenges. Like what are some of the things you struggle with? And then I guess the second

28 min