9 min.

Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Eating Meat with Caviar AKO Kashrus Shiurim

    • Judaïsme

Rabbi Tsvi Heber is COR’s Director of Community Kosher, responsible for the kashrus program of approximately 200 food establishments in Toronto. He is a popular magid shiur and mechaber seforim. His widely read articles often elucidate the psakim of the Rosh Hakollel, Harav Shlomo Miller shlit'a.

Rabbi Tsvi Heber is COR’s Director of Community Kosher, responsible for the kashrus program of approximately 200 food establishments in Toronto. He is a popular magid shiur and mechaber seforim. His widely read articles often elucidate the psakim of the Rosh Hakollel, Harav Shlomo Miller shlit'a.

9 min.