2 min.

16. You'll Never Be Ready Unstuck Yourself

    • Geestelijke gezondheid

The biggest obstacle we’ll ever experience in our lifetime is ourselves. We’re all dreamers, wishing to achieve everything that sets our souls on fire. Unfortunately, we come up with reasons why we CAN’T instead of working towards our goals with what we CAN. If you keep waiting to be ready, you’ll never be ready.
If you’d like to support the podcast to help fund any future projects, visit https://ko-fi.com/brycespencerjones

The biggest obstacle we’ll ever experience in our lifetime is ourselves. We’re all dreamers, wishing to achieve everything that sets our souls on fire. Unfortunately, we come up with reasons why we CAN’T instead of working towards our goals with what we CAN. If you keep waiting to be ready, you’ll never be ready.
If you’d like to support the podcast to help fund any future projects, visit https://ko-fi.com/brycespencerjones

2 min.