764 afleveringen

This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and technologists as well as those that want to become a designer and implementors of great software solutions. That includes solving problems through technology. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking, so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life.

Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur Rob Broadhead

    • Technologie

This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and technologists as well as those that want to become a designer and implementors of great software solutions. That includes solving problems through technology. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking, so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life.

    Software Development Requirements: Staying True to Specifications

    Software Development Requirements: Staying True to Specifications

    Welcome to another captivating episode of "Building Better Developers." Join your hosts, Rob Broadhead and Michael Meloche, as they delve into the intricate world of software development and share their hard-earned wisdom from the frontlines. Today's topic is a familiar challenge that developers often face: the delicate balance between adhering strictly to software development requirements and unleashing one's creative prowess.

    Navigating Software Development Requirements

    In our ever-evolving journey as developers, we frequently encounter projects where our innate creativity and problem-solving abilities must temporarily yield to the rigors of predetermined requirements. While this constraint may not be the most conducive environment for fostering unbridled innovation, it is sometimes unavoidable – particularly in fixed-bid projects or highly regulated domains such as government contracts, where adherence to stringent guidelines is paramount.

    The Challenge of Strict Software Development Requirements

    One of the most frustrating experiences in software development involves projects where clients demand only minimal changes to existing code. Often, the codebase is riddled with inconsistencies that make it a nightmare to read and maintain. Despite knowing the code could be vastly improved, rigid requirements prevent significant modifications.

    This scenario is common in environments where developers lack direct access to the end customer. Instead, they work in silos, writing code strictly to the documented software development requirements. This can feel like working with blinders on, unable to see the broader vision or potential improvements.

    The Importance of Clarifying Software Development Requirements

    Understanding software development requirements thoroughly is crucial. Developers must ask questions and seek clarification to ensure they're on the right track. Misunderstanding or making assumptions about the requirements can lead to wasted time and effort, producing a solution that doesn't meet the client's needs.

    One effective approach is to restate the requirements in your own words and seek confirmation. This could be through an email or a quick meeting, ensuring both parties have a clear and shared understanding. Doing this prevents unnecessary rework and aligns your work with the client's expectations.

    A Cautionary Tale: The Pop-Up Window Incident

    A cautionary tale illustrates the pitfalls of deviating from software development requirements. A young, enthusiastic developer once worked on a project requiring a simple confirmation message. Instead of a straightforward status bar update, he created a flashy pop-up window with blinking text that disappeared after a few seconds.

    The client hated it. The blinking text was distracting, and the auto-dismissing message often went unnoticed by users. This deviation from the requirements wasted the developer's time and frustrated the client, who expected a simple and functional solution. The lesson here is clear: stick to the software development requirements unless you have explicit approval to innovate.

    Understanding Scope and Effort in Software Development

    Another critical aspect is understanding the scope and effort required for a task. If a task is expected to take a short amount of time, spending excessive hours adding unnecessary features is inefficient and costly. Always communicate with your client or project manager if you encounter unexpected challenges that might extend the timeframe.

    Agile methodologies, such as daily standups, are designed to catch these issues early. If a task is taking longer than anticipated, raise it promptly. This transparency helps manage expectations and allows for re-prioritization if necessary.

    Team Dynamics and Collaboration

    In team environments, your work often impacts others. Delays or deviations can cascade, affecting the entire project's timeline. Thi

    • 20 min.
    Handling Software Delivery Panic: Strategies for Developers

    Handling Software Delivery Panic: Strategies for Developers

    Welcome back to another episode of Building Better Developers. Today, we’re tackling an issue that every developer faces at some point: panic during software delivery. Whether it’s a critical bug or a new feature that isn’t functioning as expected, panic can strike anytime your software fails in the hands of a user. Rob and Michael cover handling software delivery panic with practical tips and real-life examples.

    Listen to the Podcast on Handling Software Delivery Panic

    The Inevitable Bug: Why Panic Happens

    Delivering software is a delicate process. Even when you’ve thoroughly tested your code and believe it to be bulletproof, something can always go wrong. Often, the panic ensues because:

    Unexpected User Behavior: Users may interact with the software in ways you didn’t anticipate. This is particularly common in beta tests or early releases where feedback is crucial.

    Overlooked Bugs: Some users have a knack for breaking things. These users often find bugs that slipped through your QA processes.

    Critical Stakeholders: When a manager, CEO, or client encounters a problem, the stakes feel much higher. Their frustration can quickly escalate to panic.

    Real-Life Panic: A Case Study on Handling Software Delivery Panic

    Recently, Rob faced this scenario with a technically knowledgeable customer. Despite understanding the development process, the customer encountered a show-stopping bug in an alpha version. Their immediate reaction was that the project was nowhere near completion, creating a sense of panic.

