64 episodios

This is a podcast designed to expand what we know to be possible and remind us all that how we talk to ourselves MATTERS.

What does that have to do with stories? what do I mean by storytelling? The way I see it, we have 2 buckets:
1. Our thoughts: what are the stories playing in my head? How do I talk to myself? What is the dialogue of my "internal" environment?
2. Our community: what stories have I been told about myself? About the world? How has my external environment influenced by belief system?

Because the subconscious mind is the home of our belief system. And believe it or not, there is no "off" button: so the stories around us and within us are feeding that inner belief system.

Which then begs the question: do these stories help me get to where I want to go?
…and if not, how can I begin to shift THAT story?

In this podcast, we explore how to use language and stories to engage with the subconscious mind so that you can nourish your belief system for your highest and greatest good.

…because here’s the thing: if you don’t know that something is possible, then it doesn’t EXIST for you. And if that awareness is absent, we end up repeating old patterns and loops over and over again. So the conclusion that I AM DRAWING is: women need to know that possibilities exist.

We need to hear more stories FOCUSED ON WOMEN and FROM WOMEN
…about taking risks, making bold choices, & pursuing dreams…
…and the mindset work it took to get there!

​​My vision is that this podcast gives women the permission to dream bigger and take leaps of faith… because the truth is: you create your reality through storytelling.

So as you tune in to this SEASON of SFTS, I invite you to be more and more MINDFUL of the stories you tell yourself…bc you JUST MIGHT start to believe them.

To begin, click follow or subscribe wherever you’re listening (or better yet, join the community out on PATREON.com/beliefsystem )...

Now, go ahead and get comfortable, plug in those headphones and join me as we explore stories from the subconscious….
Mae Deevy is a Subconscious Reprogrammer, Integrative Coach and Sound Healer who helps clients exit those exhausting "limiting belief" stories so that they can create the space needed to then step into the ideal life that they envision. She uses hypnosis, conscious language and sound frequency to support transformation at the subconscious-level. Based in Austin, TX, Mae has a light-hearted, fun and spirited approach to sharing stories that just may make you wonder: What story am I telling myself today? And which story would I like to live instead?

Stories from the Subconscious Mae Deevy

    • Salud y forma física

This is a podcast designed to expand what we know to be possible and remind us all that how we talk to ourselves MATTERS.

What does that have to do with stories? what do I mean by storytelling? The way I see it, we have 2 buckets:
1. Our thoughts: what are the stories playing in my head? How do I talk to myself? What is the dialogue of my "internal" environment?
2. Our community: what stories have I been told about myself? About the world? How has my external environment influenced by belief system?

Because the subconscious mind is the home of our belief system. And believe it or not, there is no "off" button: so the stories around us and within us are feeding that inner belief system.

Which then begs the question: do these stories help me get to where I want to go?
…and if not, how can I begin to shift THAT story?

In this podcast, we explore how to use language and stories to engage with the subconscious mind so that you can nourish your belief system for your highest and greatest good.

…because here’s the thing: if you don’t know that something is possible, then it doesn’t EXIST for you. And if that awareness is absent, we end up repeating old patterns and loops over and over again. So the conclusion that I AM DRAWING is: women need to know that possibilities exist.

We need to hear more stories FOCUSED ON WOMEN and FROM WOMEN
…about taking risks, making bold choices, & pursuing dreams…
…and the mindset work it took to get there!

​​My vision is that this podcast gives women the permission to dream bigger and take leaps of faith… because the truth is: you create your reality through storytelling.

So as you tune in to this SEASON of SFTS, I invite you to be more and more MINDFUL of the stories you tell yourself…bc you JUST MIGHT start to believe them.

To begin, click follow or subscribe wherever you’re listening (or better yet, join the community out on PATREON.com/beliefsystem )...

Now, go ahead and get comfortable, plug in those headphones and join me as we explore stories from the subconscious….
Mae Deevy is a Subconscious Reprogrammer, Integrative Coach and Sound Healer who helps clients exit those exhausting "limiting belief" stories so that they can create the space needed to then step into the ideal life that they envision. She uses hypnosis, conscious language and sound frequency to support transformation at the subconscious-level. Based in Austin, TX, Mae has a light-hearted, fun and spirited approach to sharing stories that just may make you wonder: What story am I telling myself today? And which story would I like to live instead?

