17 – Sylvia Scarlett (1935‪)‬ Queer and Now

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Manish (@themanish89) and David (@daveagiannini), in their journey through queer films through the years, reach a low point, surprisingly, with this 1935 film. Sylvia Scarlett is directed by George Cukor and stars Katharine Hepburn (in drag) and Cary Grant, what could go wrong? Well… At least we’ll always have Holiday and The Philadelphia Story. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57e05e534402434aa0f846c2/t/5fff11d66b4309444cec80c9/1610551825177/Queer+and+Now_+Episode+17+-+Sylvia+S.mp3/original/Queer+and+Now_+Episode+17+-+Sylvia+S.mp3

Manish (@themanish89) and David (@daveagiannini), in their journey through queer films through the years, reach a low point, surprisingly, with this 1935 film. Sylvia Scarlett is directed by George Cukor and stars Katharine Hepburn (in drag) and Cary Grant, what could go wrong? Well… At least we’ll always have Holiday and The Philadelphia Story. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57e05e534402434aa0f846c2/t/5fff11d66b4309444cec80c9/1610551825177/Queer+and+Now_+Episode+17+-+Sylvia+S.mp3/original/Queer+and+Now_+Episode+17+-+Sylvia+S.mp3