    During our call, he expressed concerns that none of the features seemed to work. He acknowledged that bugs and design flaws were expected at this stage, but the issue was so severe that it led to a dramatic loss of confidence in the project.

    Handling Software Delivery Panic

    Step 1: Stay Calm and Analyze

    The first and most crucial step when faced with panic is to stay calm. Take a deep breath and focus on understanding the situation:

    Reproduce the Issue: Identify the user's steps to encounter the bug. Sometimes, it’s as simple as a permission issue or an unanticipated input.

    Prioritize Fixes: Address the most critical issues first, especially those that block user progress.

    Step 2: Effective Communication

    Reassure the stakeholders that you’re on top of the situation:

    Acknowledge the Problem: Validate their concerns and show you understand the impact.

    Outline the Next Steps: Explain how you plan to fix the issue and provide a realistic timeline.

    Step 3: Learn and Improve

    Use this experience to strengthen your development and testing processes:

    Enhance Testing: Incorporate the steps that led to the bug into your testing scenarios. Automated tests can help catch these issues earlier.

    Add Logging: Improve logging to gather more information if a similar problem arises in the future.

    Real-Life Tips from Experience

    Michael shares an insightful story about a shared work experience. Despite rigorous testing, their boss would find bugs within minutes of a release. This constant scrutiny drove home the importance of thorough testing and the psychological pressure of delivering seemingly flawless code.

    One key takeaway from Michael’s story is the value of Test-Driven Development (TDD). By writing tests before the actual code, you ensure that each function meets the specified requirements. This approach not only catches potential issues early but also clarifies the expected behavior for each part of your application.

    Practical Advice for Developers

    Before starting on a new feature or bug fix, consider the following:

    Clarify Requirements: Ensure you have detailed requirements, including user input constraints and expected outputs.

    Define Acceptance Criteria: Clearly outline what constitutes a successful implementation.

    Implement Robust Logging: Log critical operations to s

    • 19 min.
    Dealing with Legacy Code: When to Let Go and Start Anew

    Dealing with Legacy Code: When to Let Go and Start Anew

    Welcome back! In our ongoing discussion on improving life and technology, today's focus is on a more dramatic scenario: saving customers from potential disaster due to legacy code. When does legacy code need to be retired, and what signs indicate it's time for a major overhaul? We'll dive into these questions through real-world examples and expert insights.

    Listen to Rob and Michael Discuss ways to Deal with Legacy Code

    The Legacy Code Conundrum

    Legacy code refers to outdated software that still performs necessary functions but is based on old technology. The core question is: when does maintaining legacy code become impractical or even risky?

    Our host recounted an experience with a client who had a custom application built on the Eclipse foundation RCP with additional dependencies like Adobe Flash. When the host encountered this system in 2021-22, the last update to the code had been in 2014. The application's underlying technology was so outdated that it was incompatible with modern systems. This scenario is not unique; many organizations rely on aging software that becomes increasingly difficult to maintain as technology evolves.

    The Case Study: A Ten-Year-Old Application

    In the host's case study, the client's custom application was built on an old version of Java and Eclipse, using technologies like Flash that are no longer supported. The application worked fine until system upgrades rendered it inoperable. Initially running on multiple machines, the application was eventually down to a single operational machine. This machine was critical: if it failed, the entire application would be lost.

    Despite having the source code, the modernization process was fraught with challenges. The task involved updating libraries, replacing deprecated technologies, and rewriting significant portions of the code. After six months of effort, it became clear that a complete rewrite was necessary. The core JDBC connections were outdated and incompatible with modern systems, necessitating a significant redevelopment effort.

    When to Rewrite: Key Considerations

    Technology Obsolescence: If the technology stack is no longer supported, it's a red flag. Modernizing might involve not just updates but a full-scale rewrite.

    Compatibility Issues: New system upgrades may not support old applications. As seen in the host's example, upgrading to a newer operating system rendered the application unusable.

    Developer Expertise: Often, the original developers are no longer available, and current teams may lack the knowledge to maintain or update the legacy code effectively.

    Cost and Risk: Maintaining old code can be costlier and riskier than starting anew. Constant patching can introduce new bugs, and outdated software may pose security risks.

    The Modernization Approach

    The podcast highlighted the importance of understanding the existing system and planning a phased approach to modernization:

    Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of the current system, identifying critical components and dependencies. Determine what can be salvaged and what needs replacement.

    Data Migration: Plan for data migration from the old system to the new. This may involve extracting data manually or through automated scripts.

    Incremental Development: Instead of a big-bang approach, develop the new system in phases. This allows for continuous integration and testing, reducing the risk of total failure.

