27 min.

A Plain Answer: Campus Protests, the Family and Social Responsibility - Dr. John Vance Redeemer Broadcasting : A Plain Answer

    • Christendom

Recently we have seen encampments of students protesting on various campuses. They have some common elements. The students appear to bully those who disagree with them. Individual interviews are not terribly coherent. They supposedly are upset at Israel defending itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization that attacked Israel on October 7, 2023. Israel suffered 1,139 people killed in these brutal attacks. Rockets from Hamas were seen pouring into Israel. Hamas has troubled Israel for years. Now, this conflict is brought to America more and more - both due to America's support of Israel, albeit weakly via the present administration. But also by these students who have clearly sided with Hamas. Some of these radicalized students have supposedly adopted Islam, and have been photographed in the typical worship postures that accompany their religion. There is a commonality between these campus encampments and the violence with what we witnessed back in 2020, with BLM. In that year, and roughly the same monthly timeframe, we saw riots triggered by the unfortunate death of George Floyd. Total property damage then was somewhere in the range of $1 to $2 Billion. Both then, and now, there were violent responses that were conveniently triggered approximately 6 months prior to a national election. Both in 2020 and now in 2024, one party is clearly ahead and the consensus by the other side seems to be that all efforts to thwart a legitimate win are acceptable, including violence, theft, cheating, bullying, and a take over of nearly all media. Such tactics seem to come from the old Communist playbook and are very familiar to those who have studied and observed such things since the 1960s. Contrasted with all of this trespassing and destruction of property, is the Christian family. The Christian family is much more fundamental than the state, and much more important. Stable Christian families are one of the greatest blessings to a peaceful commonwealth. We also look at the appropriateness of applying God's word to the real world of daily life. We look at the well known Shorter Catechism which says: Q. 3. What do the Scriptures principally teach?
A. The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man. We note that we do pretty well with the first half of this answer - our churches teach well, the tri-unity of God and His attributes. We seem to come up short on the second half that deals with the duty that God requires of man. So, we discuss this a little. Mention is made of St. Augustine and his emphasis in the midst of Roman rule. Our guest ends with words of wisdom and encouragement for Christian families. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

Recently we have seen encampments of students protesting on various campuses. They have some common elements. The students appear to bully those who disagree with them. Individual interviews are not terribly coherent. They supposedly are upset at Israel defending itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization that attacked Israel on October 7, 2023. Israel suffered 1,139 people killed in these brutal attacks. Rockets from Hamas were seen pouring into Israel. Hamas has troubled Israel for years. Now, this conflict is brought to America more and more - both due to America's support of Israel, albeit weakly via the present administration. But also by these students who have clearly sided with Hamas. Some of these radicalized students have supposedly adopted Islam, and have been photographed in the typical worship postures that accompany their religion. There is a commonality between these campus encampments and the violence with what we witnessed back in 2020, with BLM. In that year, and roughly the same monthly timeframe, we saw riots triggered by the unfortunate death of George Floyd. Total property damage then was somewhere in the range of $1 to $2 Billion. Both then, and now, there were violent responses that were conveniently triggered approximately 6 months prior to a national election. Both in 2020 and now in 2024, one party is clearly ahead and the consensus by the other side seems to be that all efforts to thwart a legitimate win are acceptable, including violence, theft, cheating, bullying, and a take over of nearly all media. Such tactics seem to come from the old Communist playbook and are very familiar to those who have studied and observed such things since the 1960s. Contrasted with all of this trespassing and destruction of property, is the Christian family. The Christian family is much more fundamental than the state, and much more important. Stable Christian families are one of the greatest blessings to a peaceful commonwealth. We also look at the appropriateness of applying God's word to the real world of daily life. We look at the well known Shorter Catechism which says: Q. 3. What do the Scriptures principally teach?
A. The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man. We note that we do pretty well with the first half of this answer - our churches teach well, the tri-unity of God and His attributes. We seem to come up short on the second half that deals with the duty that God requires of man. So, we discuss this a little. Mention is made of St. Augustine and his emphasis in the midst of Roman rule. Our guest ends with words of wisdom and encouragement for Christian families. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

27 min.