16 min

The Sutra on Right View Thus Have I Heard: Readings From the Sutras of the Buddha

    • Budismo

Here are excerpts from the more lengthy Sammaditthi Sutta, the sutta on Right View. This sutta, a dialogue between the venerable Sariputta and a group of bikkhus, explores what constitutes "right view," considering ideas such as what is wholesome and unwholesome, the Four Noble Truths, and how the roots of our suffering abide in our feelings, clinging,  and craving.

Here are excerpts from the more lengthy Sammaditthi Sutta, the sutta on Right View. This sutta, a dialogue between the venerable Sariputta and a group of bikkhus, explores what constitutes "right view," considering ideas such as what is wholesome and unwholesome, the Four Noble Truths, and how the roots of our suffering abide in our feelings, clinging,  and craving.

16 min