7 episodes

We're here to share the stories, insights, and solidarity across the Clean Clothes Campaign.

Clean Clothes Podcast Clean Clothes Campaign

    • Zakelijk

We're here to share the stories, insights, and solidarity across the Clean Clothes Campaign.

    Clean Clothes Podcast Preview Episode

    Clean Clothes Podcast Preview Episode

    Our preview episode includes how unions are responding to COVID-19 in Indonesia; supporting women factory workers' rights in Southern India; and the impact of e-commerce on the garment and sportswear industries. Please share your feedback; email us on podcast@cleanclothes.org

    • 17 min
    Organising workers in the time of COVID

    Organising workers in the time of COVID

    How have the organisations in the Clean Clothes Campaign supported workers in the time of COVID? What can we learn from the experiences in different countries? The half hour episode explores how organisations in different countries from across the Clean Clothes Campaign network supported workers in the time of COVID.

    In this episode, we hear how:

    Community mobilisation defended a garment worker in Romania;
    Trade unions and worker organisations made gains in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka;
    The effects of the pandemic in Turkey has led to a re-think on future campaigns to support worker rights;
    Plus thoughts and reflections on the impact of COVID on worker organising.

    Please share your feedback, comments and questions, by emailing: podcast@cleanclothes.org

    • 33 min
    Women Fight for Safe Workplaces

    Women Fight for Safe Workplaces

    What does it take to make the workplace safe for women, free from sexual harassment and gender-based violence? What are some of the ways women have won improvements, and how did they build their power to do this?

    In this episode:
    A union in Indonesia declares an industrial park a ‘harassment free zone’: Dian Septi Trisnanti, FBLP, Indonesia
    An Enforceable Brand Agreement aims to end severe gender-based violence in factories in Lesotho: Motheba Ramaema & Sam Mokhele, NACTWU, Rola Abimourched, WRC.
    Rukmini tells her story of becoming a union founder, and why more women need to lead worker struggles: Rukmini, GLU, India
    Campaigns to ratify ILO Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment: Priscilla Robledo, CCC Italy and Sina Marx, FEMNET, Germany

    Share the podcast with your colleagues on email, WhatsApp, or Signal, but please keep it within the CCC Network.

    Please tell us what inspired you about this show, and share your feedback, comments and questions, by emailing: podcast@cleanclothes.org

    • 31 min
    Cracking Corporate Impunity

    Cracking Corporate Impunity

    In this episode, our contributors reflect on laws and regulations for holding brands and retailers accountable for violations of worker rights in the factories that supply them, including:

    Nayla Ajaltouni from Collectif Ethique sur L'Etiquette in France tells how campaigners succeeded in getting the first law protecting human rights in supply chains passed in France – and how this law might set a European precedent for stronger worker rights protection.
    Nasir Mansoor from NTUF in Pakistan reflects on the experience of using legal mechanisms to hold KiK accountable for the Ali Enterprises fire.
    Muriel Treibich from the CCC International Office introduces human rights due diligence and presents opportunities including the European Supply Chain.

    Scott Nova from WRC in the USA highlights the closing of a loophole means the section of the US Tariff Act that prohibits companies importing goods made with forced labour could be enforced.

    • 29 min
    A Living Wage for All

    A Living Wage for All

    How can we get fair pay in workers’ pockets, and replace poverty wages with a real living wage? What new tools can our campaigns use?

    • 34 min
    Formalise It! Rights for All Workers

    Formalise It! Rights for All Workers

    How can we expand rights to all garment workers, no matter where they work – in factories or their own homes, or as refugees or migrants far from their country of origin?

    • 36 min

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