29 min.

19: The Digital Landscape: Designing Your Dream Business Online Franziska Neumann | FZK Brand Lift

    • Ondernemerschap

Franziska Neumann, Brand Designer & Strategist
Franziska Neumann is a seasoned professional and the visionary founder behind FZK, a creative agency specializing in the enhancement and stewardship of online presence for professional service providers. She brings together a unique blend of aesthetics and technology, showcasing a career path that has evolved from interior design and architecture to the craft of building distinctive brands. With a notable portfolio that includes features in prominent magazines, appearances on HGTV, and recognition on the Oprah Show, Franziska's journey into online presence began when she realized the need to anchor her growing exposure. 
Get inspired as Franziska shares her guide to helping her clients gain visibility, allowing them to shine, describe their passion, and see how that could be translated into a visual story.
Franziska's story begins with a "magical moment" many of us can only dream of – the Oprah moment. While she wasn't the one gracing Oprah's stage, her connection to this iconic show began her extraordinary career shift.
Franziska and her partner then lived in a cozy 350-square-foot apartment in Chelsea. They transformed their space into a functional and aesthetically pleasing abode through creativity and resourcefulness. Their expertise quickly garnered recognition as small space experts.
Yet, amidst this setback, something remarkable emerged. Franziska discovered a new passion and skill set: web development. Armed with the ability to build websites, she embarked on a new career path. This transition allowed her the flexibility to work from home, a valuable advantage for a new parent. 
Her early days were filled with hours spent browsing interior design magazines in coffee shops and bookstores—a practice that allowed her to discern emerging trends long before they hit the mainstream. Her passion for trend forecasting led her to a dream gig in the field.
Franziska shared insightful observations when asked about the key marketing trends for the home industry in 2024.
"Human interaction and in person connection is still special. And I think we have a new appreciation for being together and respecting each other and just enjoying collaboration in person."
Franziska Neumann
Franziska underscored the importance of events as a pivotal element in marketing strategy. Creating meaningful, in-person experiences for clients and collaborators can foster lasting connections and brand loyalty. In a world where kindness and respect are paramount, events can be a powerful platform for showcasing expertise and building valuable relationships.
AI can't replicate the empathy, authenticity, and relatability that real individuals bring.
During a significant shift during the pandemic, many designers were inundated with work, leading them to halt their marketing efforts temporarily. While this response might seem intuitive at first glance, it is, in fact, counterintuitive.
Franziska passionately encourages interior designers and business owners to recognize the importance of maintaining a marketing budget even when times are good.
Dedicating a portion of your gross revenue to marketing, typically...

Franziska Neumann, Brand Designer & Strategist
Franziska Neumann is a seasoned professional and the visionary founder behind FZK, a creative agency specializing in the enhancement and stewardship of online presence for professional service providers. She brings together a unique blend of aesthetics and technology, showcasing a career path that has evolved from interior design and architecture to the craft of building distinctive brands. With a notable portfolio that includes features in prominent magazines, appearances on HGTV, and recognition on the Oprah Show, Franziska's journey into online presence began when she realized the need to anchor her growing exposure. 
Get inspired as Franziska shares her guide to helping her clients gain visibility, allowing them to shine, describe their passion, and see how that could be translated into a visual story.
Franziska's story begins with a "magical moment" many of us can only dream of – the Oprah moment. While she wasn't the one gracing Oprah's stage, her connection to this iconic show began her extraordinary career shift.
Franziska and her partner then lived in a cozy 350-square-foot apartment in Chelsea. They transformed their space into a functional and aesthetically pleasing abode through creativity and resourcefulness. Their expertise quickly garnered recognition as small space experts.
Yet, amidst this setback, something remarkable emerged. Franziska discovered a new passion and skill set: web development. Armed with the ability to build websites, she embarked on a new career path. This transition allowed her the flexibility to work from home, a valuable advantage for a new parent. 
Her early days were filled with hours spent browsing interior design magazines in coffee shops and bookstores—a practice that allowed her to discern emerging trends long before they hit the mainstream. Her passion for trend forecasting led her to a dream gig in the field.
Franziska shared insightful observations when asked about the key marketing trends for the home industry in 2024.
"Human interaction and in person connection is still special. And I think we have a new appreciation for being together and respecting each other and just enjoying collaboration in person."
Franziska Neumann
Franziska underscored the importance of events as a pivotal element in marketing strategy. Creating meaningful, in-person experiences for clients and collaborators can foster lasting connections and brand loyalty. In a world where kindness and respect are paramount, events can be a powerful platform for showcasing expertise and building valuable relationships.
AI can't replicate the empathy, authenticity, and relatability that real individuals bring.
During a significant shift during the pandemic, many designers were inundated with work, leading them to halt their marketing efforts temporarily. While this response might seem intuitive at first glance, it is, in fact, counterintuitive.
Franziska passionately encourages interior designers and business owners to recognize the importance of maintaining a marketing budget even when times are good.
Dedicating a portion of your gross revenue to marketing, typically...

29 min.