28 min.

#24 Turkish Tale - Hale Amus Vermeulen Once Upon A Taste

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Around the table with Hale Amus Vermeulen about the diversity of the Turkish kitchen, the journey of writing her cookbook ‘De bijbel van de Turkse keuken’, and the roots of her Turkish Tales.

Lees de shownotes via: https://onceuponataste.com/podcast-item/turkish-tale-hale-amus-vermeulen/

Volg Once Upon A Taste op Instagram: @onceuponataste.podcast

Around the table with Hale Amus Vermeulen about the diversity of the Turkish kitchen, the journey of writing her cookbook ‘De bijbel van de Turkse keuken’, and the roots of her Turkish Tales.

Lees de shownotes via: https://onceuponataste.com/podcast-item/turkish-tale-hale-amus-vermeulen/

Volg Once Upon A Taste op Instagram: @onceuponataste.podcast

28 min.