    User Experience: Consider whether the new system needs to replicate the old user experience or if a new, modern interface would be more beneficial.

    Real-World Challenges

    Michael, the co-host, shared his current project in the healthcare sector involving an old IBM AS/400 system. This green-screen, keyboard-driven application was solid but outdated. Key challenges included integration with unsupported systems and the need for continuous deployment and integration.


    • 32 min.
    Navigating Communication Tools in Modern Workplaces

    Navigating Communication Tools in Modern Workplaces

    Welcome back to another insightful Develpreneur conversation with Rob and Michael on communication. In this episode, they focus on tools and expectations. Over the years, communication methods have evolved significantly, and with them, the expectations surrounding their use have also changed. Today, we'll explore different types of communication tools, the appropriate contexts for each, and how to manage expectations around them.

    Let's listen to what Rob and Michael say about Navigating Communication Tools in Modern Workplaces.

    The Evolution of Communication Tools

    When many of us started our careers, options were limited to email and newsgroups. Text messaging was unheard of, and instant messaging platforms were still in their infancy. Today, we have many communication tools, each serving different purposes and contexts, both personal and professional.

    Instant Personal Communication

    Text messaging on personal phones represents the most immediate form of communication. This is akin to someone tapping you on the shoulder, expecting a quick response. In a professional setting, tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams serve a similar purpose. These platforms are more passive compared to text messages but still imply a need for timely responses during work hours.

    Dialog-Based Communication

    Moving beyond instant communication, we enter the realm of dialog-based tools, such as email. Unlike instant messaging, emails allow for more thought-out responses and generally have a lower expectation for immediate replies. Social media messages, like those on LinkedIn or Facebook, also fall into this category but often carry even less urgency.

    Setting Communication Standards

    With the variety of tools available, setting clear standards within your organization or personal workflow is crucial. Understanding the urgency and expected response times for different communication methods helps manage both sender and receiver expectations.

    Personal and Professional Boundaries

    A key point raised was the importance of setting boundaries, particularly when juggling personal life, primary job responsibilities, and side hustles. The type of job you have significantly impacts how you manage communications. For instance, those in mission-critical roles, such as healthcare, need to be more responsive to urgent communications, even outside regular working hours.

    Prioritizing Communication Channels

    To maintain a balance, prioritize communication channels:

    Phone Calls: Reserved for urgent or critical issues requiring immediate attention.

    Personal Texts: Quick but less urgent than phone calls.

    Professional Messaging Tools (Slack/Teams): Used for work-related communications during business hours.

    Email: For detailed, non-urgent communications that allow time for a thoughtful response.

    Social Media: Generally for personal use, but can also serve professional networking purposes with a lower expectation for immediate response.

    Managing Notifications and Availability

    Modern tools offer ways to manage availability and notifications effectively:

    Do Not Disturb: Most smartphones have features to limit interruptions during non-working hours.

    Status Indicators: Use status indicators on platforms like Slack to communicate availability. However, use them judiciously to avoid them being ignored.

    Scheduled Quiet Times: Tools like Apple’s Screen Time and similar features on other devices help enforce boundaries by limiting access to apps during designated times.

    Effective Use of Calendars

    Utilize calendars to block out time for focused work, meetings, and personal breaks. This transparency helps colleagues understand your availability and plan accordingly. Additionally, communicate your working hours clearly to manage expectations around response times.

    Avoiding Digital Overload

    It’s crucial to take control of digital tools rather than l

    • 27 min.
    Navigating Brand Protection in the Digital Age

    Navigating Brand Protection in the Digital Age

    In this episode, we delve into the intricate world of brand protection, drawing inspiration from the meticulous strategies employed by industry giants like Disney. From safeguarding your own brand to respecting the intellectual property of others, we explore essential lessons in maintaining a reputable online presence.

    Understanding Brand Aggression: Lessons from Disney

    We kick off our discussion by examining the legendary brand aggression demonstrated by companies like Disney. With their iconic characters and symbols, Disney has set the gold standard for brand protection. Learn why aggressive brand strategies are not only prudent but essential for companies looking to establish longevity and trust in their markets.

    Brand Protection Strategies: Crafting Your Online Persona

    Transitioning to personal branding, we emphasize the significance of curating a consistent and authentic online persona. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned developer, projecting a clear and compelling image can significantly impact your professional trajectory. Discover practical tips for aligning your digital footprint with your personal and professional goals.

    Navigating Intellectual Property: Safeguarding Your Creative Assets

    As we explore the complexities of intellectual property, we shed light on common pitfalls and best practices for safeguarding your creative assets. From trademarks to copyrights, we unravel the legal intricacies surrounding content creation in the digital realm. Gain actionable insights to mitigate risks and uphold the integrity of your original work.

