4 min.

BONUS | You're Invited to the I AM MOM Momference May 13-15 Pursuing Goals God’s Way - Online Business Strategy - Simple Goal Planning - Start an Online Business for Christian Women

    • Ondernemerschap

Hey Winner,
I see you there, mama... 😘
You want to step into the woman God created you to be, but you struggle with balancing purpose, mom life, and being His faithful daughter. Am I right?
Well, I’m excited to share about the third annual, life-giving momference -- I AM MOM -- where I am a featured speaker sharing about how to crush God-led goals in a stress less, no hustle way -- if you know me at all, you know that's right up my alley. 💪
Register free here: https://iammom2024.groovesell.com/a/Mftu3atywKxa
This is a FREE 3-day event designed to inspire & encourage driven Christian moms (like you!) around the globe to rise up and take intentional action not only in their roles as mothers, but also on their God-given gifts & purposes through the truth that is found only in God's word: clarity surrounding your calling, purposeful goal setting, effective time management, and Biblical mindset to last through the journey
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
I AM MOM conference (May 13-15): https://iammom2024.groovesell.com/a/Mftu3atywKxa
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

Hey Winner,
I see you there, mama... 😘
You want to step into the woman God created you to be, but you struggle with balancing purpose, mom life, and being His faithful daughter. Am I right?
Well, I’m excited to share about the third annual, life-giving momference -- I AM MOM -- where I am a featured speaker sharing about how to crush God-led goals in a stress less, no hustle way -- if you know me at all, you know that's right up my alley. 💪
Register free here: https://iammom2024.groovesell.com/a/Mftu3atywKxa
This is a FREE 3-day event designed to inspire & encourage driven Christian moms (like you!) around the globe to rise up and take intentional action not only in their roles as mothers, but also on their God-given gifts & purposes through the truth that is found only in God's word: clarity surrounding your calling, purposeful goal setting, effective time management, and Biblical mindset to last through the journey
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
I AM MOM conference (May 13-15): https://iammom2024.groovesell.com/a/Mftu3atywKxa
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach

4 min.