1 u. 9 min.

Jeff Loomis Leaves Arch Enemy Your Music Is Bad And You Should Feel Bad

    • Muziekcommentaar

Matt and Blake discuss Jeff's departure from Arch Enemy and discuss the history of Nevermore, and why Blake doesn't like them and also why he's wrong
We also discuss Jeff's work post-Nevermore and why him leaving Arch Enemy is good news for everybody who likes non-boring music
Rumors of Jeff & Van playing together again are discussed but will be covered in more detail in Part 2 (the next episode, whatever that is)

Matt and Blake discuss Jeff's departure from Arch Enemy and discuss the history of Nevermore, and why Blake doesn't like them and also why he's wrong
We also discuss Jeff's work post-Nevermore and why him leaving Arch Enemy is good news for everybody who likes non-boring music
Rumors of Jeff & Van playing together again are discussed but will be covered in more detail in Part 2 (the next episode, whatever that is)

1 u. 9 min.