    Respecting Others' Rights: Ethical Brand Protection Practices

    In our conversation, we underscore the importance of respecting others' intellectual property rights. Whether sourcing images, music, or videos, exercising diligence in content creation is paramount. Learn how to navigate licensing agreements and fair use guidelines to steer clear of copyright infringement and uphold ethical standards in your creative endeavors.

    Building Reciprocal Relationships: Collaborative Brand Protection Approaches

    Finally, we emphasize the value of fostering reciprocal relationships in the digital ecosystem. Whether collaborating with fellow creators or engaging with brands, transparency and communication are key. Explore strategies for navigating licensing agreements, permissions, and attributions to foster a culture of mutual respect and collaboration.

    Empowering Responsible Brand Stewardship

    As we conclude our discussion, we reinforce the importance of responsible brand stewardship in today's digital landscape. By embracing proactive brand protection measures and honoring the intellectual property rights of others, individuals and organizations alike can cultivate trust, credibility, and longevity in their respective domains. Remember, in the ever-evolving world of digital branding, integrity is the cornerstone of success.

    Stay Connected: Join the Developreneur Community

    We invite you to join our community and share your coding journey with us. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, there's always room to learn and grow together. Contact us at info@develpreneur.com with your questions, feedback, or suggestions for future episodes. Together, let's continue exploring the exciting world of software development.

    Additional Resources

    Copyright And Trademarks – Interview With Richard Gearhart

    Cover Your Assets Anti-Pattern : Protection Over Production

    When to Give In When To Hold Your Ground

    Trust But Verify – Avoid Business Assumptions

    Behind the Scenes Podcast Video

    • 20 min.
    Short Coding Videos: A Career Booster for Developers

    Short Coding Videos: A Career Booster for Developers

    This episode covers a key aspect of developer career advancement: short coding videos. Drawing from "Source Code for Happiness," we discuss how skills, projects, and hustles shape careers. We'll be focusing on the mindset behind creating coding video shorts. As well as offering a glimpse into the potential career boost this practice provides.

    Getting Started: The Accessibility of Short Coding Videos

    With the ubiquity of smartphones and PCs equipped with cameras, creating coding videos has never been more accessible. Whether you're learning Python, SQL, or building apps, the barrier to entry is minimal. You can showcase skills by recording and narrating your coding process. Documenting projects this way enhances coding abilities. Simply hit record to highlight your skills.

    Verbalizing Your Thoughts: Why It Matters

    Verbalizing thoughts while coding helps with problem-solving and improves the ability to articulate decisions and approaches. This practice prepares you to explain code rationale professionally and fosters crucial communication skills for collaborative work environments.

    Building Your Brand: Leveraging Coding Videos for Career Growth

    Coding videos are more than instructional content - they build your professional brand. Embedded in blogs, used as lead magnets, or on YouTube - they showcase coding skills. These videos tangibly demonstrate proficiency. They also provide valuable references for future projects and troubleshooting.

    The IDE Environment Debate: Finding Your Comfort Zone

    While IDE choice varies, using industry-standard options like Visual Studio Code or PyCharm offers familiarity. These align with real-world development practices potential employers recognize. Ultimately, choose an IDE based on personal comfort and efficient workflow. This ensures seamless recording sessions and effective code demonstrations.

    Structuring Your Videos: Balancing Preparation and Authenticity

    Creating short coding videos requires balancing preparation and spontaneity. Scripting or outlining code segments streamlines recording. However, allowing room for organic exploration and problem-solving adds authenticity. Find a workflow that suits your style while ensuring clarity and coherence for viewers.

    GitHub Integration: Sharing and Showcasing Your Work

    Integrating GitHub with coding videos adds professionalism and documentation. Sharing code repositories gives viewers access to project evolution, commit history, and supplementary materials. This includes README files and other documentation. The transparent approach enhances credibility and fosters community engagement.

    Embracing the Potential of Short Coding Videos

    In conclusion, short coding videos are a multifaceted tool for developer career advancement. Benefits include honing coding skills, building a professional brand, and fostering community engagement. Embracing this practice and integrating it into your development journey unlocks opportunities. Growth and recognition await in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

    Stay Connected: Join the Developreneur Community

    We invite you to join our community and share your coding journey with us. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, there's always room to learn and grow together. Contact us at info@develpreneur.com with your questions, feedback, or suggestions for future episodes. Together, let's continue exploring the exciting world of software development.

    Additional Resources

    Create a A Better Professional Network Through Planning

    Be Intentional In Choosing Tasks For Career Growth

    Turning Extra Effort Into A Better Career – Season Review

    Behind the Scenes Podcast Video

    • 28 min.

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