    S3 E13 | Mini-Episode: if other people are doing LESS and getting MORE, why not do what's on your heart?

    S3 E13 | Mini-Episode: if other people are doing LESS and getting MORE, why not do what's on your heart?

    This podcast episode wasn't expected. Mae sat down to listen to a 10min guided meditation on InsightTimer app... and instead, she got riled up.
    What happened? 
    This meditation was filled with inefficient/not super effective affirmations... which serve as GREAT EXAMPLES as to how much possibility is out there. 
    This by NO MEANS is a shot at the creator of that meditation! He is serving as a teacher for us all in this moment. 

    Click HERE to learn more about the "Calling in Abundance" hypnosis challenge happening April 17-21 LIVE on Patreon. If you can't make it live, you can tune in to the recordings at your leisure. 
    As a review, here are some research-backed tips to actually be more impeccable with your word and specifically what you are affirming: 
    replace "but" with "and"  eliminate "try" from your sentence and reformulate the main verb avoid "don't" or "do not" in your affirmations  use present tense verbs (versus "future tense" or even "past tense)  Does that make sense? 
    Let me know how useful you found this episode - and join me LIVE mid-April for a hypnosis challenge Calling in Abundance. 
    Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotist, Integrative Coach, Sound Healer & Host of "Stories from the Subconscious" Podcast. Using visualization and the power of your imagination, she leads clients through a relaxing exploration of the subconscious mind that makes even the most skeptical participants say, "she is the real deal."
    Mae works with clients privately and in group coaching programs to reframe and rewrite the stories we tell ourselves so that we can step into a place of calm clarity. She is a member of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) and can be found on Instagram @MaeDeevy.ATX or through her website: www.MaeDeevy.com 
    Join Mae's SFTS patreon community: www.patreon.com/beliefsystem 

    • 16 min
    S3 E12 | Mini-Episode: Don't listen to this quick & easy subconscious hack!

    S3 E12 | Mini-Episode: Don't listen to this quick & easy subconscious hack!

    Mirriam Webster indicates that "don't", the converted version of "does not", has been used across the English language for quite some time. 
    Don't is defined as: a command or entreaty not to do something
    You likely are already aware of that. 
    And yet you might not be aware that the subconscious mind has an interesting relationship with "don't". 
    We often use don't in commands like: 
    DON’T WORRY DON’T THINK ABOUT IT DON’T BE HOME LATE DON’T SMOKE And if we really start to think about it: how impactful are those commands? 
    Or perhaps asked differently: is that the best or most efficient use of language? 
    Because the subconscious mind often skips over "don't" and leaves you only with the parts of the command that you DO NOT want.
    So then it sounds more like:
    WORRY! THINK ABOUT IT! BE HOME LATE! SMOKE! ...and that's not what you intended, is it? 
    So in today's mini-episode, we offer up one small nugget to the subconscious mind on how to be more impeccable with our word. 
    HEY! did you know that you can watch this episode on Patreon?

    PATREON COMMUNITY NEWS: In March, we are reading National Best Selling Author Joan Didion's book The Year of Magical Thinking which has been described as: 
    "...a work of surpassing clarity and honesty." - Washington Post Book World
    "Unforgettable...Both personal and universal. She has given the reader an eloquent starting point in which to navigate the wilderness of grief." - Chicago Sun Times
    "Achingly beautiful..." - Los Angeles Times
    This powerful book is Didion’s attempt to make sense of the “weeks and then months that cut loose any fixed idea I ever had about death, about illness . . . about marriage and children and memory . . . about the shallowness of sanity, about life itself.”
    This novel is a navigation of how grief can weasel its way into the most ordinary of moments. Didion describes the heartbreak of losing her husband and dealing with the unexpected journey of witnessing your own child in the hospital.
    Where does the mind go? How do we navigate these hard times? How can a simple billboard trigger thoughts and memories? What do we do? 
    In the United States, we tend to shy away from death and avoid it [like the plague] and yet, death is one of the only guarentees in life. So, in embracing this book, I wonder how much we can start to normalize death, grief, and the inevitable of life. I invite you to read The Year of Magical Thinking with us and join us on March 28th for our virtual book club meeting: find out more HERE
    Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotist, Integrative Coach, Sound Healer & Host of "Stories from the Subconscious" Podcast. Using visualization and the power of your imagination, she leads clients through a relaxing exploration of the subconscious mind that makes even the most skeptical participants say, "she is the real deal."
    Mae works with clients privately and in group coaching programs to reframe and rewrite the stories we tell ourselves so that we can step into a place of calm clarity. She is a member of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) and can be found on Instagram @MaeDeevy.ATX or through her website: www.MaeDeevy.com 
    March's "Consciousness Seeker's" Book Club selection: The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion 
    Join Mae's SFTS patreon community: www.patreon.com/beliefsystem 

    • 9 min
    S3 E11 | Dropping into the Place of "The Knowing" w/ Mystic & Psychic Medium Cynthia [a hypnosis session recording]

    S3 E11 | Dropping into the Place of "The Knowing" w/ Mystic & Psychic Medium Cynthia [a hypnosis session recording]

    Today's episode is very special and unique. Host Mae Deevy meets with her dear friend Cynthia, who is a Mystic & Psychic Medium after Cynthia reached out with a proposition: 
    "I want you to hypnotize me!" she said.
    And so today's episode is a recording of what clarity Cynthia received from her hypnosis session... live!
    You may be asking yourself: WHY would a PSYCHIC MEDIUM [who receives messages via Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognition] want to try hypnosis for clarity!? Doesn’t she just… know things?! 
    And to be honest, I had the same question for Cynthia! And she let us know why she was seeking clarity via hypnosis so you'll have to tune in and listen :) 
    The truth is: Cynthia knows what a "trance state" is. When she sits down to channel, she describes the meditative trance place that she goes to as a "room" or "the abyss." She channels from a "deep trace state", in fact she noted specifically that she connects with the 5th dimension for readings and 8th dimension for channeling. 
    So what happens when we intentionally induce a deep trance state with hypnosis? What could come through? 
    In this episode, you’ll have a chance to:
    Meet Mystic & Psychic Medium Cynthia: why we’re here & her intentions for her session Be WITH us through the process and living the experience in REAL TIME to truly understand what it’s like to be hypnotized (getting in touch with the seat of the soul!)  Hear where Cynthia’s subconscious brought her & the clarity she received (HINT: humans are so silly) What happens when you hypnotize a psychic medium? Will she land in a new dimension? Will hypnosis open up a room or space beyond the “abyss”? 
    This episode features a brief interview and intention setting with Cynthia and Mae and then from about the ~35min mark through ~1hr 40min is the recording of their hypnosis session. 
    NOTE: the hypnotic "induction" has been cut from the audio so that you tune into the core session (versus receive hypnosis yourself!) 
    Cynthia asked to be hypnotized because she had 4 specific questions she was hoping to receive answers on. Her four questions were:
    What did her soul do during the hours that she was unconscious during a near-death experience? How to have a better relationship with money? How do I stay in the place of free-flowing? How can I help my family? What is the best direction for offering her gifts and talents to the world? ...and the session left Cynthia in awe, commenting that, “This is a fascinating school that we’ve signed up for" and that she really didn't have anything to worry about ever again. ok, WOW! 
    This episode is a unique opportunity to experience a real-life hypnosis session which typically happens privately behind closed doors (and closed eyes). 
    Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotist, Integrative Coach, Sound Healer & Host of "Stories from the Subconscious" Podcast. Using visualization and the power of your imagination, she leads clients through a relaxing exploration of the subconscious mind that makes even the most skeptical participants say, "she is the real deal."
    Mae works with clients privately and in group coaching programs to reframe and rewrite the stories we tell ourselves so that we can step into a place of calm clarity. She is a member of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) and can be found on Instagram @MaeDeevy.ATX as well as through her online community www.patreon.com/beliefsystem 
    For private hypnosis sessions, set up a FREE 30 minute "Discovery Call" through her website: www.MaeDeevy.com 
    Cynthia is a Mystic and Psychic Medium who offers Spiritual Medium Readings coupled with spiritual guidance. She has been blessed with communication from spirit since a very young child. In fact, she can remember as far as 3 years old when she was regularly visited by an entity family who had come to play with her. Over the years, she has

    • 1h 50 min
    S3 E10 | Own Your Subconscious: Exploring, Honoring & Loving All the Parts that Make us Whole: a *LIVE* podcast episode w/ Danielle Gertner

    S3 E10 | Own Your Subconscious: Exploring, Honoring & Loving All the Parts that Make us Whole: a *LIVE* podcast episode w/ Danielle Gertner

    Have you responded to an invitation with something like, "well, part of me would love to but the other part of me isn't so sure."  And so the truth is: we naturally break down our needs into parts. A "part" of you wants to go to that birthday party and another "part" of you wants to stay home & eat ice cream. 
    Maybe "part" of you feels like you "should" sit down and meditate while the other "part" really needs a nap. 
    We naturally are in touch with various parts of ourselves:
    the part that feels embarrassed doing karaoke the part that is proud of the cake they made for the party the part that deceived their partner even though they knew it would be hurtful the part that loves to 'pay it forward' in line for starbucks "just because" the part that believes they're not worthy of abundance Imagine if we welcomed every single part of ourselves with honor and love? Perhaps you've heard about "parts therapy" or "gestault" or even "Internal Family Systems" (and if not, that's perfect, too!) Either way...
    you are invited to discover the power of the subconscious mind as we explore, honor, & love all the parts that make us whole. This is a VERY special episode as it is a recording from a LIVE PODCAST EVENT sponsored by  MiraMira Photography Studio in East Austin,  TX.
    In this episode, Mae Deevy hosts a vulnerable live conversation with special guest Danielle Gertner as they own their shit. on stage. for a live audience. 
    Quite specifically: today's episode is a deep dive into a "part" that we likely all know pretty well: the inner critic.
    The inner critic is:
    -- the one who is quick to point a finger and call out what you haven't done or don't do enough
    -- often the one who speaks to you in "shoulds" 
    -- sometimes louder than the kind, loving all-knowing inner wise advocate 
    -- typically a part that feels heavy, shameful or guilty. 
    This event is an environment where we will begin to play with the idea that we can call forward these parts, name them, and offer them a seat at the table so that we can have a conversation with them - without judgment. And that happens when we partner with the subconscious mind.
    Because the truth is: the more we take ownership of our subconscious, the more we create grace and compassion for the parts we do want to play even bigger roles in our lives. Doesn't that sound inviting? MEET DANIELLE: Danielle Gertner is a Speaker, Emcee, Ownership Coach, Community Builder, and Podcast Host who is on a mission to unlock the world’s radical confidence with her signature Own Your Shit method. She uses a unique blend of neurolinguistic programming, trauma-informed somatic work, subconscious story rewriting, and primal play to help her clients make soul-shifting transformations that last a lifetime. Connect with Danielle on IG: https://www.instagram.com/daniellegertner/
    Learn more about Danielle: https://www.daniellegertner.com

    MEET MAE: Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotist, Integrative Coach & Host of "Stories from the Subconscious" Podcast. Using visualization and the power of your imagination, she leads you through a relaxing exploration of the subconscious mind that makes even the most skeptical participants say, "she is the real deal."
    Mae works with clients privately and in group coaching programs to reframe and rewrite the stories we tell ourselves so that we can step into a place of calm clarity. She is a member of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) and can be found on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/MaeDeevy.ATX
    Learn more about Mae: www.MaeDeevy.com
    **special thanks to:
    MiraMira Photography Studio, venue
    Hutch Herchenbach, photography

    • 1h 18 min
    S3 E9 | Mini-Episode: Up until now, you've been doing affirmations wrong. Here's how to supercharge your affirmation game!

    S3 E9 | Mini-Episode: Up until now, you've been doing affirmations wrong. Here's how to supercharge your affirmation game!

    Y'all. I have to apologize. I have been gate-keeping this golden nugget. And it is time for the world to write and speak better affirmations.
    You might be asking... what is an affirmation? and for reference, here are some "typical" AFFIRMATIONS:
    I am worthy. My body is sacred. I have everything I need.  Amazing, great, we love it!!
    And what if I told you that THESE are ALSO AFFIRMATIONS:
    "I have this terrible habit..." “I go to bed way past my bedtime.” “I need to watch Netflix at night to sleep.” “I have no time or money.” This is why they say that our words are powerful and cast SPELLS because how we WORD things is AFFIRMING behavior. 
    And all of THAT brings us to our subconscious-micro-shifting nugget. 
    Tune into the episode to hear all the juicy details... and for my friends who learn visually, here is a summary: 
    It typically can BEST be heard in a sentence that indicated AWARENESS. Literally STOP yourself and say, “let me phrase that differently.” POWER MOVE. Now people are listening. Restart the Sentence, “up until now…” Re-state the sentence IN THE PAST! Because you are now AFFIRMING that behavior as a PAST behavior; and we have now left that sh!t behind.  MEET YOUR HOST:
    Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotist, Integrative Coach, Sound Healer & Host of "Stories from the Subconscious" Podcast. Using visualization and the power of your imagination, she leads clients through a relaxing exploration of the subconscious mind that makes even the most skeptical participants say, "she is the real deal."
    Mae works with clients privately and in group coaching programs to reframe and rewrite the stories we tell ourselves so that we can step into a place of calm clarity. She is a member of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) and can be found on Instagram @MaeDeevy.ATX or through her website: www.MaeDeevy.com 
    Join Mae's 5 Day Hypnosis Challenge: www.patreon.com/beliefsystem 

    • 14 min
    S3 E8 | How to become BEST FRIENDS with your INTUITION w/ Nikki Norenberg

    S3 E8 | How to become BEST FRIENDS with your INTUITION w/ Nikki Norenberg

    Have you ever questioned whether you were hearing the voice of your INTUITION or you EGO? Or perhaps you have wondered: How does one tell the difference between the two?
    Today's guest is a beautiful soul who is active in play, movement, curiosity and aligning with her intuition. I was so excited when Nikki agreed to be on the podcast because I love to hear stories of women who worked in a corporate space and eventually found a new pathway for themselves. That is so brave!! And I wonder: how much of a role does one's intuition play in that process? 
    Tune in to today's episode to hear how you can truly allow yourself to be GUIDED by your intuiton (and let the confusion of "which voice is my intuition" melt away).
    I left this conversation feeling more grounded and confident in my own myself as it helped to make sense of the idea that "we have all we need within ourselves." ok, but WHERE? Who?! I can understand that that concept can be hard to digest... so I really appreciate the way Nikki breaks it down. 
    Some conversation highlights include: 
    the discernment between the intuition and the ego  slowing down actually can increase your productivity  the secret sauce to life [that lives in the physical body] defining success (as a feeling) through the body For Nikki, she noted that the practice of slowing down actually helped her be more productive (because it allowed her to hear her intuitive guidance). The invitation is to tune into yourself and trust by noticing energetics, voice/phrasing, and feeling. 
    ...because if you want to tune into your intuition, you need to make space for it. 
    "We must have space for the helicopter of intuition to land on." 
    If we are ALWAYS producing... the likelihood of burn out is exponentially higher. Give yourself the permission to receive... by slowing down. For Nikki, she says, "My mind is focused on: how can I receive and believe that the universe is going to support me through receiving?" 
    Nikki also offers us 3 easy ways to take action in slowing down, receiving: 
    say "no" to create space for yourself;   delegate (aka ask for support)  invite yourself to have a daily/regular practice with yourself (i.e. bath, oracle cards, journaling, walk, etc).  Conclusion: Listen to the feelings of the body to call in whatever "success" means for you. 
    It's time for the Superbowl of the Subconscious Mind! I am launching the (3rd annual) New Year Hypnosis Challenge where we’ll commit to 15min a day for 5 days in order to set ourselves up to experience the most intentional 2023.
    This is not about setting a new year’s resolution. I am talking about getting out of your OWN WAY so your soul can offer you the truth. This is an invitation to open yourself up to receive one singular word of intention that aligns with the CORE of who you are so that this. “word of intention” becomes your MANTRA or the LENS through which you see the world throughout 2023…
    ...which means that you can live in alignment with your soul’s intention.
    We’ll be LIVE together Monday Jan 23rd through Friday Jan 27th out on my pattern - however, the sessions will be recorded so you also are welcome to self-pace. Access is granted at the “BELIEVER" tier out on Patreon.com/BELIEFsystem Trust me - you may be surprised at how much you are able to shift and receive with JUST 15minutes/day. 
    TODAY'S GUEST: Nikki Norenberg
    As a self-discovery coach, vision activator, yoga instructor + speaker, Nikki Norenberg offers a soulful yet playful approach to bringing big-dreamers home to themselves. Through 1:1 + group coaching, activations and workshops, Nikki guides her clients to embody the greatest, most VIBRANT versions of themselves and supports them in bringing their vision to life. She creates a safe container for people to share their gifts and put in the reps of playing it bigger in their lives. She

    • 55 min

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